shang qing tian xia

Chapter 098 Phoenix Pass Burning Grain

★★★★★This book is first published on the Chinese website★★★★


After returning from Longcheng Mountain yesterday, Nangong Bingyu's spirit was much better. She no longer ate or slept like that day and looked at the sky in a daze. When the drizzle asked her if she was sad because of the ghost dream's departure, Nangong Bingyu just smiled and said nothing.

That day on Longcheng Mountain, she was also moved by the old couple. Their vicissitudes of face and snuggled together made her understand love.

Although the barrier between her and the ghost dream is not only as simple as the distance from each other, as long as the ghost dream is willing to take a step for her, it is a step closer to happiness.

So, she is willing to wait for him.

The night she returned, she walked into the ghost dream room again and found a white jade bottle on the table.

She reached out and picked it up and smelled it between her nose. It was jade honey.

Ghost dream, why don't you want to open your heart directly to me? Am I not worthy of your trust in your heart?

Qiu Yang will look at you like that. I just smiled, but you are in my heart, just like the white chrysanthemums outside the courtyard window.

The wind rose today, and Nangong Bingyu passed through the woods again and came to this plum forest. Nangong Bingyu was amazed by the scenery in front of him. It's only three or four days, but it's completely different. The plum blossoms are blooming enthusiastically. From a distance, it's like a red cloud. Is it already winter? Without the reflection of snow, the red became more and more wanton, and the arrogant posture was like declaring war on the cold wind and the late frost and snow.

Originally, I thought that the Yin Hong in the courtyard would cover up the lonely and beautiful shadow, but she was wrong. The red shirt dancing with the wind and the ink hair dancing wildly made him show more elegant in Aomei. The estranged temperament is like being in the world, and the heart is like the end of the world.

Nangong Bingyu walked slowly behind him and stood quietly. She didn't want to disturb this beautiful picture, but she stood still. Cheng Ye's shallow voice sounded with a smile: "Long time no see."

Is it long?

It's only three days. In the past three days, she asked Guan Junjie to go to Jicheng Restaurant to talk about things and buy all the land there. In a few days, she will start construction and open a silver shop, which will be done within a month.

Since Elder Cheng Ye feels that it's been a long time, it's been a long time. Nangong Bingyu replied funnyly, "Yes, long time no see."

Cheng Ye turned around, and his untied black hair raised a beautiful arc. Nangong Bingyu praised that the beauty should be like this. No matter what she did, she was so elegant and charming, regardless of gender or identity.

Nangong Bingyu's smiling gaze made Cheng Ye unconsciously raise his eyebrows. This woman is such a special and focused sight, which is not disgusting, but makes you intoxicated in the quiet and leisurely spring.

"What are you here to tell me?"

"I want you to help me wait for someone - ghost dream. Protect him and don't let him have contact with any royal family in various countries.

After Cheng Ye paused for a moment, when he spoke again, the smile on his face had subdued, and his deep voice said depressingly, "You can ask me to help him, but you have to promise me one thing."

"Try and listen." Nangong Bingyu is a little curious. There is something she needs to do for a character like Cheng Ye.

Cheng Ye took out a fan-shaped white jade from his arms. Under the sunlight, it was crystal clear and transparent. After gently stroking the jade body and playing carefully, Cheng Ye said softly, "Find this jade exquisite upper part."

Seeing that he cherishes it so much and still carries it with him, this piece of jade must have extraordinary significance to him. Nangong Bingyu asked, "Is there any other clue than it?"

Her question made Cheng Ye Fuyu's hand stop and handed the jade in her hand to Nangong Bingyu. Cheng Ye turned around and stood in the Meilin and said no words for a long time.

Nangong Bingyu has seen his back countless times. In the days before stepping into Meilin, this back is almost far away from her. Sometimes arrogant, sometimes high, sometimes casual, sometimes indifferent, but not as bleak and vicissitudes as it is today. People can't bear to ask again.

Nangong Bingyu looked down and looked at the jade exquisite stuffed in his hand. On the jade face, there was a blooming cold plum. There was nothing particularly fancy and delicate place for the sculptor. Just a few simple strokes had already carved the spirituality and arrogance of plum blossoms vividly. It can be seen that the sculptor must have the heart to love plums.

Simple carving already has its own style. On the other side, there are two lines of small words "helpless beauty, not on the east wall". The tough skeleton, the flying and free font, is self-contained.

Because of long-term touch, the surface of jade has become round and smooth. Holding it in her hand, she could faintly feel the cool breath. Now it is the middle of winter, and she is not sure whether the cool breath is emitted by the jade itself or caused by the cold wind.

Looking up again, Cheng Ye still turned his back to her like that. Nangong Bingyu sighed. This jade was carved by himself. His personal style is everywhere on it. And what he is looking for should be "phoenix flying, looking for phoenixes all over the world".

This is Feng Qiuhuang's piano song, but who is the person Cheng Ye cares about?

It's getting late, and the already cold wind is blowing wildly. However, in this plum forest, whether it is the proud red plums or the bright shadow standing in the wind, it seems to be opposed to the strong wind. Only the Nangong ice jade, which has wrapped its cotton brocade tightly, trembles unbearable.

Just as Nangong Bingyu was about to leave, Cheng Ye, who had been silent, finally spoke, but the quiet voice contained coldness and pain: "The original master of Shangqi is my sister, that is, Qiu Yang's mother. Twenty years ago, only her body was left to me. Qiu Yang was less than two years old at that time, and Qiu Qingyin had just been born.

He and her are a childhood sweetheart. He studied swordsmanship and five elements. She learned piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. The two have had a good relationship since childhood. They should have been a logical couple, but she finally fell in love with another man.

That's all. If she can be happy, he will have no regrets, but why he was left to him in the end is just a word of entrustment and a good care before his death.

He wanted to find the man who took her away and the person who killed her, but after 20 years, he couldn't find any clues. Even when she was ten years old, the jade he carved with the Xuanbing jade he passed to him by his master disappeared for 20 years. He guessed that the rumored Tongtian Lingyu in the world might have something to do with her death, so he must find it.

Although I couldn't see his expression, Nangong Bingyu could still feel his pain. It turned out that there was such a connection between him and Qiu Yang. However, it is with such a relationship that his upbringing of Qiu Yang is even more difficult.

A beloved woman and another man's child.

I don't know if this is a kind of suffering for him.

It's just such an important thing. Cheng Ye must have been looking for it for many years and still hasn't found it. Where can she find it? As a last resort, Nangong Bingyu whispered, "What you haven't found for 20 years, do you think I can find it?"

seemed to be a little tired. Cheng Ye sighed in a low voice, "Many things are predestined. I can't find them, which doesn't mean you can't find them." Is he destined to have nothing to do with her? He looked for it for 20 years, but there was no news.

Unable to refuse again, Nangong Bingyu replied plainly but seriously, "I will do my best."

Walking behind Cheng Ye, Nangong Bingyu gently handed back the jade in her hand, but Cheng Ye did not accept it. Those intoxicating eyes stared at the front, as if looking at Aomei not far away, and seemed to staring at the farther away. Finally, Cheng Ye said softly, "Take it." After saying that, he decided to go again.

Nangong Bingyu stood still a little stunned. Isn't this the treasure he has cherished for many years? Why did you give it to her in the end? The plum petals swept away by the cold wind danced intermittently beside Nangong Bingyu, reached out to take a piece of fallen plum, and gently shook the remaining plum in her hand. Nangong Bingyu shook her head with a smile. She still didn't understand the love affair!


Winter nights are always not particularly lonely. The cold wind blows the fallen leaves and makes a rustling sound. Even the doors and windows are squeaky by the wind. Nangong Bingyu, who had already fallen asleep, was awakened by the sound of the door. Listening carefully, it was not the sound of the wind blowing the door, but someone knocking on the door. But who will knock on the door at this late hour? Pressing down the doubts in his heart, Nangong Bingyu asked, "Who?"

"Master." Outside the door is a cold male voice.

It was a dark moon, and Nangong Bingyu immediately got up. It must be very important for him to come to her at this time. Wearing a thick cotton brocade and lighting the lamp, Nangong Bingyu opened the door for the dark moon.

With the candlelight in my hand, I can see that the dark moon's face is not good-looking, and its cold face is now full of haze. Although Dark Moon is usually a cold and quiet face, it is very rare for her face to be so serious and gloomy.

Just entering the house, Nangong Bingyu asked, "What's wrong?" Dark Moon came to find her at this time, and his current face made Nangong Bingyu have a very bad feeling.

The dark moon sword frowned and said coldly, "All the 80,000 stones of grain sent by Dajing to Fenghuangguan were burned in the early morning yesterday morning."


Nangong Bingyu was stunned. Sure enough, Dark Moon's simple statement confirmed her idea and almost shocked the candlestick in her hand.

Puting the candlestick on the low table, Nangong Bingyu took a deep breath, calmed down his disordered mood, and asked carefully, "Make it clear."

The dark moon still sounded cold in the room: "Yesterday, on the official road of Xinyi Town, 500 miles away from Phoenix Pass, all 800 stones of grain were burned, and all the guards and officials who escorted the grain were killed, and no one was alive."

What a cruel means. There are not many people who know that she is alive now, but if these 800 stones of grain cannot be delivered to the soldiers of Phoenix Pass, I'm afraid that Yasukuni will be another fierce battle! As long as the 800 stone grain is destroyed and the owner of the Nangong family is not there, Yasukuni will definitely fall into a mess.

It seems that someone wants the death of Yasukuni.

Nangong Bingyu sat down on the wooden chair in front of the table, and her beautiful face showed a solemn hand. One hand knocked on the table and asked, "What's the situation of Phoenix Pass now?"