Bounty World

Chapter 249 More greedy

On the black pillar, there is a small monster that looks like a cat and not a cat. While humming, it bites the pillar desperately and happily. With each bite, it will shine faintly all over its body.

The speed of swallowing was very fast, and in an instant, the bottom of the pillar stone was about to be sipated.

"Card!" The loud sound shook the core of the whole animal realm. The silver iron that originally hung on the zenith glowed brightly, and some of the crystals were still in mid-air, because they seemed to have lost the support of their strength and stopped in mid-air. The monster that originally wanted to climb out of the broken crystal seemed to lose all his strength and stopped acting.

Zhao Min smashed the head of the last monster and looked at Xu Ge, only to see that he was stunned.

Dora is finally full. It's hard to imagine a fist-sized monster eating half of the pillar.

"Uh. Master, what I just ate was so good. In order to digest energy, it may take a break for a while. After saying that, Dora staggered up, jumped on Xu Ge's body and hid in the hood.

Xu Ge shook his head, and he didn't know exactly what had happened. However, it can be seen that the core of the beast was easily relieved of the serial battle because Dora ate the bottom of this pillar.

Xu Ge connected the current situation to the human body. I'm afraid that this pillar is like the food of all monsters. Only by eating the energy provided by the pillar can these monsters be produced.

"Wow, how did this battle soar so fast?" Zhao Min walked all the way and said incredulously.

There have not been so many achievements just now. As he gradually approached Xu Ge, Zhao Min's achievements have soared all the way, as if he would break through 100 million achievements in an instant.

Xu Ge couldn't figure out Xu Ge's affairs for a moment, so he had to take care of the battle disk in Zhao Min's hand.

"Is it the reason for this pillar?" Zhao Min quickly found the reason. As he gradually approached this area, the pillar that still emitted a faint light had a great impact on the battle disk.

Xu Ge also noticed: "I didn't expect this pillar to be worthy of so many achievements." At the same time, Xu Ge began to feel heartbroken for the pillars that Duola had just eaten. Duola ate more than half of the pillars just now. He was really a greedy guy.

"The core of the animal domain has been brought to the bottom. Is it time to go back? The obscene heart ran over, and a pair of small eyes glanced at the battle disk.

Everyone has gathered next to the pillar.

Xu Ge said, "Clean up the battlefield and go back to the top."

"I'm afraid this Tiankeng beast domain is useless." Min Chan shook his head.

Xu Ge smiled bitterly: "Yes, no one expected that it would be destroyed so completely by us."

"Now I can only tell the truth when I go back to the regiment, and at the same time seize other animal realms and let my brothers make achievements." Min Chan can only find this way now. After all, if most people knew that the Tiankeng beastland they had just occupied would be destroyed so quickly, they would be drowned by spitting stars.


More than 70 people returned to the land. Xu Ge thought that Mochou briefly explained the situation of the core of the animal realm. Of course, the section where Dora ate the black pillar stone was not explained. After all, with Xu Ge's relationship with Dora for many years, he still won't put the blame on a monster.

"How dare you clean the core of the beast domain?" Mochou felt a little incredible.

Xu Ge touched the back of his head and giggled and said, "Maybe it's luck. This is the battle skill plate. Now it will be distributed by Group Leader Mo. Because the animal domain was destroyed by me in the end, it's okay if you don't give me merit.

Mochou waved his hand and said, "What are you talking about? Without you, dozens of them may not come back."

Mochou knew that something must have happened, but Xu Ge didn't say it clearly, so he couldn't ask clearly, "You have to take your achievements. There are so many achievements this time. I think you can successfully enter the sealed land and participate in the sealed battle.

"What's going on with the Seal War?" Xu Ge asked. At this time, Mochou's escort walked in from outside the door and whispered a few words in his ear.

Mochou showed an unpredictable expression on his face. When the guard went out, he said to Xu Ge, "I will explain to you in detail about the battle of sealing. Now there is a special situation."

"What's going on?" Xu Ge looked at Mochou's expression on his face was really a little strange.

"Her Royal Highness Alice, the demon princess, came here by name to see you, Min Chan and Yin Lihua."

"Oh, that witch, dizzy, how could she come to us?"

Mochou said, "Now my appearance is a mystery to the outside world. Except for the core warrior of our wolf group, no one knows where I am. Alice came to you with obvious preparation. I once heard you say that she was betrayed by the Sichuan horse organization and surrendered under her hands. She may think it would be better to negotiate with you.

It is very easy to understand how Alice knows the trace of Xu Ge. When she sees her captive escapes, she will certainly find ways to know where the captive has gone. However, in the end, it was found that Xu Ge and others were sheltered by the wild wolf group, which surprised them.

However, Alice's head has also turned smart. Since she has communicated with these three people, it will be a little easier to cooperate. Alice didn't know that Mochou, the head of the Wild Wolf Group, was here, but she didn't care. As long as she reached a verbal agreement with anyone in the Wild Wolf Group, she was afraid it would put a lot of pressure on the Kawama organization.

In Alice's eyes, the Chuanma organization is an absolute enemy, but the wild wolf group is not an absolute friend. For the wild wolf group, she is just taking advantage of it. If it can easily provoke the war between the two sides, it is undoubtedly beneficial to preserve the strength of the ancient Europeans.

"Miss Alice, we meet again." Zhao Min took the lead and sat in front of Alice.

Alice was a little surprised. She didn't expect this man to be so bold: "I want to talk to your head now. You don't seem to be qualified."

Of course, the head finger in Alice was Xu Ge. After observation on that day, she also knew that several people might not call Xu Ge as their head, but secretly it was obviously dominated by Xu Ge's opinion.

Zhao Min smiled, and Xu Ge had already followed.

"Princess Alice, I don't know what's wrong with you coming here this time?" Xu Ge's face was still sunny, and like Zhao Min, he was not shocked by Alice's stunning appearance and noble temperament.

Today, Alice came to prepare for it. Although she had met once, she was still confident to shock these low invaders, but now it obviously has little effect.

Several people made a circle. Alice sat next to Xu Ge, and behind her stood several burly demon warriors. I'm afraid that the realm is not much weaker than Xu Ge. Perhaps it was because of this that Alice dared to enter the camp of aliens so fearlessly.

"I'm here to talk about cooperation with you." Alice changed her face and became amiable. She was really a natural negotiator and a face-changing expert. "I want to reach an agreement with your werewolf group and cooperate closely during the period of the seal battle to attack the strength of the Chuanma organization."

Xu Ge sneered and said, "Let's make it clear and be more detailed. What is the content of the agreement? I'm afraid that the princess wants us to come forward to attack the Sichuan horse organization."

Alice shook her head and said, "Of course not. We will arrange people to be involved in the southern strength of the Sichuan-Ma Organization in the near future. You can go to the east to find a lot of resources in the near future."

Zhao Min heard clearly and said bluntly, "I'm afraid this is just an agreement. If only our wild wolf group rushes at that time, won't it be a big loss?"

Alice smiled and said, "Let's take a look at these first."

A strong man behind Alice took out some demon cores from his arms and put them on the table. Zhao Min's battle disk immediately rotated, "50 million combat achievements!"

"Okay! We promise." Mochou came in from behind, "People die for money and birds die for food!"