Young Knife God

Chapter 4 Acupoint Refining

Well, Dad, what should I learn? A while ago, you taught me how to practice arm strength. I practice stone locks on the playground of Yun School every day after school. I can move the biggest ones.

Xiao blacksmith looked at Xiao Tie lovingly and said repeatedly, "Okay, I know you can do it. You should know that those large stone locks weigh more than a thousand pounds. You have this magic power, which is really good. However, strength is still not enough. Dad still wants to teach you some craftsmanship. With craftsmanship, you don't have to worry about having nothing to eat."

Xiao Tie nodded,

"Okay, let's get started."

Xiao Blacksmith raised the large hammer in his hand and handed it over to the child's hand.

Xiao Tie's arms sank, and he seemed to lift it without much effort. "Okay, now aim at this piece of black iron and smash it down. Be fast. When the hammer falls, the waist must be straight up. At the same time, the waist force must be transmitted to the upper arm, and then transmitted from the upper arm. When the hammer bounces up, you should absorb the power of rebound in time. On the opposite process."

Only then did Xiao Tie know that there were so many reasons to strike iron. He cheered up, raised his hammer and smashed it heavily.

Ding, with a crisp sound, the short moment when the hammer fell, the Xuantie was slightly deformed, and at the same time, a strong rebound force vibated into his arm. Xiao Tie took a quick breath and took a breath. Suddenly, a powerful force poured in from his arm, flowed through the back acupuncture point and fell back to the waist gas cave. This process was extremely short and rapid, and even had a feeling of being pierced by a sharp sword. However, after this hot pain, the Qihai cave actually had a feeling of burning and fullness. A faint airflow from the Qihai cave rushed around in the body, as if it was a violent hammer, and his body shook violently. ,

"Now inhale and exhale slowly, try your best to control your breath and don't run out, focus on your thoughts, ----

A low voice came from his ear. At this moment, he seemed to have entered a new realm. The mechanical hammer of his arm, and every blow was more violent, but the power of vibration was also strengthened to the extreme. He tried his best to collect the breath that rushed into the sea cave, but the sea cave did not seem to accept this foreign breath. This foreign gas The mixture is also beyond his imagination. There is a gray cold atmosphere, a fiery red atmosphere, and an extremely dark breath is quietly mixed between the two, which has become a natural barrier. Fortunately, the incompetence of water and fire can be stopped, but the sea cave has not been washed away, so no matter how much breath there is, there is no A place to accommodate.

"Now I will help you introduce my breath into your body and guide the external airflow to the acupuncture point. At this moment, you must concentrate your mind and let this river, lake-like breath hit."

A warm finger pointed at the Tianling cave on his head, and a hot spring-like breath quickly flowed into his body.

Suddenly, the chaotic breath poured in, as if it had been restrained, forming a strong current, converging in one place, and then rushing straight to the sea of gas through the Fengchi Cave to the shoulder well at full speed.

Under the bombardment, Xiao Tie's face showed a painful expression, a trace of blood oozed from the corners of his mouth, and there was even a nearly transparent bulge in the Qihai cave. Through the skin, you can see a black and red cyclone hovering,

"Open" Xiao's blacksmith's left hand and right hand, and his two palms were combined. For example, the pressure of Mount Tai hit Xiao Tie's head hard, and a huge strong and violent influx hit it with the momentum of destruction. Boom, Xiao Tie felt a sense of burning all over his body, and the air sea hole opened. , the black and red cyclone circled rapidly, and in an instant, countless breaths poured in crazily, and the cyclone actually scattered colorful light,

Xiao Tie's facial expression was more ferocious, his arms were invisible and thick, his flesh bulged, and his eyes radiated a terrible white light. He looked at the almost flattened iron spirit and hit him more violently, from a minute to dozens of times a minute, even faster, to hundreds of times.

The power is also a hundred times greater than before, and every hammer shines with a light of white flame, boom, ding, boom, when, with this crazy blow, the whole room has an unprecedented vibration,

Xiao Blacksmith finally let go, wiped the sweat on his head, and said excitedly, "You finally broke through"

The next day, as soon as it was dawn, there was a sound of iron in Xiao's iron shop. In a two-story house not far from the Xiao family, the light suddenly lit up. The bells opened their eyes from their sleep and yawned while looking through the window at the small iron shop in the distance.

In recent days, she has been very concerned about this iron boy. This ten-year-old boy can become a tool maker so quickly, which is unimaginable to anyone. In half a month, it will be the day of the rating conference. I really don't know if she can make a breakthrough this time, although her father has always expected himself She has been able to reach the knife spirit level, but she has failed countless times. Now, she faintly feels a little strange in her body.

At this time, the door suddenly opened, as if it had been blown open by the wind.

An adult man came in tiptoe, and a green oil lamp in the room was burning brightly.

Projected a huge figure on the wall.

Ling frowned slightly. His nominal father actually broke into his room so rudely every time. Although he never did anything to himself, in fact, he caused slight psychological damage to her.

"Bell, you got up so early." The figure came with a strong voice.

"Oh, Fabila, would you please knock on my door before you come in? I'm not used to you sneaking in like this.

"Well, your father asked me to take care of your life, including your emotional aspects. Hey, is that iron boy disturbing you? I'll tear down that shop, hey." There is some obscene in his eyes,

The eyes stay on the growing body of the bell intentionally or unintentionally,

The bell is twelve years old. Although it has not grown much, its physical development is obviously much better, and the thin pajamas are held high. With the movement of the body, it moves slightly, emitting endless **.

The bell's eyes still looked at the iron shop. Through the bright halo of the morning light, it could clearly see the ** upper body and hit the iron fiercely.

His naked upper body is like a cheering up, and his strength and beauty are unreserved.

What fascinated her most was that his eyes and the faintly ignited strange fire. She knew that it was a superior power attracted from the alien material, not only in different colors, but also strange varieties. The two attributes of light and electricity are perfectly displayed on his body. As he continues to hit the iron, a group of electric flowers will burst out in his hands from time to time. The electric flowers extend like a lead to the inside of his body, making his thin body gradually escape from the pale light.

There seems to be endless strange energy hidden in these alien ores, which makes him feel pain and get enhanced joy.

He remembered the night before his father disappeared, and specially told him to put some of the various power ores he usually collected in the black Daizi in the corner of the room, and asked him to refine them to strengthen his strength and physique.

A person who is naturally thin can only improve his physique through acquired bad habits.

Natural performance is also different.

Can a low-level ware maker attract so many miscellaneous fires? If the control is not good, the consequence is self-immolation. That was so terrible. I was thinking about it, but I suddenly found that the shadow was close to my body, and a pair of black hands pressed against my ** and gently rubbed *.

"Get out of here," before he approached, the bell's face became angry. As soon as she raised her hand, a purple flame appeared in the palm of her hand and shot out at the black shadow.

Oh, my God, the shadow was so knowledgeable that one rolled on the ground and escaped,

He didn't understand why this cute and obedient little sister would become so violent and terrible at this time that she almost turned herself into a eunuch.

In Xiao's iron shop, as the sun rose, Xiao Tie wiped the sweat on his head, took a slight rest, and stretched his waist. Then he felt that the power attracted today was really too hot. He actually made a faint sound in his body. Through his inner vision, he knew that there was a pale yellow cyclone on the cyclone in the Qihai cave. This cyclone does not seem to reject the two colors of black and white, but it is much hotter than the other two.