Bounty World

Chapter 375 Battle of Tianyuan 3

The battle of Tianyuan was recorded as the most tragic, magnificent and thrilling war by the Sichuan-Maple continent, not because of how many people died in this war, but because of the completely powerful elites invested by both sides.

Because when the strong soldiers broke through the hard wall, they appeared in front of them with a frightening picture. Countless bodies with crippled arms came to life, and the previous corpse poison emanated from their bodies.

Fazong, several elders stood in front of Min Chan and asked loudly, "Why do you use such a terrible practice to lure dead bodies and condense corpse poison, which is a forbidden law."

Min Chan sat in the position of the suzerain without any expression on his face, "Who said these are forbidden laws?"

One of the elders, an old man with a white beard stood up and roared, "This is a rule handed down from the ancestors. This kind of spell using human body as material is not allowed."

Min Chan smiled faintly and said, "I know what you mean, but the rules are always determined by people. The world is about to turn the world upside down. If you don't take some measures, how can it work? I know you are saying that my approach is immoral, but have you ever thought that if you don't use corpse soldiers, more living people may die? Let the living die, or let the dead who have no life act as a wall shield. Think about it yourself.

The white-bearded elder finally became a little angry, "You are just a sophistry. Fas must have the rules of Fa Fa. How can it be so chaotic? If every Fa Fa Fa does not abide by basic morality, what will the world look like in the end?

Min Chan heard this, but suddenly stood up and said with a faint smile, "I know what you are thinking about. You have been doing it according to your previous rules for thousands of years and tens of years, and now you still follow your rules. But what the previous result is not that the people are not living, hegemony or hegemony, the rich squeeze the poor, and ordinary people only have the power to die but not the power to live. I know the reason why a group of elders are standing in front of me now. That day, the conspiracy between you and Mr. Li, the Temple of God, and the Temple of Ama was hidden in your heart. I know that you want Fazong to support Xu Ge to achieve great things. But now I can't allow it. The reason is very simple. Now once I flinched, I will lose not only the world, but also those who once trusted me.

There is a big world in Min Chan's heart that no one can understand. No one can describe such a world. People will always live on an equal footing, and no one will hurt ordinary people unscrupulously because of those in power. Of course, Min Chan knows that if you want to build such an ideal country, you must use thunderous means in the early stage.

If Xu Ge becomes the supreme power in the world, he may become a wise king, but it will never last for many years. Min Chan clearly knows that if he wants to reconstruct the country, he must even start from the Dharma sect and eliminate all these organizations and groups that he thinks can speak on behalf of others.

For so many years, Min Chan seems to be supporting the Dharma sect, but in fact it is not promoting poisonous buds.

The old man with white beard was finally enraged. He took a step forward, and a morale appeared in front of him in an instant. But the next moment, he stopped the spell in his hand and saw a martial artist with a clear face but also a white beard standing in front of Min Chan.

"Retreat. I won't blame you this time. Although your elder hall has the power to expel the suzerain, you must show due respect to the suzerain before submitting it to the patriarch for a vote."

Zhang Yi stood in front of Min Chan, like a wild and solid barrier, but he saw a solemn face on the opposite Pharaoh's face. Of course, they know Zhang Yi's strength. Six years ago, they had been reprinted in the ancient battlefield with the strength of martial arts and immortality, achieving the realm of heavenly listening. Now there is no suppression, and their martial arts skills are bottomless. In this short-distance battle, as long as Zhang Yi is furious, I'm afraid that even if he can't destroy the elders these days, it is not difficult to make a deep impression on them.

Seeing that the elders have left, Zhang Yi sighed and said, "You have such a big conflict with the Elder Hall now. Do you really don't want to be the patriarch of this Dharma?"

Min Chan smiled and said, "Now the world may not belong to anyone. Is the position of Dharma patriarch still important? They also thought that the owner of Fazong had absolute power, but you and I both know that Lin Jinhe has introduced another power. Now the situation in Qinchuan mainland can no longer be seen with old eyes.

Zhang Yi sighed and said, "If Lin Jinhe really brought the disaster water from the mother star this time, it would be really unwise."

Min Chan said, "No one can stop it now. We can only wait and do our own thing. The chaos of Chuanma is inevitable. Now we can only minimize our losses, and we can't force ourselves with corpse soldiers.

After getting along with Min Chan for many years, Zhang Yi has known that this decisive and fierce young man in the eyes of others is actually just hiding the softness of his heart. He uses the horrible corpse puppet to face those powerful enemies in order to reduce the loss of living people.

People's hearts are like this. On the one hand, they are as hard as iron, and on the other hand, they are as tender as water. Zhang Yi actually knows that he seems to have understood Min Chan, but Min Chan's mind has countless mysteries, which is difficult to understand.


The strong soldiers breathed deeply, and they fought with their swords against devilish things without any empathy. The corpse soldier did not feel the same at all. He only knew how to wave the weapon in his hand and throw the iron weapon out like his own arm. If the arm with the weapon was cut off by the strong soldiers, he would bite the strong private with his carrion and skeleton.

Because the corpse soldier emits powerful poison gas, other ordinary soldiers can only watch. Unexpectedly, they can't get close. The long-range attack bows and arrows can only bring a lot of flesh and blood to the corpse soldier, but they can never bring a must-kill blow.

Li Sizhi's face was a little pale, because when she saw the last killer, the strong soldiers cultivated by the family for many years fell in front of her one by one, she knew that the raid battle was over, and the result was very simple, ending with her failure.

"Master, do you want to withdraw?"

"Withdraw! But I'm afraid it's too late." Li Sizhi finally made this decision, but it was extremely difficult to retreat with his whole body after a single bet. Because after this entanglement, the main guard of the Tianyuan army must be shocked. After a large amount of strength is filled, the original strong soldier will become a lonely army and will finally be nibbled away by the other party one by one.

The strong soldiers still showed strong combat power, with the glorious sword of ancient martial arts, and gradually produced a strong lethality after pestering for a period of time. The sword, like long eyes, accurately swept over the head of the corpse soldier. The head rolled up and turned out a frightening arc in the air. Then the strong private soldiers used a side attack to instantly rush the corpse soldier to the powder.

But at this time, the archers of the Tianyuan army began to gather above the wall. The weapons in their hands were not expensive, but each bow and arrow imposed the attribute elements added by the Fazong priests. Bursts of explosions came from the bow and arrow, and the magic elements were not the same. They collided and emitted a strong and pungent smell, which was shocking.

The originally powerful and immortal strong soldiers had no way to maintain their not bad bodies under such circumstances, and countless spell elements blew them up. And those weaker ordinary warriors have no way to resist, but without any French arrow rain, it is enough to kill these ordinary soldiers several times.

The battle was full of twists and turns. The Tianyuan soldiers who originally defended the city were a little stunned, because they didn't know that there would be a large number of reinforcements around them so quickly. Some smart warriors knew that they were just some bait, and it was only their luck to survive. Those who were the first to be killed were a little unlucky, but they fully showed their value.