Bounty World

Chapter 261 Changes

Seeing Zhao Min leave, Zhang Yi sneered, but ignored it. Because he is confident, even if these people all escape cleanly, he can catch up.

However, he didn't expect that the purpose of Zhao Min's walk was very simple, which was to disband all the members of the Wild Wolf Group and run around in groups of six. After all, Zhang Yi had only one person, and he was always weak. This kind of division is very suitable for wolf regiments that are good at fighting guerrilla warfare.

Xu Ge felt the physical condition. Zhenyuan was almost shaken clean. There were traces of fragmentation in Dantian gas reservoir and heart gas reservoir. Without three or five months of rest, I'm afraid he would not be able to recover. However, he can't take care of his situation now. More importantly, he wants to see Min Chan's injury. A powerful warrior like him has been hurt to such a point that a legalist may be directly shaken to death.

Xu Ge touched the pulse of Min Chan and Yin Lihua, was still alive and breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he is a heavenly cultivation, and the body protection spell at the temporary moment is still quite strong. Xu Ge endured the pain everywhere on his body, picked up Gu Lan on his back, held a forensic in each hand, and then ran in the direction of Chuanma Base.

Zhang Yi was puzzled. On the one hand, he was surprised by the recovery ability of these two people, and on the other hand, he was very suspicious of Xu Ge's behavior. This boy didn't burn his brain and ran to the enemy's base camp.

Xu Ge's intention is very simple. Zhao Min went in another direction, and he must go in the opposite direction, which can be regarded as a cover for each other. With so many people, one or two people have to be left alive.

Although Mochou has been beaten to pieces, his wisdom is still preserved in his mind. The departure of Xu Ge and Zhao Min undoubtedly made him a little more fighting spirit.

Jumping and dodging, Mochou began to fight with Zhang Yi like a sharp blade.

"Kid, you are so brave. Based on your performance today, I will give you a whole body." Mochou's Jedi counterattack was quite fierce. After a few moves, he couldn't get close to Zhang Yi.

Mochou still said, "I will let you pay the price before I die."

"That's also worth it."

Mo Chou, known as the wolf head, is the most amazing genius on this ancient battlefield. Zhang Yi knows that if he is not eliminated, it will one day bring a huge threat to the Sichuan horse organization. Zhang Yi is a person who can see through all kinds of phenomena in the world. He knows that if he deals with things, he can achieve the best results. So when Lin Jinhe discussed deeper cooperation with him through messenger, he resolutely agreed.

Zhang Yi has his own belief. Adhering to the will left by many elders of the Chuanma organization for decades, he must control the ancient battlefield and not let the demons rush out of this place. Because he is a leader, he can deeply feel that the demons are growing step by step. After defeating the Chuanma base last time, he has an idea to launch a war on a large scale so that the demons can no longer be strong in a short period of time.

And the chance to win is in cooperation with Qinchuan Emperor. In the hundreds of years after the ancient battlefield, the demons will no longer have the energy to turn over the bloody storm.

The reason why Zhang Yi came alone to block the wolves is not that he is really strong or confident enough, but that the Chuanma organization is basically empty now, and only a few elders are sitting in the town. All the power has been deployed to the battlefield with demons. Zhang Yi is making a bet to scare the wild wolves on this battlefield with the power of one person, so that they dare not continue to move forward.

As soon as Zhang Yi came up, he began to use the power to break through the seal and went all out in order to slow down the original plan as soon as possible with enough shock.

Mochou is not that he can't guess this, but Zhang Yi is really too strong. After such a long fight, Zhang Yi has not been injured at all, but it has consumed a lot of real yuan.

Wone with one bet! Mochou was full of energy, and the knife in his hand turned into silver light.

"I didn't expect you to practice this. I still underestimated you before." Zhang Yi fixed his eyes and knew that Mo Chou could fully jump out of the seal with his own strength, and the essence of this gas formation also showed that Mo Chou's strength had exceeded the general mythical master in the world.

"Huh? You are an idiot, how dare you die like this!" There are more places that surprise Zhang Yi. Don't worry that the change of the knife is just on the edge of breaking through the power of the seal.

The sky suddenly changed color, and countless sealing forces began to gather.

Xu Ge looked to the rear and knew that the battle between Mo Chou and Zhang Yi had reached the most dangerous moment.

Mochou dispersed all the strength of his whole body and turned into countless vigors to swim everywhere, attracting countless sealing forces to gather in their space. Mochou certainly can't stop such a powerful sealing force, and he hopes that the fury of these sealing forces can hurt the strong man in front of him.

The power of sealing came so fast that Zhang Yi could not jump out of this dangerous circle at all. His face was heavy, and the light sword in his hand slowly waved, ready to resist the storm-like sealing force.

It was gray, and a large number of raindrops fell first. It rarely rained once a year in the ancient battlefield, but this time it was provoked by the power of the seal.

A flash of lightning in the sky passed through the sky, like a white dragon instantly cut through the sky and penetrated through the nine-fold underground.

Mochou trembled all over, and his skin became scorched and black because of electric light. Zhang Jie saw clearly that Mo Chou was completely penetrated by a sealed thunderstorm. The goal of this first thunderstorm is Mo Chou. If he dies, Zhang Yi will have to bear the power of the seal below. Just now, Mochou dispersed Zhenyuan, and the sealing force pulled down quickly entangled in the sky for a while. Zhang Yi took a look and knew that there were probably three that needed to be resisted.

Soon another rapid landing from the sky, with infinite power, it instantly reached the top of Zhang Yi's head. At this time, the light sword in Zhang Yu's hand unexpectedly reached the top of his head, turning into a bright arc entangled with the power of the seal, and it took several breaths before it was consumed.

At this time, the last seal thunderstorm fell again. The powerful power seemed to cut the space, and the sand and stones around it also flew one after another because of the absorption of power.

Zhang Yi exhaled a turbid breath. The thunder disaster just now has caused him a slight injury. The power of seal is really strong. Although he can usually cut the power of the seal, he just found the right skills and use appropriate methods to break through the confinement of the sealing power. At this moment, don't worry about the power of the seal pulled by the seal is large and And there were no rules, which made it difficult for him to deal with for a while.

Although Zhang Yi is wise and will definitely fight back, he didn't expect to use all his Zhenyuan to make such a vicious move. Without thinking much, he took a deep breath and fluttered in the air, ready to fight with the third seal.


On the distant home planet, the bald monk and Xufa Taoist priest are playing chess.

"Oh, something's wrong. The sealing power of the ancient European Star is greatly decreasing. Isn't it weakened only once in a hundred years?" The bald monk stopped the chess pieces in his hand.

Xufa Taoist priest smiled and said, "After so many years have passed, the enmity between the ancient Europeans and our Chinese people has long passed, and the ancient Europeans have no intention to win."

The monk was a little hesitant, "Is it that we pretend not to know?"

The Taoist priest said, "It's not that we don't know, but we don't need to know that we are just supervisors of this ancient European star. As long as we report what we see every day as it is true. In today's notebook, we only need to write that 4028 AD, the sealing power of the ancient European star has been greatly reduced. The reason is unknown."

The monk sighed, and this was the collision between Buddhism and Taoism. Monk and Buddha pay attention to entering the world, Taoism and Taoism pay attention to birth. However, the Taoist priest's proposal is not very bad. I'm afraid that there will be no sign of turning upside down no matter how the ancient European star is tossing. The competition between technology and cultivation of immortals has been proved thousands of years ago that the ancient Europeans have no talent on the road of immortality. Therefore, even if the ancient Europeans can rush out of the ancient European star and compete with a decadent race, what are they afraid of?

The change of the ancient European star still attracted the attention of the home planet.

"Yuan Er, you will go to the ancient European Star today to find out. If the ancient European people take advantage of the turmoil, you will directly destroy the planet." On the seat is Wu Daozi, the patriarch of Wanfa Xianzong.