Bounty World

Chapter 255 Return to success

Staying in the ancient Europeans until the ninth day, Min Chan finally returned to the suite where the six of them lived. His face was tired, and his handsome face was a little haggard. Min Chan said excitedly, "I'm back."

Five people are in the hall, because today is the day to meet.

"Is there any gain?" Xu Ge seemed to see some hope when he saw Min Chan's smile.

Min Chan said, "I have gained a lot. In the past few days, I have been staying in their library and learned the language of the ancient Europeans first, and then found some* about the ancient Europeans."

Xu Ge said, "So what about the way to treat Cui Ranran?" Hearing Cui Ranran, Gu Lan's face was inadvertently a little sad, but she recovered immediately.

Min Chan smiled and said, "I've been thinking about this all day long. Don't worry, I've found some routes. That's the cultivation of immortals!"

"Creation of immortals?" Xu Ge was a little stunned, which was a concept he had never come into contact with.

I'm afraid that none of them was surprised. Yin Lihua, Zhao Min and Gu Lan looked at Min Chan with a little surprise.

Min Chan said, "I haven't told you. In fact, my master is a person who cultivates immortals. Although he has not seen how powerful he is, he can be described as unfathomable. I have checked many books left by the ancient Europeans. It is said that immortals can bring people back to life.

Although it was a little mysterious, he finally found a way. Xu Ge smiled and said, "What is the practice of immortals after all?" Xu Ge vaguely remembered that Duola also said this word. At that time, he just ignored it as if he was crazy, so now that he thinks about it, maybe this is the only way to succeed. As long as he can succeed, Xu Ge can risk it, which is his character.

"I remember some of the most basic tips for entering the door." Min Chan continued, "It is said that you must be qualified to cultivate immortals. For example, the ancient Europeans were touched by their natives because they could not cultivate immortals because of their physical fitness."

Min Chan is talking about history, but he is also talking about the book of heaven. If he hadn't given Xu Ge some understanding before, Xu Ge might have thought that Min Chan had gone crazy. But in this way, some changes in ideas caused by Min Chan's immersion in ancient European culture still surprised Xu Ge a little.

"Bear by the way, how do you know about Gu Ou's current situation recently?" It is rare for Min Chan to want to talk so much, so he talked for a long time before he finished all the news from the library. People are always like this. When they get a huge secret, they always hope to share it with others.

Xu Ge sighed and said, "If you look at the comprehensive strength, the ancient Europeans are similar to Sichuan horses, but there are too many people in ancient Europe. If there is a large-scale head-on war between Sichuan horses and ancient Europe, there will be too many burdensome things, which will lead to the army becoming less flexible."

"So the ancient Europeans need us to hold back the hands and feet of the Sichuan-Ma organization, so that the two can defeat the possibility of the Sichuan-Ma organization." Min Chan analyzed, "It seems that the ancient Europeans really want to cooperate with us this time."

Xu Ge said, "What we have learned now is that there are indeed nearly 10,000 soldiers in the ancient Europeans. If these soldiers fight with thousands of soldiers organized by Chuanma, our wild wolf regiment will indeed be able to pick up some leaks."

Although the way to save life is still illusory, Xu Ge is in a slightly better mood. Originally, it was impossible to save such a living dead person. As long as there is some news, it is exciting.

I made some agreements with Alice and made a face-to-face signing ceremony, and the wild wolf six-person group was a success. The people on the road were still covered with black veil, but because they stayed in the Guou base for a period of time, they were not disgusted.

"Those demons, no, should be said to be the ancient Europeans, who look more normal than our Sichuan horse people." Zhao Min ate some dry food specially sent by Alice and drank special wine, sighing.

"So, we have always been barbarians in their eyes. In fact, if it were a civilized race, would it treat alien prisoners who are also human beings like that? Xu Ge sighed. He and Zhao Min also touched the prison of the ancient European people. Although it is heavily guarded, all the Sichuan horse prisoners live in good condition, but they have lost their freedom and are served three meals a day.

On the contrary, in the Chuanma organization, all male prisoners will definitely be killed once they are caught, as a war credit. And the female prisoner was caught or killed, or thrown into the rest center to be a maid and lost all her personality and power.

Everyone seems to have been reborn from the ancient European base. In a place they regard as enemies, they feel life, and their values have changed dramatically.

walked to the pit beastland, but saw Mochou greeted him outside in person.

"Why did Regimental Mo greet him outside in person?" Everyone was surprised.

Mo Chou smiled and said, "I can't wait to know what you have gained this time." What Mochou said is half true and half false. Coming out to welcome the six-person group is actually expressing his attitude to the whole group. This battle with the Sichuan horse organization must ensure a bloody battle to the end, and cooperation with the ancient Europeans is also imperative. After Xu Ge and others left, Mochou learned that the wild wolves, which had always been united, still had differences. After all, the idea of cooperating with the ancient Europeans of different races was still very crazy.

Xu Ge didn't know Mochou's idea. He quickly talked about the great benefits of this cooperation with the ancient Europeans and said, "This time the ancient Europeans will send 10,000 soldiers to fight with the Sichuan-Mae organization. The documents are already here. If we take this opportunity to join, it will definitely make the Sichuan-Maelic organization feel good."

Zhao Min, Ren Yixin and others also talked about some ancient European people around Mochou. Some of the opposing patriarchs who were originally behind Mochou were really fooled by these people for a while.

In the secret room, there are only six-person groups and wolf heads left.

"This battle is crucial, because the final result will directly affect the seal battle a month later. If we can take this opportunity to greatly consume the combat strength of the Sichuan Horse organization, then we will have an absolute advantage in the battle of sealing. From Mochou's words, it can be heard that the strategic deployment of the wolf group has begun to shift.

Min Chan praised: "Commong Mo is really unfathomable. It turns out that cooperation with the ancient Europeans is just the layout of another battle, which is really thought-provoking."

Don't worry and said, "There is no good or bad about the battle of sealing for the ancient Europeans. The people of the ancient Europeans can't rush out of the ancient European land with the sealing battle, so this battle belongs to us and Chuanma. This time, the ancient Europeans have been ruthlessly fighting with Sichuan and Malaysia. But as a result, no party will be eliminated, so what we have to do is to plan for the next battle. Of course, we still have to do this battle. If we can penetrate the Sichuan-Ma organization, we can also have a try.

Xu Ge frowned and said, "I'm afraid that the Sichuan-Ma Organization has learned something about our cooperation with Guou. I'm afraid the time of the battle should be advanced."

"What are the requirements for the combat time of the ancient Europeans?"

Min Chan said, "The faster the better."

Zhao Min finally found a place to interrupt and grinned, "Haha, why don't you go to the battlefield tomorrow and kill all those Sichuan horse dogs?"

One's heart is obscene and said, "You still can't be too hasty."

Gu Lanmei turned around and said, "If the wolf group is ready, it will not be a problem to start at any time."

Mochou smiled happily and said, "Haha, the six of you have really formed the most powerful force in the wild wolf group. Any organization needs a group like you. Mochou looks at things very deeply. Any collective needs a force to drive the whole collective forward, and now Xu Ge and others are this force.

Min Chan said, "Whether to release the time of the battle to the ancient Europeans now? If it is delayed, it will not be good."

Mochou nodded and said, "It will be a week later. Three days later, we will move out of the pit beast field and enter the battlefield according to the previous plan to involve the other party's combat effectiveness."