shang qing tian xia

Chapter 005 Xiaoyao King [2]

"Miss is not here. I'll just come to take care of the tea garden regularly." Nangong Bingyu secretly hid a smile and dealt with it as a servant. Anyway, according to her plain clothes, no one expected her to have a higher identity. Why did she have to clarify her identity?

The handsome and frighten man finally glanced at her, and his face was full of dissatisfaction. "How can a girl's house spread her hair outside? This seems to be disgemonial."

"The adult's lesson is that the little girl is leaving to freshen up."

"Little--" The drizzle stood behind the master and wanted to say something, but stopped under the master's eyes.

"Master! So you are here, so it's easy for slaves to find!" A slave in palace uniform in the distance called from afar. After a while, he came to the handsome man and stood aside respectfully, "Master, the wine and food in the house are ready. Do you want to go back to eat now?"

Nangong Bingyu took a look and recognized the person in the palace uniform. This is Chu Tiancheng, the younger brother of the mother of the current emperor! He smiled and said, "The breeze, drizzle, let's pack up. We have to go back to dry the tea."

"Yes!" The drizzle couldn't wait to get out of here. Hearing the young lady's words, he quickly packed up his things and left with his master.

When leaving, Qingfeng quietly looked back at the handsome man, "Miss, isn't that person Xiaoyao Wang himself?"

"If the information is correct, it should be. Rumor has it that King Xiaoyao likes Kirin, and he happens to wear a unicorn's jade pendant around his waist. In addition, he has just come out of King Xiaoyao's territory. Soon, a slave followed him. What an identity is? The answer is ready to come out.

For Miss's shallow explanation, Qingfeng bit his lip and decided to say, "Miss. I still don't want you to enter the palace."

"Oh? What's the reason?"

"Since ancient times, even if she was appointed to enter the palace, not every woman could see the king, let alone talk and laugh with him. I'm afraid that when he dies, the king may not remember the existence of that beauty. Moreover, the world is the emperor's three thousand beauties in the harem, and many beauties are waiting for good luck. How can he care about whether there are beauties waiting for him to pay attention?

Qingfeng's words made her laugh, and the crisp and pleasant laughter surrounded the mud she passed by, "Qingfeng, you likened me to a woman who likes the emperor!"

"Well? Doesn't that lady like the emperor? Qingfeng was a little stunned. Miss didn't like the emperor, so why did she go to the palace?

Nang Gong Bingyu shook his head slowly and smiled, "I've never seen it before. Where did you like it? Moreover, if I am accompanied by a tiger, how can I like a person who will kill me at any time? I went to the palace just to keep the money I worked hard to earn back. And he is to protect his country!"


After Qin Ge, the Duke of Qin, went to court today, he went to see the emperor alone.

Although the imperial study is only a study, it is a place where the emperor often receives ministers and discuss state affairs in addition to the main hall. There is no glory of the hall, but it is also a carved column of jade. Everywhere in this palace is gorgeous and noble, ubiquitous to highlight its master and so on!

The rising red sandalwood incense can calm down. The eunuch stood in front of the desk and carefully grinded his silence. The emperor Chu Tianxiao wore a dragon robe and sat in the study, holding a cinnabar pen in his hand and looked at the memorial, but his ears were listening to Qin Ge's words.

"Your Majesty, I came today to ask the emperor for a holy edict." Qin Ge did not beat around the corner. He bowed his fist and said his purpose directly. "I came today to ask for a holy edict for my granddaughter Nangong Bingyu. The intention is to ask the emperor not to have sex with her when Yuer did not fall in love with the emperor."

Don't share a room with her? Chu Tianxiao's face immediately turned half black. Before this man entered the palace, he began to make demands on him?

What's the reason? As my concubine, what kind of style is it if you don't have sex with me and spread it out? Chu Tian threw the ball over with a sneer.

Qin Ge had a shallow smile on the corners of his mouth, "Your Majesty, let me tell you."


Yuer said: If two people who don't love each other have sex, it will be unfair to the emperor and her. Yuer also said that this will only take a hundred days. A hundred days later, if the emperor has not fallen in love with Yuer, and Yuer has not fallen in love with the emperor, then Yuer can ask the emperor to be out of the palace and set up another imperial concubine. Qin Ge said neither humble nor arrogant.


Chu Tianxiao raised his eyebrows slightly, and it seemed that Miss Nangong was also a little interesting. Anyway, he will title her as the imperial concubine, which is just the property of the Nangong family. As long as we can solve the current urgent need and calculate the time, the war situation at the border should also come to an end in three months.

"Please give the emperor's permission." Qin Ge nod his head.

Chu Tianxiao looked at the old fox in front of him and shook his head helplessly. "Master, you are making it difficult for your disciples to do."

Qin Ge pulled out a wry smile, "There's nothing I can do about it. I only have such a granddaughter, and I can only try my best to love her. Who let her mother die early? And I have been fighting with the emperor on the battlefield for most of my life, and I have never been well together with my family. It was not until three years ago that the emperor ascended the throne that I sometimes accompanied my only granddaughter. It's just that when he finished saying this, a calculation flashed in his eyes. Only he knew what the calculation was.

"Okay, I'm sure. Xiao Xizi, come and serve you with pen and ink, and give the imperial edict to the imperial concubine.

In this way, the imperial edict also came down.

Qin Ge went out of the upper study with the imperial edict, walked out, and stood in a small pavilion in the palace for a while. After a while, Xiao Xizi, who had been serving in front of the emperor, arrived.

"Master. Do you have anything else to order? Xiquan's face is full of respect. At this time, there is no such a vicious look yesterday.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Xizi, you played a good job yesterday! When you go back to the army, I will promote your god-son, and you can rest assured.

"Thank you!" Xiquan was overjoyed and quickly thanked him.

"Okay, go back to serve the emperor. Remember, when Yuer enters the palace, don't wear help. You have to arrange for Yuer and the emperor to meet more and create opportunities for them, you know?" Qin Ge ordered in a low voice.

Xiquan nodded repeatedly, "Yes. Master, don't worry, Xiao Xizi will definitely do it properly.

Qin Ge turned around and left with satisfaction. His mind was that he wanted to see who was better than Yuer and the apprentice he taught? In the past four years, Yuer has always said in his ear that businessmen can subvert the world!

Who is Master Qin? It's the general! What did the general decide the world? Force!

So when I heard Yuer's words, I always wanted to argue with her for a result. Of course, General Qin is 60 years old. How can he argue with Nangong Bingyu, who is only in his early 17 years old? In addition, the soul of Nangong Bingyu is the modern soul, which used to be a world-renowned agricultural doctor and rice expert. After Yuan Longping, she was the first woman to be crowned as the 'mother of rice'. How bad is her eloquence?

Therefore, every time he quarreled with Nangong Bingyu, General Qin was defeated.

This time, the emperor needed huge money to pay for the soldiers at the border, and the treasury was losing money. General Qin actually put his idea on his granddaughter. Without saying anything, let Xiaoxizi push Nangong Bingyu to the stage. He wants to see how his intelligent and wise granddaughter will face the confrontation between power and money?

General Qin, who was thinking about the result tirelessly, did not know that in order to get the answer, he pushed his good granddaughter into the bone-eating palace.

However, if General Qin's idea was known to Nangong Bingyu, I don't know how she would react?