Bounty World

Chapter 373 Battle of Tianyuan 1

Tianyuan, an old city located in Qinchuan mainland, has a history of thousands of years. In the change of the times, Tianyuan often plays a key role. If any king wants to enter the Qinchuan mainland, he must step on this high imperial city. Because of this, Tianyuan has been baptized by countless times of war. In the process of the change of the dynasty, it changed from indestructible to powder slag, and from powder slag to a magnificent city.

Lin Jinhe built a new Junlin New City six years ago. Although the city continues the magnificent spirit of the imperial city, there is still no way to compare with Tianyuan City in terms of cultural inheritance and heritage. There are many potholes on the wall, some of which were left a hundred years ago and some of which were left thousands of years ago. Because the traces left by various weapons are piled up together, these have become a historical picture. There are blood and stories in the historical scroll, and more is the cultural sense piled up by countless lives.

Because of the battle between the old and new kings, the traces of war in Tianyuan City are still obvious, but at this moment, because of the roar of arrow light, countless new pits have been chiseled through again, and a large amount of flying ash scattered outside Tianyuan City.

The gate of the main city is made of a native black iron weighing 10,000 catties. There are dozens of powerful soldiers every day to borrow powerful tools to open it. But this mysterious iron gate is very fragile at this moment. Thirty or 40 high-level sage stood under the gate, taking turns to attack with powerful ice spells and fire spells.

Under the extreme perfusion of hot and cold, the iron gate becomes crisp.

"Wo!" A huge arrow spear dozens of meters long rushed out of the sky from the top of a crossbow machine and shot at the fragile black iron gate. The powerful power, with infinite backpower, emitted explosive power and instantly blew the giant door into flying ashes.

Standing behind the Xuantie Gate are dozens of soldiers, who originally used their strength to resist the gate, but because of this explosive power, iron crumbs flew across and blew the soldiers to pieces. Several people left their lives, but because of the raging iron filings, many parts of their bodies were blown up into blood holes.

The people outside the city roared, and the blood and blood smell combined to exude a huge power. The defenders on the wall were completely caught off guard. Although they had already prepared a large number of defensive weapons, the sudden attack disrupted their plans.

"Quick! Pour in the oil!"

The acid-smelling oil water drenched down from the wall, and the eastern Shaanxi soldiers below roared hotly. Countless people rolled on the ground with their burned heads, but a group of soldiers still escaped oil and rushed into the city.

"It's really strange. Why is this city gate broken so easily?" Li Sixin was a little strange. She had already formulated several plans in her mind, but she didn't expect that the gate had been opened before her large siege weapon was ready.

It's not good! Just as Li Sizhi shouted secretly, the gate was released, and a sour smell came to his face. Unexpectedly, a big pot appeared in the gate, and there was a stench in the pot.

"How dare you use corpse poison!" Li Sizhi was a little shocked.

It's hard to tolerate. Corpse poison is the most sinister witchcraft in the world. Today, only two people can use it. The first person is Yan Yunzong, who is known as a piper, the king of the southern beast territory today, and the other person is Min Chan, the patriarch of the Dharma.

Corpse poison is not simply formed by witchcraft. It requires a large number of corpses to gather together and then ignite with a certain number of corpses to form a devastating poison. At this moment, the whole Tianyuan official army actually wrapped a towel around his neck and protected his mouth.

Li Sizhi knows that even so, I'm afraid that the poison will have a great impact on these officers and soldiers. In decades, their life expectancy will be much shorter than ordinary people, and all kinds of organs will shrink faster than ordinary people.

In the Zichen hall, Lin Jinhe fiddled with the pen in his hand and sneered on his face, "I didn't expect Min Chan to look so plain, but it was so vicious."

Mai He said, "I'm afraid this is also to revenge. Hundreds of thousands of creatures in Jingcheng have been destroyed, and a lesson for eastern Shaanxi."

Lin Jinhe said lightly, "The art of corpse poison has not been successfully refined for thousands of years. I'm afraid that Yanyun doesn't dare to try it easily. I didn't expect Min Chan to have such a big heart and ability."

Mai He sighed, "This son is really one of the few people in the world."

A ferocious air flashed on Lin Jinhe's face, "It's a pity that it can't be used for me. As soon as the mother star fairy arrives, I will no longer be afraid of him."

Mai He said, "However, the corpse poison has been used under the gate of Tianyuan City. I'm afraid it has been stained with the king's spirit in thousands of years."

Lin Jinhe smiled and said, "I know what you are worried about, but you have thought too much. Throughout the ages, there have been more evil things in the world than this. Now that the sin has reached the imperial city, and the corpse poison is nothing. As long as you can retreat, it doesn't matter."

Mai He sighed that Lin Jinhe was indeed the decisive hegemon in the past, but the decline in Junlin New City a few years ago was swept away. In retrospect, the situation in those years was just a measure of weakness for his son and the young boy of Fazong. The most needed ability of the king of the world is acting. If he can play himself, he should be able to play others. And Lin Jinhe is like this. He understands people's hearts and human nature and can understand everyone's psychology, and then uses his clever acting skills to confuse others in exchange for his ultimate victory. Sometimes, Mai He also thought that Lin Jinhe's friendship with himself was just an act?

Mai He said, "Once the poison dissipates, I will arrange the first army to clean up the battlefield."

Lin Jinhe nodded. What he wants to know most now is not Li Sizhi, because under the temptation and vicious blow of Min Chan, Li Sizhi has become a turtle in the urn, and the large number of soldiers brought by Xu Ge are the main fighting force of this siege.

The gate of Tianyuan City has been in chaos, and the officers and soldiers in eastern Shaanxi were contaminated with corpses and poison, and most of them died in an instant. Those soldiers who are not dead are full of venomous insects, crawling around, and black acid water overflows from their skin and emits stench.

Li Sizhi, standing at the end of the army, finally showed an unbearable look on his face, but he abruptly suppressed the dirty pressure that was ready to vomit. "Sent strong soldiers to fight."

There was a trace of panic on the face of the general next to him and said, "Now that the battle is under such a situation, isn't it self-destructing to send strong soldiers out? The owner of the family, we are defeated. Let's go back."

Although Li Sizhi showed an uncomfortable expression on his face because of the poisonous body, his whole body still exuded a sense of stubbornness, "If you don't succeed in the First World War today, you will become benevolent."

No one in the world can beat Li Sizhi. The general danced a light flag in his hand and made a roaring step after the military array. Looking at this group of soldiers, they were not wearing magnificent armor, and they only held relatively simple military swords and golden round shields in their hands, but they exuded a breath from ancient times.

The soldiers on the wall took a breath. Although these soldiers did not have any shocking equipment, the murderous atmosphere was thrilling.

"It turned out to be an ancient strong soldier!" Finally, a soldier shouted out. Behind this simple name, there is an infinite foundation. For thousands of years, strong private soldiers have only existed in mythology. They have the ability to destroy the world and super defense. Like King Kong, as long as 100 people can destroy a city, but now there are three or two thousand people under the city. They have no expression on their faces, and their muscles are hard and full of strength. .

"Continue to increase the amount of corpse poison, hoping that the corpse poison can bring substantial damage to these strong soldiers." The general guarding the city ordered anxiously.

When the general finished speaking, the strong soldiers began to run. Originally, it was about half a miles away, but now it was a blink of an eye. There was a strong quaint atmosphere in the air, which was the vicissitudes brought by the touch of the pace and the ground.