Young Knife God

Chapter 7 The Principle of Lens

Over the past few days, with the gradual increase of fighting spirit in his body, the black ornament that has been hanging on his chest suddenly becomes shiny. Every time he absorbs a strange fire, he can always feel a small fire attracted by it. What is this black strip? He didn't know, but his father had told him that this thing was very important and he must protect it.

He has never liked this thing, so he has been putting it in the corner, but since his father disappeared, he has found it and hung it on his chest. Every time he practices his skills, he will take it with him to express his thoughts.

But seeing that this dark thing actually had brilliance, Xiao Tie was happy and said to himself: This is also a fun baby. Its shape is like a crescent moon, but it is wrapped in a layer of black oil, and even the weak and poor blue light is emitted from the gap like scales. , touching it, I feel that there is a trace of warmth on the scale-shaped skin. If it is not too small, Xiao Tie really wants to pick it up and wave it in the yard at this moment. Ha, I really want to knock off this ugly scale and see what is hidden in it?

Hey, Xiao Tie was happy to see it. If this thing is rounder, it will be an egg. If it is only half, I think that the baby has no name, so after thinking for a moment, he has an idea, patted his thigh and smiled, "Hey, baby, you can call it half an egg in the future." Although it sounds awkward, it is very good. Elephant,

While lying down and resting, I suddenly remembered that I still had 10 million poisonous tasks to complete, and I couldn't help getting annoyed.

The next day will be the opening day of the test conference. At that time, all the excellent children under the age of 15 in Faku City will go to the test venue to test the level. The test is divided into two sessions, one is a professional ware maker test and the other is a fighting skill test. Comparatively speaking, a ware maker is a more attractive profession. After all, there are still a few people who are qualified to be a ware maker, and they also have a high status, so it has always been an ideal profession in the hearts of young people.

Xiao Tie couldn't help his excitement. During this day, he still had a lot of things to do. At present, the task of this thousand poisonous crossbows has only completed 800. It seems that he will stay up all night tonight, but after the night is too noisy, the neighbors will have opinions.

He suddenly remembered that in the book his father had given him, he had talked about advanced smelting. Why don't you take a look?

He made up his mind to hold the book in his hand and look at it carefully.

Sure enough, on the last page of the book, he saw a passage about smelting,

However, due to the age, there is only half a page left of this text.

It is written above: Melting actually takes advantage of the amplification effect of the astrolabe. If the stars in the astrolabe are not lit, and the ring of the artifact can also be used.

Point the illuminated ring of the builder at the iron to be refined, place the fire in the center of the halo, and then focus the energy of the fire on a point by constantly shrinking the halo to melt the metal in an instant.

After reading this passage, Xiao Tie's heart was inexplicably excited. Recently, several unknown strange fires have been collected in his body. The temperature is the highest, showing light yellow. Although he can't be named, he knows that this strange fire can help him smelt metal. He has an astrolabe on his body. He hasn't found a suitable way to open this thing so far, but his father once told him that there is only one simple way, which is to forget himself.

A person can only open the star disk if he devotes himself to his thoughts, so a good engineer must be a calm person who can sit and fall asleep.

Thinking of his father's words, he was determined to try.

He put down the hammer, found a chair and sat down. There was actually a book in his hand. Although it was full of handwriting, he silently wrote down the only remaining Dharma skill in his mind when he traveled through time, coupled with his understanding of acupuncture points, so his behavior has always been extremely smooth.

There are nine levels in this skill, sitting on meditation, entering, forgetting myself, clearing, leaving God, floating world, golden body, ghost step, bathing in fire. Before the age of five, he had been practicing Dharma skills silently. It was not until he was accidentally discovered by his father that he found that the child was actually not stupid, and his method of refining qi was also very special, which attracted his father's attention. Xiao Blacksmith was originally a senior engineer who was very familiar with the skills of qi refining, but he saw After Xiao Tie's magic skill, he was still greatly surprised. After all, this skill was very different from the method commonly used in the mainland, but when he saw that Xiao Tie's body was still strong, he believed that this skill was actually very good for the foundation of the body. In order to help Xiao Tie vent his pulse as soon as possible, he formulated the cultivation of acupuncture points. Refining techniques,

After helping Xiao Tie open the air cave, he disappeared. For a moment, Xiao Tie's cultivation road hit a big question mark. These days, Xiao Tie felt a large amount of fighting gas pouring into the qihai cave, but there was nowhere to circulate. The more drama accumulated in his body, the heavier his pain.

But after careful investigation, it made him a little happy. Several fighting spirits in his body were slowly synthesized, converging in the Qihai cave, slowly forming a cyclone and turning non-stop. In this way, the energy invisibly weakened a lot in the pain of the body, making Xiao Tie's spirit By one shake.

The body's internal vision, the airflow flows into the body through the nose, and the silver ** slowly pours in, and a fierce heat hits the nerves. A white gas slowly escapes from his body and floats outside the body.

He closed his eyes slightly, breathed slowly, and forgot everything in his mind. When a blank came, he sat cross-legged, with his palms far away, and a breath gushed out of his palms, forming a gas barrier around his body. The gray air barrier slowly unfolded. Although he could not cover all his body, but Most of it has also been hidden. It turns out that there is such a mysterious unique learning in this ancient and mysterious gas refining technique, which is probably what my father often talks about himself.

Damn, if he hadn't been exposed to Qigong on earth, he would have always believed that the word "inting" was a special language of Buddhism. If he couldn't calm down, he couldn't close his breath. Therefore, this level was really important to him. Fortunately, some days ago, under the guidance of his father, he had reached the level of forgetting me. Whether he could break through depends on today's situation. How's it going?

He meditated on his father, and a sense of sadness came in his heart, making him forget everything in an instant.

He entered the realm of selflessness. Huh, the astrolabe slowly emerged behind him. In the sea of air, a strange fire, like a dragon flying. As the speed accelerated, the yellow flame rose and injected into the center of the astrolabe.

Huh, a fireball is generated in an instant. Countless rays of light penetrated into the body, illuminating his body like a transparent one. Bones and blood boiled up in an instant. It can be seen that the white bones in his body are slowly turning red.

The blood turns from red to green. The red blood boiling point is low, so it can't withstand higher temperatures, so a good engineer's blood must be green or purple.

And his blood was turning green, and his bones slowly changed from red to jade-like white, and even thickened a lot. With the completion of bone transformation, a large amount of nearly liquid fighting air was wildly injected into the bones, forming something similar to bone marrow. Xiao Tie was shocked and suddenly remembered his father. I once told him that the so-called master turns bones into jade and qi into marrow. In this way, his realm has broken through another layer. It seems that this magic skill is really magical,

He slowly closed his work, stood on his chest, sat cross-legged, stretched out his hand, drew a circle in front of him, and quickly dispersed with a gray breath at the end of his fingers, full of circles. After a moment, the breath formed a lens-like thing from the previous turbid flow, and his left finger bounced.

A warm flame slowly ignited.

Like a lens, slowly close the light yellow flame. However, Xiao Tie could not control the focus well at the beginning. Although the flame focused, it could not focus on it, forming only a basin-sized light mass. Hey, the focus formed by the lens principle can magnify the weak energy hundreds of times, so that when the focus is on a stone, it will melt instantly.