Bounty World

Chapter 242 Haotian Army Shenwei

No one can cross the infinite desert. In this vast land, anyone is a small grain of sand and stone. Breathe, only the smell of dry sand is completely different from the wetness of the mainland. Walking in the desert, in addition to being careful of those dangerous mud pits, you should also pay attention to the strange crawling monsters that come out of nowhere.

Although these monsters usually live on soil, they often show a strong sense of hunger when they meet strangers or livestock, and they will bite everything regardless of their lives.

A few years ago, after the horse bandits who resounded through the endless desert for decades were killed, it has been very quiet here. Because of the quietness, the only creatures left in these deserts feel a little lonely.

A roar came from a distance. This is a group of armored warriors, about 10,000 people. Although they are in the desert, they are all energetic and hold the flag in their hands straight and with momentum. The flag is flying, and there are three words "Haotian Army" written on it!

It's a little strange that the Haotian army, which has been in a place between Xichuan and Beiling to deter the West Sea, actually appeared in this place. What's more surprising is that Wang Haotian, the supreme leader of the Haotian Army, is sitting on a one-eyed horse. Haotianjun's horse is tied with a horseshoe suitable for walking in the sand. Of course, Wang Haotian's mount is the only exception. This divine horse looks strong, but it walks in the desert like a wind across the grass, leaving almost no trace.

Deputy General Luo Wei was still a little uneasy and said, "General, I'm afraid it's very dangerous for us to move forward this time. It's better for the general to go back to the base camp now."

Wang Haotian smiled and said, "Do you think my strength is too poor to drag you down?"

Luo Wei said in a hurry, "How can you think so? The general is the soul of the whole army. It is our honor to kill the enemy side by side with you. If it is dragged down, we are just afraid that the brothers will not be talented and will put the general in a dangerous situation."

Wang Haotian galloped on a huge horse and said, "Don't worry, I'm sure that I can definitely surprise you from the back of the Asian countries."

Luo Wei said, "The question is whether it's a little tricky to completely hand over the Haotian Army's base camp to His Royal Highness Lin Yin."

"Haha, that's what you want to ask. For so many years, our Haotian army has been independent of the royal family, and now it is undoubtedly a bold and dangerous decision to choose Lin Yin to cooperate." Luo Wei is Wang Haotian's most valued confidin, so he is always willing to teach others. Originally, this raid battle could achieve unexpected results without Wang Haotian's participation, but Wang Haotian still entered the battlefield by himself because he wanted to give the space of Haotian's army to Lin Yin.

"Nowadays, the forces of all parties in Qinchuan mainland have changed dramatically, and the relationship between the royal county guards and major families is complex. In such a troubled time, it is unwise for anyone to hold such a powerful force as the Haotian Army. If I still hold this power, on the one hand, I will be squeezed around. Under such strong pressure, no matter how strong my ability is, I will be squeezed into waste.

"If it doesn't matter if I die, the most important thing is that the Haotian army will definitely become a piece of scattered sand." Wang Haotian's eyes showed a deep feeling.

Luo Wei continued: "If Lin Yin is allowed to control Haotian Army like this, isn't this a scourge? She is still a woman!"

Wang Haotian paused for a moment and said, "Now only Lin Yin is the royal family that can inherit the concept of Haotian Army in Qinchuan mainland. Say it again, what is Hao Tianjun's concept?


"Yes, the concept of Haotian Army is to protect, and we are not afraid of sacrifice, but we are afraid that the people we deserve to protect will suffer because the war spread to the Qinchuan mainland. We are soldiers, and we should not consider whether we are men or women, or even say that we should not have the idea of the country. Who is in power has nothing to do with us, but who can let us better complete the idea is the key.

Luo Wei understood a little, "You mean, only Lin Yin in the royal family can let our Haotian army complete the concept of protection."

"That's right! In those years, Lin Jinhe promised the existence of the Haotian army in order to expel the Yama coalition, but now the war has burned the whole Qinchuan mainland. If he is forced, he is likely to lead the wolf into the house again. In that case, you will know who is the most dangerous. In that case, we will be the first to get rid of Lin Jinhe.

"So choose Lin Yin to balance the power in the dynasty with her princess status and prestige?" Luo Wei finally understood a little.

Wang Haotian sighed: "Since ancient times, although the army has been far away from the court, it has to rely on the court. Because a large amount of military grain needs to be provided by the court, Lin Jinhe has also given us face for so many years. But now the situation in the mainland is changeable, and there has been a delay in military food since last month. Thinking about it, I know that His Royal Highness must be putting pressure on us. Therefore, if the Haotian Army wants not to be affected by the court, it can only get out of the original environment and fight with war!"

Support the war! In fact, it relies on combat to obtain a large amount of military spending and materials. To put it hard, it is aggression.

"When you cross this sandy land and arrive at Yama's side, dress in blue clothes and dress up as much as possible like a horse bandit." Wang Haotian's order was slowly conveyed.

When it really comes to the battlefield, no matter how powerful and principled the army is, it will also use some deceptive tricks. It is a good way to fade the sound of armor and attack east and west, at least to put a layer of mystery for Haotianjun outside.

This group of thousands of riders are warriors trained by the Haotian Army for many years. They are all ten. Master-level masters are everywhere, and there are also many legendary masters. There is a special mage group, which is much stronger than the Tiannan officers and magistrates led by Zhang Long in those years.

"The general will cross the infinite desert one day." Luo Wei reported.

"I don't know how the golden tunnel of Yima Pingchuan is still preserved. If we can get in from there smoothly, it will undoubtedly add a lot of chances to our action."

"General Yima Pingchuan is just a legend. Why do you believe so?"

Wang Haotian laughed and said, "This is not a legend, so that's why I believe it. Although the golden tunnel of Yima Pingchuan has not appeared for so many years, it is a fact that the Qinchuan people occupied Yama. The so-called air learning is not wind, so I firmly believe that there is definitely a secret behind the infinite desert.

Every successful person has a strong paranoia. Like Wang Haotian, once he thinks that something is certain, he will first guarantee his unwavering belief in his judgment, and secondly, he will implement it without hesitation.

Because he has been around Wang Haotian for a long time, Luo Wei also felt the courage and momentum to swallow the world.


It will never be a secret that such an army has gone to a foreign land.

In Zichen Hall, Cui Shan looked at the slightly tired king.

"Wang Haotian handed over the Haotian army to Lin Yin and went to attack the abdomen of the continent of Yama. It's really inconceivable for this kind of thing to happen. Lin Jinhe is now very passive, and the rule of the empire has been strongly threatened. Wang Haotian left the Qinchuan mainland without the permission of the emperor, completely ignoring the imperial power.

"Did he demonstrate to me? Didn't he take Lin Yin as emperor at the beginning?"

"Wang Haotian is not such a domineering person, or from his heart, he just wants to give the Asian countries a fierce blow, which is also very heavy, so that they can't breathe for more than ten years." Cui Shan's eyes sparkled with wisdom, "Because Wang Haotian has judged that in the future, the Asian continent will enter a period of civil strife. No matter which side wins, he will not pay attention to it, but he wants to ensure that his people are well protected."

Lin Jinhe sighed: "People like Wang Haotian are admirable and hateful. It seems that I can only guarantee silence, just like he bombarded the invaders of Xiding directly out of Qinchuan mainland despite my orders."

Cui Shan said, "Your Majesty has a good manner, and now Wang Haotian can only toss around as much as he can. After all, this is also a good thing for Qin Chuan. At least nail an iron nail in the country of the Asian countries.