Bounty World

Chapter 247 Beast Core

Xu Ge doesn't know how many monsters this is. Although he has entered the early stage of mythology and has two atmospheres, he still can't stand such a toss.

Mochou seemed to be crazy and desperately sent the six-person group to the sinkhole beast domain frequently.

"Dududu!" The data on the battle disk soared crazily, but no one was excited. Gu Lan looked at her partners around, and everyone was overdrawn. Although the wolf group sent nearly 100 people down this time, it is still difficult to enter the beast domain. Monsters are like crossing the river, with an endless stream.

There was a deformation stick hanging on the throat of the roaring roaring beast. Zhao Min giggled a little tiredly. Gu Lan was a little moved. Just now, he was stunned for a moment. Although it was not fatal, the opposite roaring beast was full of strength, and it was still very likely that she would be injured.

Gu Lan looked at Zhao Min with a little gratitude, but soon she looked at Xu Ge. Zhao Min is also a smart person. He didn't know that Gu Lan's heart was completely on Xu Ge. To be honest, Zhao Min, who hasn't provoked women much, still has a good impression on Gu Lan.

Gu Lan looks very enchanting, but inside she is a simple and even infatuated girl. Zhao Min is a big man full of pride, but sometimes he can't help envy Xu Ge. With such a beauty in his heart, what else can he give up? But this nerd just didn't know and only knew how to kill crazily.

Gu Lan holds two swords, a wind sword, and the arrogance left by Zheng Xiyan in those years. Dancing briskly, it seems to coexist with heaven and earth. Xu Ge is not a fool. He also knows how many swords Gu Lan has helped him block behind him.

Xu Ge's emotional intelligence is not high, and he doesn't know why he won the favor of so many beautiful women. In fact, the important thing between people is the word "confusion", that is, the so-called simple and generous. Instead of pursuing desire, it can be easier to get it. There are "confused" people, but on the contrary, people will be happy to get close.

Compared with Min Chan, Xu Ge is a "confused" person who only thinks he is right on the road without hesitation. But because of this, many people will admire him, because people who know Xu Ge know that what he wants is not what others want, such as money, power, power, and what Xu Ge wants is fairness, freedom and so on that no one wants.

There is a huge elemental light in the sky. There are more than ten forensic masters among the 100 wolf warriors. Because of their control, the warriors can cut the monsters under the horse.

The light and dark air mass, colorful highlights, are handed over in the whole space, and the sound is endless. Countless monsters begin to wither under the attention of powerful spells.

The warriors took this opportunity to rush to the monster desperately, picked up their weapons, and stabbed the monster to the point. With a flash of blood, the tired warrior rushed to the other one.

The battle disk is running at a high speed.

Xu Ge quickly ran under a winged demon. He half picked up the black blood spirit spear and pointed to the sky. He moved quietly and jumped several times in a row. He stepped on the rocks around him and ran to the side of the wing demon. The small hand knife also appeared. Together with the black blood sperm spear, the two light spots struggled down and directly opened a huge bloody hole in the body of the wing demon.

"Oh!" The wing demon hissed in pain, and then countless light masses shrouded the wing demon, and its body waiting to die trembled violently as if it had been electrocuted.

There are two roles of the magic. Although they don't have the ability to kill a blow, they can consume the power of monsters, help the warriors reduce pressure, and at the same time make up for the monsters when they are dying, so that they don't have any chance to get up again.

"Boom!" The last set of combined spells was finally released. Min Chan looked at Yin Lihua beside him with a little helplessly and smiled and said, "After this round, how many first-level spells can you use?"

Yin Lihua pretended to be stupid and said, "Anyway, there will be one more than you."

In fact, both of them are at the end of a strong crossbow. In the eyes of other mages, Min Chan and Yin Lihua are two monsters, which not only refer to their ability to advanced spells, but also refers to their ultra-long durability. From the beginning of the battle, the two of them lost Fayuan desperately, and Min Chan was also secretly shocked. Since he became a Fayuan celestial body, he didn't even seem to know where the bottom line was. Yin Lihua relies on the willpower he has cultivated on the battlefield for a long time.

Xu Ge simply lay on the ground, "I don't know how long it will take to fight. It's tiring!"

Zhao Min came over with a thinner deformed stick. "Kid, you have to learn from me. You see, Mr. Zhao, is still very energetic now. If he comes here in three or two, then... there is no problem."

"Well, I admit that your words are still very confident, but I want to ask what's wrong with your legs." Xu Ge fell to the ground and looked at Zhao Min's trembling legs and smiled.

"Well, I'm so excited!"


Zhao Min finally went against the meaning of his mouth and lay down. "I really hope this period of rest can last a little longer."

Xu Ge joked, "Don't you want to kill demons bravely on the battlefield?"

"Why does this guy always stab your mouth? Don't let me hate you as much as I hate Min Chan." Zhao Min is finally a little angry. Zhao Min, who is careless in front of ordinary people, is also rare.

"What? Do you say you hate me? At this time, Min Chan came over with a smile.

Zhao Min held his mouth and simply closed his eyes, "Okay, I'm wrong, okay, I hate myself now!"

Min Chan said, "Don't hate anyone. Don't worry, the front is the core of the animal realm. Along the way, there should be no large-scale monster group as before."

"Finally, I have reached the core of the beast domain. I really want to see what happened to the place that scared Mochou." Zhao Min finally recovered a little.

Gu Lan said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple. Don't worry, I didn't make it clear last time. Obviously, there are still special circumstances."

At this time, any heart came from the side, and as usual, there was not even a scratch on his body. I really don't know whether to admire his luck or envy his talent.

"I think Miss Gu's words are very right. We'd better be careful. After all, we have met so many monsters just now, and the following will definitely not be smooth sailing."

"So you still decided to rub it at the end, right?" Zhao Min glanced at any obscene heart angrily.

Xu Ge saw the twisted look of any heart and smiled angrily. Although any heart was quite obscene on the battlefield, he still helped a lot just now. At least just protected Min Chan for a while, "Take a break and let everyone get ready to attack the core of the beast domain."

Although he doesn't know what the core of the animal domain looks like, Xu Ge is full of confidence and must do his best as soon as possible. For many days in the ancient battlefield, one thing has always been rolling in his mind to save Cui Ranran as soon as possible. If there is no way to improve Cui Ranran's method for the time being, it is better to fill up the battle first, and then concentrate on finding Cui Ranran's method will get twice the result with half the effort.

And more importantly, Xu Ge has a higher curiosity than ordinary people like Zhao Min. Since he has entered a secret environment, how can he not go to the end?

stood up, and more than 100 other people also gathered. The achievements of the Wild Wolf Six during this period have won their position in this group. Other soldiers consciously carried out the next plan with the orders of Xu Ge and others. This is not Mochou's arrangement. It is like this on the battlefield. The strong are the king.

"Brothers, although we spent too much effort just now, it is likely that we will fall to the ground the next moment. However, there are some other questions in front of us. What awaits us in this deeper place? No one objected to Xu Ge's words. Min Chan quietly looked at the man one year younger than himself. "Next, we will go deeper. If we don't want to, we can opt out!"

A hundred people, with all kinds of psychology, were divided into two factions in an instant, but there were more people standing behind Xu Ge.