Bounty World

Chapter 388 Zhu Xian

The night was hazy, and in the small restaurant, a man and a woman appeared in the deep mountains were tasting delicious food.

"I didn't expect that the food here was really good, which suits my appetite." The sister looked at her brother and said cutely. They came from the maternal Wanfa Xianzong and were ordered by their master to come here to refine the world, but they did not want to join the struggle in troubled times. However, in the past few days, they looked very plain, but they also killed some unsighted Sichuan horse people.

For them, it is just a small thing for those annoying people, charity, or violence. They come to this Sichuan and Malaysian world to swim, relax their mood and relieve the pressure of practicing on their home planet.

The senior smiled faintly and said, "Try to control it without killing in the future. After all, killing is not good for cause and effect."

Two dimples appeared on the sister's face and said happily, "I know. However, these mortals in the Sichuan and Malaysian world are very fragile. Even if they involve cause and effect, I'm afraid there will not be much trouble.

The senior brother shook his head and said, "Is there anyone in the world who can kill a broken up with the suzerain, or can't act rashly?"

The younger sister smiled and said, "Brother, you are still so stable. The strength of your emperor and immortal double has exceeded that of the big brother's sword dance that day. I'm afraid it's not difficult to beat the master's split."

The senior brother smiled, but did not refute it. Now that Jianwu is dead, he is the most powerful competitor of the patriarch of the sect in the future. Because of such a state of mind and capital, he saw that his sister killed some unrelated people along the way and did not stop him. Although he said he should pay attention to it, he also kept the world of Sichuan and Malaysia. With a contempt.

Try not to get involved and watch it from the wall. It was originally an idea in my brother's heart, but why doesn't he have the heart to fight for the world?

"Are you two from your home planet?" A strong man in the costume of a Sichuan horse world bounty hunter stood in front of them, "In a week in Xichuan County, you killed three ordinary people, six bounty hunters and ten mercenaries."

Looking at the strong man in front of him telling his guilt one by one, the sister had no expression on her face, but a little excited. She seemed to have made a summary of her experience in the past few days, and her expression was a little happy.

Brother can see that this strong man has a strong breath, but he is also full of confidence in himself and said lightly, "These are the facts. Do you want to do justice for them?"

The red-skinned man sneered and said, "Can't justice be done?"

After drinking a glass of wine, the brother said slowly, "That also depends on whether you have that strength." After saying that, the senior brother left the table strangely, and a white sword light appeared with his hand, which was really magical. The originally soft brother's eyes became psychic at this moment, and his thick eyebrows flew horizontally, which was quite amazing.

The strong man smiled slightly, and his breath was completely restrained, so that people could not see what level he was. "The level of emperors and immortals should be standard enough." However, he saw that the strong man also bloomed with glory and quickly came to his brother.

Bang! Like all martial arts immortals, strong men still adopt the method of close combat. Although this way of fighting is very consuming, the victory is dangerous, which makes it difficult for people who practice the method to enter the immortals to adapt.

The brother frowned and his heart sank. He knew that the bounty hunter opposite was not ordinary. In terms of strength, he had entered the realm of Canglan Douzong Fighting Emperor. Although he was not much higher than himself, he must also be a hot figure.

The white sword light began to rage. The senior brother knew that it was a fierce battle, so he did not intend to fall in love with his opponent. Instead, he exerted all his strength in an instant. Entering the level of "emperor", immortals can reach the alien world and communicate with other spiritual bodies. Although they are not as direct as the four major suzerains, they can also connect to those very powerful spiritual bodies. For example, the senior brother can directly connect to light gods that are weaker than mortal gods, demon gods, fairy gods, ghost gods and dragon gods.

The brilliance that bloomed from the brother's hand in an instant can devour everything or destroy everything.

However, the strong man opposite was obviously not scared by this extremely destructive force. There was a faint smile on his face, a little sunny and a little strange. Of course, all this was like a mockery in the eyes of the strong man, "Humph!" The colorful light shot directly out, which was much more powerful than that in the secret road of the Li family that day.

The strong man began to jump, and the small knife in his hand appeared and disappeared. The next moment, he was already next to his brother's neck.

The senior brother was very surprised. He hurried back a few steps and successfully escaped from the clutches of the strong man, but the strong man accompanied him like a shadow. He took the small knife that did not look very sharp but bloomed with a secluded murderous spirit and sent it up again.

The white sword light collided with the small knife and finally stopped the strong man's next move.

The younger sister was surprised, because he saw a scar on his brother's white jade-like face, and blood beads appeared enchantingly. The sister can only open her mouth and don't know what to say. From the beginning, the younger sister regarded her brother as her idol and has never been undefeated, but now she is injured in front of mortals in the world of Sichuan and Malaysia, which makes it difficult for her to accept the truth.

Brother took a deep breath and said, "You are very good. Can you tell me your name?"

The strong man opened his white teeth and said brightly, "I'm the person you've been looking for, named Xu Ge!"

The senior brother raised his eyebrows when he heard the word Xu Ge, and the strong man had risen up and arrived with an elite transparent spear in his hand.

It was really fast. The lightsaber in the brother's hand sprinkled like stars and became a huge protective light mask, trying to stop the demon god in front of him from attacking the next step. But the senior brother found that alone could no longer stop Xu Ge, because Xu Ge's body was too fast, like a cruel and domineering poisonous snake, and instantly stabbed a transparent spear into his brother's chest.

"Haha!" In the sea of consciousness, the ghosts and gods began to laugh, "Your vision is very good. You have found what I want so quickly."

When the ghost and god spoke, in addition to feeling pain, he saw a hand stretched out from another world and directly grabbed his soul. Then his body turned into a skin, and he was on the ground without any anger.

Fear and anger appeared on the sister's face. She did not expect that the original backer would die in this moment. Perhaps she doesn't want to believe this fact at all. The second brother of Wanfa Xianzong, who has entered the dual strength of Emperor Xian, was killed in the world of Sichuan and Horse.

However, the junior sister finally believed that this was a fact, because the red-skinned man named Xu Ge in front of her once killed the eldest brother Jianwu and killed a split of her master.

"I'm thinking about whether to kill a woman or not." Xu Ge sighed, "Although you don't want to, you'd better die."

Although only the junior sister with the triple strength of Jinxian is already a master of Wanfa Xianzong, she is not the opponent of this devilish man. A golden light passed through the beautiful forehead of her sister, and the woman has turned into a corpse.

Xu Ge did not want to kill so crazily, but he could not stand the unscrupulousness of these powerful immortals on his territory. Because of their strength, they can give at will and wantonly kill those people who have no power to bind chickens.

People live in this world as the strong bully the weak. In fact, when the brothers and sisters are fearless in the world of Sichuan and Malaysia, this determines that they may be eliminated by more powerful beings. This is the so-called cause and effect, because their unscrupulousness led to the fierce killing of powerful enemies.

The life light of Wanfa Xianzong, one of the front rows, went out. The news reached Wu Daozi's ears, but it caused another anger.

The thousand-year covenant must be implemented as soon as possible. Only by quickly destroying the world of Sichuan and Malaysia can he relieve his anger. Wu Daozi became a suzerain that everyone was afraid of, full of fairy and murderous spirit.