Bounty World

Chapter 258 Zhang Yi's Realm

There are two kinds of people in the world who are terrible. The first is a brain-damaged person, and the second is a person who doesn't know the depth. A brain-damaged person will do something that people don't know what they don't know. You don't know what strange events he will break out the next moment. People who don't know the depth will do something that people will never be able to beat, so that you can only look up.

Zhang Yi belongs to the second type of person, and there is no way to know his depth. Not because of his reputation, but because his people stand there, they look unique and extraordinary.

Xu Ge and others have heard Zhang Yi's name. Maybe they have disdained it before and feel that Zhang Yi is just a reputation, but at this moment, when a real person stands in front of them, they can only feel that the facts are often more exaggerated than rumors. What Zhang Yi exudes is not a breath of terror, not a breath of power, but an unidentified spiritual breath.

Min Chan can read a little smell from Zhang Yi, similar to the seemingly empty energy emitted by Elder Shanke and Cui Shan. Is he also a immortal?

"Friends, in my eyes, you are all geniuses, so I have a loving heart and don't want you to be premature. If you are interested, you'd better withdraw early." If this sentence is said from Zhao Min's mouth, other people's feeling is exaggerated, but if it is said from Zhang Yi's mouth, it is a kind of indifference and free.

Gu Lan whispered to Zhao Min, "See, this is the real strength."

Zhao Min curled his lips, but he was still a little shocked. When any martial artist meets a strong predecessor, he will always feel something. Zhang Yi's temperament is strong after returning to the original. Unlike the domineering spirit revealed by Mai He in those years, this power is implicit and tough.

Zhang Yi's realm has definitely exceeded the early stage of mythology, so how can he break through the shackles of the ancient seal?

Xu Ge put one hand happily on the black-blooded sperm spear behind him without saying much, and the strong flash under the high-speed movement made Zhang Yi a little surprised. Under his powerful aura, this seemingly young red-skinned warrior dared to take the lead in attacking himself. Of course, Zhang Yi said before that he wanted to let go of the five people in front of him, but he just said casually. If Xu Ge did not take the initiative to attack, I'm afraid he would let Zhang Yi gradually elegate his momentum and finally let the four people into a very embarrassing situation.

Zhang Yi sneered. He was not a good man. I don't know when a beautiful light sword appeared in his hand. He gently picked the tip of the sword, and an instant there was a huge hole in the environment that made it difficult to breathe.

Zhang Yi's starting style was completed in plain, but compared with Xu Ge's shocking blow, it looks much more magnificent. Xu Ge couldn't see Zhang Yi's sword move clearly, so he had to bravely move forward. Wipe it!" After a piercing hit, Zhang Yi's face showed an unbelievable expression. Zhang Yi has met countless opponents and is quite experienced. The young man in front of him is only in his twenties, but his strength is far greater than that of ordinary people.

The black-blooded sperm spear is not broken, and these weapons can be regarded as the sharp blade of heaven. The young man was not injured at all, but a few feet after being shaken away, his body was a little unstable.

"It's a little interesting." Zhang Yi's face showed a smile. For martial artists, only killing targets with a little resistance will they be happy. If you only kill those who have no power to bind chickens, who can be interested in it except to increase the sense of numbness?

Xu Ge stood firm and said, "It's really interesting. The leadership strength of the Chuanma organization is nothing more than that."

"Rangry!" Zhang Yi sneered, stepped on strange steps, three points in the void, and somehow arrived in front of Xu Ge.

At the peak of myth, it is unreachable for ordinary warriors, but Xu Ge's three years of prison life has made him accustomed to this pressure. Therefore, Zhang Yi's aura pressure is almost ineffective for him, and Xu Ge can easily be familiar with the power and grasp of the peak of myth, but it is difficult to resist.

This time, Zhang Yi used ten hundredth of his strength, and the powerful power came from the black blood spear, shaking Xu Ge's qi and blood. Xu Ge couldn't help thinking of Mai He's fierce move to dominate the world that day.

"Puff!" The blood that should be sprayed still needs to be sprayed. The blood in Xu Ge's chest couldn't help but sprinkle blood fog in the sky.

Zhang Yi sneered and was ready to attack again. At this time, a burly young man stood in front of him. A strange stick suddenly soared and thickened, forming a broad gully in front of him.

"Look for death!" Zhang Yi's light sword swings at will, and the dazzling brilliance swept around. At this time, a huge whirlpool appeared in the sky.

"The power of seal!" Yin Lihua sighed that it was obvious that Zhang Yi's power had far exceeded this power.

"Bang!" A bright lightning hit Zhang Yi's light sword, but Zhang Yi did not frown, and the sword move still greeted Zhao Min.

Zhao Min was still facing the pressure of a mythical peak for the first time. Although the power of the seal weakened the power of the light sword, it still brought Zhao Min a creepy feeling.

The weapon collided, because the special material of the deformation stick did not emit sparks, and Zhao Min had fallen gorgeously.

"Bah, is this still a human?" Zhao Min fell and almost broke all the bones all over his body. The piece that fell to the ground was blow out of a huge hole.

At this time, Xu Ge was a black-blooded spear, which attacked again. I don't know when a small knife appeared in his hand, which was very bright.

Zhang Yi frowned and showed a serious look on his face. Originally, he thought that these teenagers in their twenties were just talented, but they didn't expect that their strength was so strong. If it was really compared, the Bian Yu, which he had always been optimistic about, would not be shining in it.

Zhang Yi's wrist moved gently, and the light of the light sword was once again reduced a lot by the power of the seal, but he still rushed to Xu Ge with great power. If lifting weights is light, Zhang Yi is actually fighting more with the power of the seal, because the power beyond the limit will attract the interference of the ancient seal, so it consumes a lot.

There was no suspense. Xu Ge took off again, and the huge force smashed him into the air for dozens of circles.

Gu Lan did not take action and protected Yin Lihua and Min Chan. In close combat, it was necessary for soldiers to protect the magic warriors.

But in the face of absolutely powerful forces, everything is false.

Zhang Yi sneered and seemed to be no longer interested in the game. People disappeared in an instant, and then seemed to be everywhere in an instant. Several sword lights directly penetrated the air and hit five people.

The huge earthquake, the defense array directly lost its function, and it seems that all shields have turned into bubbles under the pressure of absolute power.

Zhang Yi said, "If you are willing to join our Sichuan horse organization now, I may spare you to die." This is true. Although the following people are seriously injured and can hardly be afraid, their ability exceeds the vast majority of rookies in the Sichuan-Ma organization today.

"I didn't expect that the first person in the ancient battlefield would take advantage of the hero in front of a group of junior predecessors. It's really ridiculous." A faint arrogant sound floated from behind. Who is Mochou, not the wolf head of the wolf group?

"Don't worry, we haven't seen each other for several years. In the last sealed battle, I didn't expect you to run away. It's really admirable for your ability to escape." Zhang Yi's mouth is often poisoned. He is not an old-fashioned person and will never give up disturbing his enemies from all angles.

Mochou sneered, "If it hadn't been for your ambush last time, wouldn't it have been easy for you to get more than a dozen places from the seal battle."

Zhang Yi said, "I don't like what you said. What does it mean to be ambushed by us? The two sides are originally hostile. Shouldn't I deliver the final victory to you?"

Don't worry said, "Well, the Sichuan horse organization has become as degenerate in your hands as it is now."

Zhang Yi sneered: "If it weren't for me, how could the Chuanma organization keep the base? If it weren't for me, the whole Chuanma organization might have become a rigid and lifeless place. However, it seems that I don't need to explain all this to you. It's enough to wait until you.

The reason why Zhang Yi appeared here is that it has been calculated that Mochou will definitely appear on this route, and hurting Xu Ge and others is just to lure the wolf's head out.