Bounty World

Chapter 229 Frontal Battle

The fact is not as expected, in a smooth direction, because Bian Yu happened to patrol here with a team of personnel. According to normal circumstances, Bian Yu will not run to the pit beast field to check, but it's just a matter of time or route, which makes them want to use it here for one night.

"Report to the captain that the team members who went to explore the road did not come back." Qin Lian, who was beside her, whispered that she was also a smart person, and these strange things could also be seen at a glance.

Bian Yu frowned and said, "Let the brothers be fully armed. The people in front of them must be from the werewolves. Ha ha, it's too underestimated us to take such a large natural battlefield in the hands of the Sichuan Horse Organization."

After saying that, everyone in the first team rubbed their hands, prepared all the equipment, and put all kinds of weapons in the most convenient position, which made people feel a little solemn.

This is the style of leading the team by Bian Yu. It seems that every battle has to be commemorated. Yin Lihua once complained about such ceremonies and had a conflict with Bian Yu.

The number of the first team is not very large, but each of them is a very powerful soldier. They are well equipped and have sufficient combat experience. Everyone has the ability to challenge the next level. Therefore, at the Presbyterian meeting, although Bian Yu is behind, he still has strong power, army and combat power. These are the places that any group needs to focus on.

For a burst of**, there is a strange smell in the air, which is a chaotic atmosphere evaporated by various trap elements, which is used to confuse the enemy and make it unable to find out which one is the right way to go. Bian Yu has enough experience to confirm that the other party is a wolf group, because only the wolf group will arrange a large number of traps for themselves before each battle.

However, there are trap masters in the first team. They silently rushed to the front, bent down, and began to conduct a detailed search on the surface, making a comprehensive judgment of various traces and breaths, and then choosing the most appropriate route so that the following comrades can move forward smoothly.

"This battle is very dangerous. Although I am sure to drive the other party away, the other party is too strong. If we run away, we will quickly go to the Chuanma base to transfer troops. At that time, we will be a little dangerous." Although Mochou is wise, he is not in charge of everything and is discussing countermeasures with others.

Min Chan said, "Now the trap in front of us obviously can't last for a long time. What we need to do now is two methods. First, completely annihilate the enemy, but the other party's strength is very strong and it is almost impossible to completely annihilate. Second, don't let the enemy know our real strength and retreat in the face of difficulties. At that time, even if the other party runs to the base, I'm afraid that the base will not send troops easily. With a little hesitation, our scattered army will be able to come back.

"How can we not let the enemy on the opposite know our real strength?" Don't worry about asking.

Min Chan laughed and said, "If all the guardians of the pit animal realm have been annihilated by us today, but this fact can confuse the judgment of the other party, and then we will move the front line, give up staying in this cave, and arrange all our strength on the front line to surprise the other party."

Mo Chou sighed. Min Chan's method is a little risky and not safe enough, but it is based on a full understanding of human nature. Presumably, Bian Yu will not joke about his warrior's life. After the first attack, he has to rush into these monitoring caves to see what the wolf group is now. False and real.

"It's okay, let's do it." Mochou gently patted the corner and made a decision.

Xu Ge and others quickly discussed and carried out a simple division of labor. In the face of Bian Yu, Yin Lihua was also angry. Although they were all his former brothers, he knew that those people were some of Bian Yu's confidants. Although he has been smiling at himself for a long time, he secretly doesn't know how to slander himself.

Yin Lihua and Min Chan said, "I will arrange a large psychedelic array and a wind attribute blessing skill. You can use the earth attribute defense technique in front of you to minimize injuries." Attack-type and trap-type spells are generally not used by magicians, because they are group spells and consume too much. When Yin Lihua said this, Min Chan knew that this stubborn Tianxiu had decided to block Bian Yu desperately. Sure enough, anger and hatred are the root of all forces.

Bian Yu walked slowly among a group of people. He was not afraid of death, but knew the core role of the captain. If he rushed to the front, he might be able to cheer up everyone's momentum, but dying fast is easier for a group to wither quickly. Unlike Xu Ge, Bian Yu is a steady and down-to-earth captain. He can see his brothers die tragically in front of him and calmly issue various orders. It can be called a general or a cold-blooded ruler.

Although the trap masters of the first team of Sichuan and Malaysia are very fast to break traps, the whole team still maintains a uniform speed, neither in a hurry nor slow, which shows the basic quality of a high-quality combat team.

But the fighting style of the wild wolf regiment opposite is completely different from theirs. An emerging group must have blood and **. When the last trap in front of the first team is detected, in front of the trap master is a black blood spear. Xu Ge provoked a black and bloody weapon and pierced the trap master opposite him. Blood kept gushing out of the black hole, like a red fountain and horrible tears.

"Damn it!" Bian Yu rarely has a trace of anger, because the enemy opposite is very strong. As you can see, a gust of wind swept by, and more than a dozen people hid in the void. The illusion of the ancient battlefield became a huge pressure with the support of Yin Lihua Fantasy Array. Bian Yu and others could not see what kind of danger there was behind these more than a dozen people. In this case, there was no danger. With Bian Yu, they were stable. It is impossible for the personality to rush up aggressively.

A gust of wind swept over the wild wolf group, and the strong wind made them feel as light as a swallow. Everyone's joints seemed to have a rotating air mass, making them do various movements more convenient.

Bian Yu saw clearly that Yin Lihua had used this spell. Although it was not so powerful, there was definitely Yin Lihua on the opposite side.

"Brothers quickly change into elemental equipment, and the enemy on the opposite side is not small." Although most people know who the legal sshi opposite is, no one is willing to tell this fact. On the battlefield, even if the enemy is a brother, he can't slack off at all, because life can't be used as a joke.

With the support of the spell, the soldiers of the wild wolves were as light as swallows and quickly jumped into the members of the first team to catch each other. Min Chan has not moved for a long time. He is considering what method should be used to exchange the least sacrifice for the greatest victory.

Xu Ge has rushed into the regiment. The strong recovery ability of the red thunder body made him recover most of his physical strength in a short rest time. After reaching the realm of mythology, Xu Ge can clearly feel that his talent is stronger, so he is strong at this moment. Great confidence can kill all enemies. Although the word "death" is a little cruel, Xu Ge has been a little numb in the face of too many deaths, especially when he touches the evil spirits from the black blood spear, and a surging anger in his heart can't help but show it in action.

Xu Ge told the running that several strong masters in his way were split by him. His goal was very simple, the most central border jade.

"As always, impulsive and personal heroism." Bian Yu was a little helpless and seemed to see a teenager who defeated four masters alone on the Xichuan Lunwu platform a few years ago. Years passed, but the teenager was still as firm as iron, waving a black weapon, like a meteor crossing the sky, hitting his enemies.

Bian Yu pulled out the fierce sun and seemed to recall the draw battle. He knew that Xu Ge opposite him was very strong, but at the same time, he also firmly believed how terrible his strength had improved on the ancient battlefield for so many years.