Bounty World

Chapter 240 Return to the Cave

"Don't do more entanglement, don't take what you can't get!" Xu Ge shouted, not to others, but to any obscene heart. This guy really doesn't know whether to live or die. He searched all the Sichuan horse warriors and was still desperately picking up the remaining demon core of the monster.

He still has a shame in his heart, and a simple smile hides all the embarrassment. In this way, the six-person group with more or less injuries began to retreat slowly. This is a memorable battle, because many years later, when six people exerted their talents in their respective fields, they were still regarded as the "wolf six-person group" by all the people of Qinchuan Yama. After this battle, everyone had a sense of common adversity.

Six people did not enter the core of the sinkhole beast domain and have been forced out by the powerful beast tide. It can be imagined how unfathomable this sinkhole beast domain is. Because of this, the Sichuan Horse Organization firmly believes that even if the wolf group can successfully occupy this place, it will not get any practical benefits.

However, the Sichuan horse organization still miscalculated. They did not expect that the more than 100 elites buried in the ancient battlefield would be brought to the sky by six people. If this news spread, I'm afraid that any elder will be heartbroken or will not believe this fact at all.

Of course, Xu Ge and others also paid a high price. Gu Lan's face is now extremely pale because of the excessive use of natural charm, while others, except for two legalists, have been injured. Xu Ge's body has been scratched several big cuts, and even the red thunder object cannot recover quickly. Although the two legal men were not seriously hit, their bodies were almost exhausted. They looked critically ill and were about to die soon.

There are too many coincidences in this battle. If there is a frontal conflict, no matter how powerful the six people are, it is impossible to take down all the more than 100 masters. There are two reasons why they can successfully win. First, the tactics adopted by the six-person group are very reasonable. Second, the Sichuan horse warriors on the opposite side consumed a lot under the pressure of the demon tide. Attention and energy.

"Those monsters are now starting to stop moving forward and don't seem to rush here directly." Zhao Min said.

"It is estimated that there is a limit within the Tiankeng beast domain, and the monsters can only stop there, otherwise such a powerful wave of beasts, one after wave, who can resist it." Yin Lihua analyzed.

Min Chan, with a pale face, said, "I think those monsters must be guarding something. Otherwise, how can monsters who have always disliked group warfare work together so together?"

Xu Ge said, "What you said is indeed reasonable. It seems that those Sichuan horse warriors also have an attempt to make achievements, because we don't see any soldiers trying to escape in the end. They must have some secrets or purposes."

"I don't know how the other groups are doing. I hope they don't encounter such strong enemies as the ones we met." Gu Lan was worried that she had several good sisters in other groups.

Xu Ge said, "I'm afraid not. Even if you meet a strong enemy, you won't be as perverted as we met."

It seems to be a simple battle. In fact, it has been going on for one night. Mochou is walking back and forth in a room. The two groups have come back. According to the situation they have encountered, it is very bad. Six people set out, and only three or four people came back in the end, and the group of Xu Ge, who had high expectations, had not returned for such a long time, obviously encountered greater trouble. Sure enough, the Sichuan-Ma organization is not so simple that it will send a piece of fat to their hands so easily.

"Leader, we are back." Without notice, Xu Ge came in directly.

Mochou saw that they were injured all over and asked, "Why are you so embarrassed? Tell me what kind of danger they have encountered."

Finding a place to sit down, Zhao Min volunteered to tell all the contexts of the whole Tiankeng beast domain.

"Well, I didn't expect that this place we finally won was such a difficult stone to bite." Mochou didn't like to sigh, but he was still a little depressed. He looked at the rough map drawn by Xu Ge. "From the news from the first two groups, although he did not meet a large number of Sichuan horse warriors and monsters like you, he also found a small number of Sichuan horse warriors to make achievements. I think what you have encountered must be the core of the animal realm.

"The core of the beast domain?" Everyone is very strange about this term. Even Yin Lihua has heard it for the first time, because although he has organized in Sichuan and Malaysia for many years, he is more responsible for the front-line battle and has not experienced such an occasion.

Mochou explained: "Many years ago, I also entered the core of some animal realms, that is, the deepest part of each animal realm. There are monster eggs everywhere, and some strange organs are interspersed with their bodies. They are transparent. You can see that the monsters inside are breathing and spitting out bubbles."

What Mochou said was very plain, but it left a deep impression in everyone's hearts, because although they don't know how the monster was born in their minds, it was nothing more than the kind of egg hatching or direct birth, such a transparent animal egg, which is really unimaginable.

Mochou refused to think about it. There seemed to be some pain in it, but Xu Ge and others at least knew some secrets of the core of the animal realm.

"Have a good rest for a while. Later, I will arrange for the members to deal with the matter of the beast domain." Mochou took the battle skill plate in his hand and looked at it, and a surprised expression appeared from his face. "There are more than one million achievements in each of you. Oh, my God, this is a little too exaggerated."

What is the concept of one million combat achievements? It is the accumulation of an ordinary soldier for ten years. In the ancient battlefield, if it reaches one million combat achievements, it can impact the seal and return to the present world. Of course, one million achievements are still not safe. Only when it reaches more than 10 million will the impact be more successful. For Xu Ge and others, there is no concept of combat merit. They only know that this is a data, but they have no knowledge on the battlefield. The more achievements you have, the lower you are involved in the power of the seal. The specific reason is not that Mochou and others can analyze, but the truth naturally summarized after countless experiences.

Xu Ge and others were a little stunned when they looked at Mochou's shocked appearance. Yin Lihua had not paid attention to the battle skills before, but at this moment, he was also shocked to know that people who were usually quite calm also had an incredible look on their faces.

"Well, according to your results, you don't have to go to the sinkhole beast field this year, but in order to ensure the stability of the whole sinkhole beast field, I hope you still have to rest for a week or two and enter it again." Mochou's saying makes sense. In the wolf group, everyone has not only a weekly task, but also a weekly upper limit, which is to ensure that everyone can get combat achievements and ensure the fairness of resource sharing within the group.

Xu Ge smiled and said, "Ha ha, thank you for your kindness."

Although Zhao Min was a little angry, he still wanted to do another big job in the core of the beast domain that day, but people with clear eyes knew that Mochou had favored his focus on them, but he didn't say much.

Everyone entered the lounge. Gu Lan went to the girl's residence. Xu Ge and Min Chan's room, Zhao Min and Yin Lihua's room, but left any heart outside. Ren Yixin was a little unhappy, but stayed in Zhao Min and Yin Lihua's room. After Zhao Min's war of words with any heart, he finally left any heart behind.

Because of the previous battle, their relationship has improved. Although Ren Yixin is obscene, it can be seen that he has become dependent on this group. This may be because he has lived alone in his own world for a long time, and suddenly there is a group that can tolerate him, which brings some emotion.

Yin Lihua also has a good impression on this group. Anyone can feel the difference only when they have a comparison. Although they have been respected by all kinds of people in the Sichuan-Ma Organization before, although people can kill enemies side by side, they always lack a little intimate intimacy. Xu Ge and Min Chan can give him this feeling.