Young Knife God

Chapter 29 Bamboo Forest Encounter

Mrs. Yu sat quietly in the inner room and was thinking about something. At this time, Rick knocked on the door and came in, holding a black elixir in her hand

"Madam, you'd better take the antidote, otherwise you won't always take it, and the poison in your body is about to attack."

A teacup on the table flew to the ground, and the hot flower water splashed all over the floor.

Rick's new dress was also mostly wet, and she frowned slightly. Mrs. Yu is not surnamed Yu, but Jenny. A demon leader, his father Jack, was the suzerain of Moshan, but for a seemingly nihilistic love, she gave everything in exchange for bitter tears.

"Mo Zun hasn't been here, has he?" Her tone was very peaceful, but her heart was full of bitterness.

"Love and not love have become the poison of my life. He really doesn't step here anymore." A faint sadness and a shallow sigh.

It is said that there is too much helplessness in my heart.

Rick felt sad and comforted: "Madam still wants to open up. In fact, he is not ruthless. He sent someone to send his wife's much-needed antidote this morning. Since his wife was injured by the magic flame when she fought with him 50 years ago, the poison has lurked in her body, although most of the antidote can be relieved. The poison can't be rooted, but if your wife wants to live, she will eat it. Otherwise, once it is poisoned, my wife will really not see him.

Mrs Yu played with a piece of purple jade in her hand with tears in the corners of her eyes,

Seeing that she no longer refused, Rick quietly sent the antidote to her, then closed the door and retreated to the door.

Fifty years, in a flick of the finger, it is short-lived, pitiful and cruel to death.

Fifty years ago, she was still the favorite lady of the demon, but she decided to break up with him because she suspected that the demon demon had moved in love with a beautiful fox.

On that day, they fought from morning to night, and they were not sure whether they would win or lose. Unwillingly, she actually used the unique trick at the bottom of the box - the Flame Ice Rocket.

A thousand-year-old ice arrow shot from her hand. What she wanted was no longer his love, but his life.

The demon master was helpless and also released a high-level magic skill - the flame of the demon spirit.

As a result, she was poisoned by the demon, and the demon was hit by the arrow of ice.

She makes a living with a red elixir that detoxifies every day, and he wants to warm the frozen left arm with a burning flame.

The door opened gently, and Mrs. Yu appeared outside the door. Today, the sun is full, and the sunny valley is very warm. Looking around, the blue mountains in the distance are undulating, and the clear water under her feet is full of the sky. It is really a rare treasure in the world.

The most important thing is that this valley gathers the aura of heaven and earth, which is very conducive to practicing fighting spirit.

Today, she was in a good mood. After seeing a few magic pets in the backyard, she asked Rick, who had been following him, "You can see that child clearly. Does he really have an astrolabe?"

"My subordinates haven't figured it out yet, but I just feel that there seems to be some inexplicable power in him." Rick replied.

"Well, the demon Lord also mentioned to me in a burning secret language the day before yesterday. This young man's background is unknown and his identity is suspicious. According to him that day, the child seems to have an astrolabe on his body, so I need to pay special attention." Mrs. Yu still said lightly, as if she didn't care about Rick's surprised eyes.

"Bearby, what happened to what I told him to do?"

"The matter of serving the magic pet is not bad, but there is still a lack of strength to cut Gangzhu. Madam, isn't there too much of five sticks on this day?" Rick is a little worried. With Xiao Tie's weak little body, can he complete such a heavy task?

"Hey, don't worry about this. If he really has a power, this task is nothing. By the way, let's pick him up in the afternoon."

Gugeda is the name of the laying hen, oh, it is the name of the rooster. Although it doesn't sound good, it's easy to remember.

"I know."

Her confused eyes wandered between the mountains and rivers, and it turned out to be a group of reluctance. The wind blew up her long hair, showing a little charm,

Her face seems to be a girl at first, but her actual age may have been thousands of years.

The effect of such maintenance is unforgettable for ordinary witches.

The jade people left and went back to the house to practice.

Rick's eyes looked into the distance, and he thought in his heart: Boy, cutting bamboo is not something that children can do.

Anne came over with a smile, looked at Rick, who was still in a daze, and smiled, "That boy is smart. Don't worry about him. Let's pick him up before dark."

No one understood the silence in the valley. Xiao Tie's arrival added a smile to their faces. Speaking of him, Annie couldn't help smiling.

The sky is getting dark, and Xiao Tie has cut more than 170 axes in the black bamboo forest.

I don't know whether the axe is not fast enough or the bamboo is too strong. The more than 100 axes are cut up, leaving only a white shadow on the bamboo joint.

Seeing that the bamboo was so difficult to cut, Xiao Tie sat on the ground degrily and looked at the blisters that had just rubbed in his hand. He wanted to scold his mother in his heart.

"Fuck, what kind of bamboo is this? It's harder than steel. If it goes on like this, it can't be cut down in the dark. Do you really want to make a fool of those two beauties?

Thinking of Anne and Rick's sneering eyes, he secretly gritted his teeth,

Raise the incomplete axe again.

His eyes touched the blade of the axe, and he was shocked.

It turns out that the iron axe has been rolled up. If you cut it like this, it can only play the role of a hammer, and the bamboo will not fall down even if it is shaken to death.

Another long sigh,

He sat down like a deflated ball. He fell to the ground and made a slight sound.

The level of fatigue on this day was far beyond his imagination.

So as soon as I fell down, I couldn't help falling asleep.

Wow, a cloudy wind blows the face,

He was shocked and bounced up in an instant, and the broken axe in his hand was also thrown over.

A black light flashed, and suddenly touched the shadow of the axe in his hand, making a loud noise. The axe was completely scrapped and turned into a mass of iron.

But the black light is getting closer and closer.

A giant snake came into his sight.

Damn, he's so big,

The waist was like a bucket, and its head was as big as a bucket. It flew along the bamboo branches. For a moment, the bamboo leaves all over the mountain danced. The two black lights actually shot out of its eyes. Wherever they went, the black bamboo broke, chirping, opened its mouth and sucked, and instantly condensed the flying bamboo leaves flying in the forest into balls, and then blew it hard. , shouting at Xiao Tie's door.

Xiao Tie was so scared that he rolled on the ground that he could avoid it. The leaf ball exploded, and there was a smell of shell exploding.

A flash of black smoke,

Another bamboo fell down,

Although Xiao Tie was shocked, he couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw the bamboo falling horizontally.

So much, it's hard to cut one by yourself, which saves your own trouble.

Xiao Tie climbed a thin bamboo, where the field of vision was wide and the bamboo leaves were separated, and he quietly looked at the opposite side.

Seeing that the magic snake only did a little destruction, it left like a gust of wind. It was strange. Suddenly, I heard a girl's voice: "Xhui, where are you going? If you run again, I will break your leg."

With the voice, a white and tender girl who was only twelve or three years old suddenly ran over from the end of the forest.

While shouting, he chased the magic snake.

Xiao Tie opened the bamboo branch and looked at the girl, but his heart couldn't help but be confused.

It turned out that the girl was actually a bell.

Her body was extremely fast, and only a few flashes chased behind the magic snake. A silver rope in her hand firmly put it on the snake's head, and then pulled it hard with a hee.

The rope tightened and seemed to fall deep into the flesh of the magic snake.

The magic snake made a silky cry, turned around, and unexpectedly opened its huge mouth, as if to bite the girl.

The girl flashed deftly and avoided a blow. The whip in her hand waved heavily and made a huge sound on the magic snake. The scales on the magic snake actually fell off a few pieces, and the arrogant attitude just now also restrained a little.

Become obedient.

The girl pulled up the rope and was leaving,

But he suddenly turned his face to Xiao Tie's hiding place.

Xiao Tie was shocked. Looking at the bamboo under his feet, he secretly called himself a fool. It turned out that he actually chose a young bamboo less than one year old when he was busy.

Although the bamboo is extremely tough, it is not bad that such a bamboo as thin as a finger has not broken the weight of its own body. However, I don't know when there is a rooster that can bark on the bamboo. At present, this rooster is barking and waiting for the sunrise.

"Hey, shut up and go away." Xiao Tie almost vomited blood in a hurry.

Oh, oh, when the rooster sees the sunset in the distance, whether it is sunset or sunrise, it comes first,

The bamboo couldn't stand it anymore. It broke open with a bang. Xiao Tie fell down. Just as he was about to get up, he felt that his back sank. Oh, oh, it hit his back again.

For good, it realized its mistake and jumped to one side in time.

just made Xiao Tie breathe a long breath.

I almost stepped on it just now and felt much easier.

The light footsteps stopped in front of my eyes,

A voice of surprise came to my ears: "Is that you? Brother Xiao.