Bounty World

Chapter 236 Soaring Achievement

The sinkhole beast domain is located in the far west of the entire ancient battlefield. This site has three advantages. First, it is very far from the Chuanma organization and the demon base. Although it can be reached in two or three days, such a long-distance labor is obviously not suitable for invasion. Because of this, in such an important place as Tiankeng Beastland, the Chuanma Organization did not arrange a large number of advantageous troops to occupy, but arranged a small number of guards. Because the big shots all think that no one will force the masses to put their combat power in such a remote place, although he has the resources that make any force jealous.

However, if the Sichuan and Malaysian organization does not attach importance to this, it does not react. The Sichuan-Ma Organization seems to be powerful, but the communication mechanism within the organization is not very perfect. Therefore, when the entire Sichuan-Ma Organization base was attacked, the elders did not have a coherent continuity of good things. They just recovered all their forces and forgot that there were various resources to guard in the ancient battlefield. .

This gives the wolf a huge opportunity. With the sinkhole beast field, three to four soldiers with tens of millions of achievements can be trained in at least a month.

All the elites of the wild wolf group stood in the hall. Mochou above was majestic, and the people below were very excited, because under the leadership of the regiment leader, they had stood in a place they once couldn't find. Having combat achievements means that they can get out of this place. Having combat achievements means that they have the confidence to survive. With combat achievements, it means that they are valuable.

"Brothers and sisters, we are not standing here today to celebrate our achievements, because we have taken the first step. Over the years, although we have lived a good life, some people will die in every battle. Because of the haze of death, everyone will be disappointed, because there is no value measurement, so some people will be depressed. But from now on, our lives are about to take a new turn, and the world always belongs to us. No matter how many difficulties there are in the future, no matter how powerful enemies we will face, the facts tell us that we can succeed.

Mochou is not a very successful speaker. His words are not logical and inflammatory, but they do not affect the extreme mood of all the audience below.

"Next, I announce the first batch of soldiers to enter the sinkhole beast realm for a week. I hope that after entering the beast realm, on the one hand, they can use their combat skills to show the strength of the wolf warriors, and on the other hand, they need to collect various situations for the soldiers behind them, so their task is arduous. The first warriors are Xu Ge, Min Chan, Zhao Min, Yin Lihua, Ren Yixin, Gu Lan..." Mo Chou has a large concept of more than a dozen lists, three teams, each with six people as units, all of whom are the strongest soldiers in the wolf regiment.

Everyone has no objection to Mochou's arrangement. Although Xu Ge and others have not long entered the wild wolf group, they have let those old members recognize the strength of this group of people after the previous battle with the first team. This is how the ancient battlefield speaks with strength. Even in such a small team as the Wolves, this is the criterion. And no one knows what is in the core area of the Tiankeng Beast. If the strength is not enough, it will die.

Judging from the previous investigation, there are many excellent soldiers in the Chuanma organization who die here every year, so although Xu Ge and others are wearing the glory of entering the sinkhole for the first time, there are countless dangers waiting for them.

The three groups were divided into three different ways to enter the animal domain. Xu Ge was a professional entry-level bounty hunter except for Min Chan. Along the way, he arranged traps to draw maps. Although he was not as beautiful as those professional-level bounty hunters, it also made everyone admired him.

"I didn't expect you to look as thick-headed as me, and you still have such a hand." Zhao Min glanced at the map in Xu Ge's hand. Although it was a little rough, there was nothing wrong with it and was full of praise.

Xu Ge said, "Don't easily classify me with you. I look big, but my mind is very delicate."

Min Chan smiled and said, "If Chen Shuanglang and others see it, I'm afraid they will laugh out." Although Zhao Min can be deceived, Min Chan knew that the water of the map is very large. On the one hand, the map pays attention to the choice of reference objects, and on the other hand, the scale should be extremely accurate. Xu Ge's drawing is only similar and very inaccurate.

Xu Gonen blushed and said, "Alas, please forgive me, or, which one of you will help me draw."

As soon as Xu Ge said this, everyone no longer joked. Then he looked at Min Chan's eyes and whistled aside.

"It's really strange that I didn't find a map of the animal realm when I was on it." Yin Lihua was meditating all the way, and according to reason, this situation could not happen.

Min Chan said, "Yes, there should be a map anywhere. If there is no map here, there are two possibilities. First, so far, no one has been able to walk completely from this pit beast domain; second, the map is in the hands of those Sichuan horse organization soldiers, and they are brushing their achievements in this pit beast realm. "

Everyone took a cold breath and speculated so many horrible things in this subtle place, which made everyone feel incredible. I was incredible about Min Chan's reasoning ability, and I was also shocked by the results of Min Chan's reasoning.

However, everyone was not intimidated by the difficulties. They are all the most powerful beings on the ancient battlefield, and they have experienced Guo Jia's careful selection. They are all first-class masters. The strength of the members of the Wild Wolf Group is outstanding, because it is not like the Chuanma organization. Everyone wants it, but needs to go through a level of selection. Unsuitable to be expelled from this group.

Although everyone was talking, their footsteps did not stop. After running at a high speed for an hour or two, there was a burst of heat wave on the opposite side, which almost suffocated people.

"Although I have walked for so long, I am far from the center of the earth. How can it be so hot?" Zhao Min asked.

Xu Ge said, "I'm afraid that what we encounter is not the heat of nature, but the powerful monsters. They are deterred us from moving forward with their magical powers."

Min Chan and Yin Lihua tacitly lit up two faint apertures in their hands. The ice and heat in the air fused and collided with each other several times, restoring calm. Everyone only felt light Monday, and the original heat completely disappeared.

The pace slowed down, and a shocking omen suddenly appeared in front of him. In the originally dark hole, a bright fire suddenly poped out, and some fire could be seen roaring.

"What kind of monster is this?" Xu Ge was also open-minded, but the strange creatures in front of him made him a little surprised.

Min Chan said, "Fire spirit, this kind of monster generally lives in the center of the earth and makes a living by eating fire pulp. I don't know why it appears here."

While talking, the fire spirits rushed up one by one. Zhao Min shook the deforming stick and swept off two, but there was a solemn expression on his face. Judging from the weight in his hand just now, although these fire spirits are small, they are full of energy and a large number. If they really fight, I'm afraid it will be quite troublesome.

When encountering this elemental monster, the martial artist has no lethality and can only barely protect himself. Min Chan, who has entered the realm of Tianxiu, began to change various gestures, while Yin Lihua is no less, but the spells in his hand are more proficient. The air mass in the air began to change extremely, and a cold breath seemed to pass through the shady stone walls.

In an instant, the surroundings were quiet, and the fire spirits began to tremble, as if they had predicted that what was waiting for them would be destruction.

Countless visible water vapor gathered around, and the temperature began to drop visibly, making a freezing sound.

After a few breaths, an icicle appeared in front of everyone. Ice lock heart jade!" The large-scale offensive spells created by the two heavenly practitioners suddenly fell from the sky, and a cold current began to relieve the hot pressure on everyone.

"Wow! That was really cool just now." Zhao Min looked at his combat skills and swarm. The data was constantly being renovated. It can be expected that this will be a large amount of data.