shang qing tian xia

Chapter 160 Changyin Pavilion [2]

◆◆◆◆ben◆◆shu◆◆zong◆ horizontal◆◆zhong◆wen◆◆wang◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆


"Bingyu, you have changed." Bei Yanyue restrained her beautiful big eyes, looked at the corners of her skirt, and said sullenly.

Nangong Bingyu was unhappy with Bei Yanyue, and he just said, "Your Highness has thought too much, I'm just sighing."

Is that right? But there is a lot of helplessness and disgust in your tone.

"Maybe. However, in a strange country, there is a royal palace that had nothing to do with me, but in the depths of this palace, there is a green bamboo garden, which is exactly the same as my residence in the South Palace in Jingzhou City. The Arctic country was originally a cold-current place, but it could produce such a large area of green bamboo. Presumably someone would take good care of it at ordinary times. Otherwise, how could it be so alive? Nangong Bingyu glanced at the Changyin Pavilion in front of him and whispered, "Did he do all this?"

He in her mouth naturally refers to Jing Chen.

Bei Yanyue was not stupid, but also heard her mysterious voice and nodded, "Hmm. After meeting you in the mountains, he went to Jingzhou City. I didn't know what he was going to do there. Later, I learned that he went to the former Nangong Mansion.

Nangong Bingyu's heart moved. Since she was poisoned, she has not returned to Jingzhou City again, and the original Nangong Mansion will naturally become an uninhabited place in ruins. Thinking of that place, there will be a sad feeling in her heart. After all, it is also a place where she has lived for many years, with a happy return. Memory.

People will have a bad habit - nostalgia.

The reason why it is a bad habit is that no matter what is good or bad, they like to remember it.

Because of this, many people can't let go of the things and feelings that should be put down, and die of paranoia about the long-lost feelings.

People live a short life, only a few decades.

However, in these short decades, you have to experience the seven emotions and six desires of the world, and more importantly, you can't extricate yourself from it.

Not to mention others, so is yourself.

Nangong Bingyu walked side by side with Bei Yanyue with a slight smile on his face. Along the way, the two stopped talking and walked to Changyin Pavilion with their own thoughts.

Before arriving at Changyin Pavilion, I heard the tinkling sound of the piano from afar and entered the Changyin Pavilion together and found that the people inside had already been seated.

When they arrived, the sound of the piano immediately stopped.

After Nangong Bingyu and Bei Yanyue entered, Qi Qi saluted Her Majesty.

After meeting Her Majesty, Her Majesty politely arranged seats for them.

Nangong Bingyu walked to that position under the leadership of the female official.

After sitting down, the maids around them served hot tea. The three of them had their own minds, bowed their heads to taste the tea, and looked at the heat in the tea bowl, and were speechless for a moment.

Her Majesty is the most respected, and naturally sits in the main seat in the middle of the living room.

Below the main position are Beiyanyue and Jingchen.

And opposite Nangong Bingyu is a familiar little girl - Qingyu.

Nangong Bingyu was a little surprised when she entered the door. She couldn't understand why Qingyu was here. Although she knew that Qingyu was the daughter of the prime minister, her appearance at this scene was a little confusing.

Her Majesty turned her head and looked at the Nangong Bingyu sitting next to her for a long time, and suddenly smiled and said, "Qingyu is a very smart girl who is good at playing the piano. Today, when Miss Nangong first came to visit the palace, she asked Miss Qingyu to play the piano for Miss Nangong and welcome you with a wonderful sound."

Her Majesty the Southern Palace Bingyu Dynasty nod and said, "Thank you for your love! The women are grateful for Her Majesty's care. It's just that the song I just played is so beautiful. I don't know what the title of the song is?

qing yu put down the teacup in his hand and replied to her neither humble nor arrogantly, "The name of the song is Lihun."

"Re leaving the soul?"

Bei Yanyue interrupted and repeated, chewing the name for a while, and nodded, "Qu Hao, the name is good."

"Your Highness praised it."

"Can I play it again?"

The sunshine and rain did not answer, but Jing Chen put down the tea in his hand and asked with concern, "Has Sister Wang used dinner?" Knowing that Sister Wang returned, I specially ordered the chefs to prepare the famous snacks in Jingzhou City. Last time Sister Wang ate a piece, didn't she keep saying that she wanted to try it?

Although Jing Chen's words were said to Bei Yanyue, the ink eyes like falling stars and stones passed through Nangong Bingyu intentionally or unintentionally.

He raised his palm and hit him twice in mid-air, called a maid and ordered, "Go quickly and bring up all the prepared snacks, and a pot of wine I brought back."

After a while, snacks and wine were delivered. The dessert is indeed made by the chef in Jingzhou City. It is steaming, carved with various clever and pleasing flowers. There are five exquisitely in each small plate, and each top is dotted with different head colors, indicating that the filling inside is also different.

Jing Chen dismissed the maids, poured a glass of wine for Her Majesty herself and handed it to her, "Mother, try it."

"Okay, Wang'er has a heart!"

Her Majesty happily took the glass of jade, looked at the crimson wine in the glass, and took a slight sip. The mellow aroma of the wine slowly melted in her mouth, making people extremely sweet.

After Nangong Bingyu poured herself a glass of wine, she was stunned, but she smelled what the wine was.

This wine is actually the dry red she likes to drink.

Dry red, in modern times, is called wine.

Nangong Bingyu looked at the wine in a daze, but the people next to her may not really be in a daze and are paying attention to her as the protagonist tonight.

Bei Yanyue glanced at Jing Chen and found that his eyes were just a little bit of Bingyu, who could not see the expression. Then she turned to Qingyu and greeted Qingyu, "Qingyu, you can also try it. It's very difficult to find this wine.

qing yu nodded shyly, and in a panic, he obediently looked up and drank the wine given by the maid, and used two more snacks. He stopped making a sound and his face was calm.

"Ice jade, you can also try it."

Jing Chen then looked at Nangong Bingyu.

There are also three or four small dishes on the table next to Nangong Bingyu. She looked down and shook her head and said, "How to drink red wine. I can't drink it without ice. Don't you know?"

The last question is exactly what Jing Chen must know. Qingzhu Garden can be built for her, so everything she has ever had in Jingzhou City must not escape his understanding.

"Of course I know."

Jing Chen said calmly, "Don't you see a white pottery on your table? It contains ice cubes that were only sent back this afternoon. I asked the chefs in the palace to make small pieces for you.

Nangong Bingyu reached out and lifted the lid of the pottery and found that the ice inside had really been made into small square ice cubes. One by one, she picked up the chopsticks, picked up the ice cubes, put two pieces in the wine glass, and put down the chopsticks. He reached out and picked up the wine glass and shook it gently. When he felt almost, he tentatively put a little into his mouth. When the smell of wine came to the taste, Nangong Bingyu's eyes lit up: "This wine tastes more mellow than before. I don't know how old it is?"

Jingchen glanced at Her Majesty and wrote lightly: "I really don't know the exact year, but I just spent a lot of money to ask a wine-making uncle to give me five bottles. I kept one bottle for myself, and also left one for Sister Wang, and the rest for Mother Wang. If you like it, I can give you my bottle.

The wine with the taste of memories and the familiar snacks made her feel surprisingly delicious. Nangong Bingyu tasted a little and seemed to be aroused her appetite. Each of the snacks in the plate was only as big as her fingers. After eating it, she ate all five of them into her stomach in one breath, and she still wanted to the snacks on the table at hand. Go.

Bei Yanyue looked at her behavior funnyly, like an uneaten child, and smiled, "If I knew you liked it, you should ask the cook to prepare more. Brother Wang, do you have it ready below?

Jing Chen nodded and quickly ordered the maid to give some more snacks to Nangong Bingyu. After ordering, he swept his eyes to the Queen in the middle and asked attentively, "Mother, do you like these snacks?"

Her Majesty smiled. She also tried one or two before, but after all, there is a big difference in taste, and some are not used to it. "Very good. Miss Nangong, I still have some government affairs to deal with. I can't stay with you for a long time. Yueer, I'll leave it to you here.

Bei Yanyue smiled faintly: "Yes, mother, congratulations to the mother king."

Her Majesty left before the banquet was over. It seemed that she wanted to give this time to the young people present.

Nang Bingyu didn't care about Her Majesty's departure, but calmly wanted to reach out to get the wine pot on the table.

The maid around her wanted to help her, but it was too late.

I don't know when Sunny Rain held the wine pot and poured a glass for her. Suddenly, she showed an extremely kind smile and said softly, "Tonight's light snow has stopped, and the moon is about to come out. It's better to open the doors and windows of Changyin Pavilion and let the moonlight slowly penetrate in. Everyone can drink while listening to the sunshine and rain play the piano, which is both boring and elegant. Is it good?"

"Sunny rain, your idea is quite good. It sounds comfortable." Bei Yanyue nodded and called someone to open the doors and windows of the living room.

Nangong Bingyu is undeniable, but she does not open its mouth to refute. I still quietly ate the snacks in front of me. I don't know if I was hungry for a few meals. Suddenly, I met my favorite snacks, and my appetite was surprisingly good.

The winter day is short, and it has only been half an hour since I entered the house. The night has completely darkened, and the moonlight has leaked into the hall like water.

The maids quietly carried several cases of playing the piano and came in. After a while, a seemingly valuable guqin was placed on the table.

The sunshine and rain burn incense as usual, clean hands, and have a more solemn beauty on the face.

Sitting in front of the piano, holding my breath and closing my eyes, gently touching the string with my fingertips and hooked it.

A very low trill, like choking and spitting out on the string.

Bei Yanyue heard it in his ear and sighed: "Good piano. No wonder you are willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy this piano. Looking at Jing Chen, he praised, "Only such a good piano can be worthy of playing sunny and rainy times."

Jing Chen just smiled back to Bei Yanyue and didn't say anything. He still looked at the quiet Nangong Bingyu with gentle eyes and followed her behavior closely.

Qingyu tried the sound and felt that his heart had calmed down. He also suppressed his Highness's joke just now. He looked up and asked, "I don't know what song your Highness wants to hear?"

"A big event like a little song should be handed over to those who are familiar with the piano."

The Beiyanyue sun fell on Nangong Bingyu's face and smiled, "Bingyu, why don't you order a song?"

"Me?" Nangong Bingyu was a little stunned, "I don't understand. Speaking of piano, I'm really not good at it. I know a little about the ocarina. Why don't you do it?"

Jing Chen thought for a moment and asked, "Then let's have a song of spring, how about it?"

Sunny rain nodded, closed his eyes, and refreshed for a while. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes had a kind of self-confidence and brilliance that could not be ignored.

Gently hold the strings and pick your fingers skillfully.

The light piano sound, which was completely different from the audition just now, jumped into the eardrums mischievously.

It is full of vitality.

The sound of the piano is everywhere. Although it is winter, it is less cold in winter. Time suddenly went by, which suddenly reminded people that after winter, it was spring. The slightly urgent tone makes people feel irritable at all. The spring rain continues, dripping under the eaves, gentle and lively. The melody gradually became faster and faster, and the bright spring light came all over the world. There is no impurities, no heaviness. Everything is cheerful.

It makes people feel like a bird is whining freely through the forest. The new tender grass comes out of the soil that has just melted in the ice and snow, and the old tree stretches its body and is ready to change into a new green coat.

Suddenly quiet, the winter beast quietly probed its head from the cave. After a while, it came out and got close to the first shy flower bud in the forest. A scene of spring unfolds unreservedly in the sound of the piano, and even the air is full of the fragrant smell on the mud.

The people in the hall are intoxicated and imagine that the spring in March is seductive.

The sound of the piano is getting lower and lower, as if the day is over.

The birds came back to the nest, and the beast was tired of playing and went to find a clear water source to rest. The tender grass imitates this day, and it is high

A lot, the old tree stood up calmly, looking at the little squirrel who had curled up in its branches and leaves.

The lingering sound is amazing for a long time.

After a long time, Nangong Bingyu woke up and sincerely praised: "There is such a piano sound in the world. Jingchen, it seems that you will be accompanied by a sunny and rainy girl in the future, and your ears must be many times better than me.

qing yu received praise and was not proud. He replied with a smile, "Nowqing yu is temporarily living in the palace. If Sister Bingyu wants to listen to the piano,

Call me anytime."

South Palace Bingyu was stunned. Did she actually live in the royal palace?

He looked at Bei Yanyue and Jing Chen with suspicious eyes, pretended to be very happy, nodded and smiled, "That's the best. You can rest first. Playing the piano is a very troublesome thing."

"Thank you, Sister Bingyu, for your understanding. Sunny rain is not in the way."

"Let's not. Don't make you too tired." Nangong Bingyu smiled and didn't know why she was so flattering her. Sometimes it's better to do less than to do more. Just eat snacks quietly and look at the snow outside the window.

Suddenly, the sunny rain that sat down and gasped heavily, and his shoulders shook a few times and fell back.

Nang Gong Bingyu just raised his eyebrows, while Jing Chen jumped nervously from the chair and just took the sunshine and rain that almost fell to the ground in his arms. He changed his color and said, "Sunny rain! Sunny and rainy!"

"What's wrong?" Bei Yanyue was also shocked and got up and came to visit.

Jing Chen had no time to answer her. He grabbed Qingyu's hand, which was so slender that he could see the bones, quietly explored his wrist for a while, hugged her horizontally in his arms, bypassed the corridor, carefully placed the ** in the dormitory, and then said in a low voice to the subsequent Beiyanyue and Nangong Bingyu: "The pulse is a little messy. But when she returned home, she bumped all the way and didn't have a good rest, so she was probably tired.

Nangong Bingyu was stunned for a moment and said, "Then you shouldn't let her play the piano tonight."

Unexpectedly, Jing Chen's face unexpectedly appeared unbearable. Turning around, he said to him: "Drink a few more pills and have a good rest for a few days, and you will be fine."

After saying that, he wrote a prescription in person with the pen and ink on the desk in the room, and told the maids to immediately take it down and prepare.

After being busy for a while, he was afraid that the footsteps outside would disturb the sunny rain, so he thoughtfully put down the mantle in front of the bed for her. When he turned around, he saw Bei Yanyue standing behind him and silent.

Jing Chen then turned his mind back to them and said softly, "What's wrong with Sister Wang? What about Bingyu?

Bei Yanyue originally thought that Wang Di really wanted to be with Nangong Bingyu, but she didn't expect that Qingyu suddenly fainted, and Wang Di's performance was so nervous and guilty. If there was no relationship between him and Qingyu, she really didn't believe it.

"Bingyu has gone back first. Brother Wang, tell me honestly, what's wrong with you and Qingyu?"

Jing Chen looked helpless, but he smiled and said, "I have nothing to do with Qingyu. Sister Wang, you think too much.

"Brother Wang..."

"Sister Wang, don't worry about me, I'll take care of it." Jing Chen whispered, "Sister Wang just came back. It's time to be quiet and have a good night's rest." His eyes turned quietly, glanced at the depths of the hanging mantle, and took a look at the delicate figure.

Since he doesn't want to talk about it in detail, he can't continue to ask.

So he whispered, "Then remember to go to Qingzhuyuan tomorrow to meet Nangong Bingyu. In my opinion, her attitude towards you remains unchanged. And your move tonight may also cause her a misunderstanding.

"Okay, I know."

"Well, I'm leaving."

"Sister Wang, I'll take you back."

Bei Yanyue really didn't know what to say to Wang's younger brother. She was angry, hindered her identity, and couldn't reveal anything. She shook her head and said, "It's better not. You'd better take care of Qingyu here. After all, on the surface, she is still your marriage wife."

This statement was so stiff that Jing Chen couldn't hear it. He was stiff, and his sharp and shrewd eyes looked directly at Bei Yanyue.

Bei Yanyue was determined by him, but he felt uneasy.

She took Nangong Bingyu very seriously and knew what the existence of Nangong Bingyu was for the Arctic Country. Because she understood it, she wanted her brother more to pay for Nangong Bingyu in his heart.

Seeing that Jing Chen's face had changed, she quickly hid her dissatisfaction that had accidentally revealed just now, changed her tone, and told her, "Who doesn't look at it all the way back? Although you and I are sibling, it's not good to reach Bingyu's ears. After all, she is so smart..."

Jing Chen smiled gently: "Sister Wang is too worried. We are brothers and sisters, and we can never be outsiders. If you send it to the palace for fear that people will know, then let Wang Di take you to the gate. It can't be done.