Young Knife God

Chapter 36 Blue Water Cold Pool

In the room, Mrs. Yu took Lanny's hand and whispered, "Have you been injured just now?"

Lanni said with tears in the corners of her eyes, "I must kill him. It's unreasonable for you to protect him when he bullied me like this."

"Oh, silly child, Xiao Tie is just a child. Maybe he has just done something more, but for my face, don't pester him anymore. He immediately threw himself into my door, even if he is my disciple, so if you offend him in the future, you have to take care of it more."

"So, won't you avenge my daughter for me? Then I will find an opportunity to deal with him in the future." Lanny seemed to be angry, with her little mouth pouting.

"You didn't come here just to fight with him, did you?"

"Oh, the doorkeeper has a letter for me to bring you about the magic martial arts conference. In addition, he seems to vaguely sense the power of the astrolabe. He said that at 12 noon on December 12, there will be a spectacle of nine stars arranged in the sky, which is also the most critical day for the power. If Letting the supernatural person break through the realm will have an important impact on the safety of the demon world, so he asked me to tell you that you must pay attention to Xiao Tie. After all, his father is a supernatural person and is now locked in the black stone cliff. If Xiao Tie sits big in the future, he will definitely try his best to deal with the demon mountain, so that the magic mountain will have real trouble. "

"He is too much in charge. I will make my own decision here, so please tell him not to interfere in my affairs again, or I will never see him again." Mrs. Yu suddenly changed her face and rushed angrily.

Lanie stayed there and didn't know what to say for a moment?

She knew that her mother's nature was like a fire. At one point, in anger, even if she was flesh and blood, she could not escape the attack.

"Mother, you are angry again,"

"Well, let's not talk about it. I haven't been angry for a long time. Don't mention him in front of me in the future. He is dead in my heart, okay?" Her eyes looked at Lanny like an arrow, making her feel unprecedented hostility and pressure.

"Go back. Moshan needs you more. What can't you help me here?" Her heart became as cold as ice in an instant.

The warmth and warmth that just remained in my heart disappeared.

The wind blew, and Xiao Tie was independent of the bluestone in the center of the cold pool. He looked at the sunlight in the distance. The light was warm and reflected a different kind of warmth on his body.

Like his mother's gentle hand touching the hair, softly, making his calm heart darkly homesick.

"Hee, you always come so early. Today, I brought you a cold water jacket. Such a water jacket is very precious. I secretly stole it from under my brother's skin to let you open your eyes. Hey, I'm so good to you. Why aren't you moved at all, big fool!"

Xiao Tie was stunned before he suddenly woke up from his dream and smiled awkwardly. "Oh, thank you so much. I really don't know how to thank you. Oh, it seems that he can only agree with his body." He just recovered 80% of his body, and he teased the beautiful woman so shamelessly again.

"Well, who let you marry me? I'm a Molin clan. You are a human race. We don't deserve it. If you make me happy again, I will ignore you. Humph, bully people." Shuiling's big eyes swept away, pretending to be angry and twisted to one side, and ignored Xiao Tie, but his face turned slightly red, and his heart rippled dark.

After wearing the water coat, Molin took the lead in getting into the bottom of the water. Xiao Tie followed him, turned a few bends, sucked in his palms, sucked up a blocked stone, and the two quickly swam in.

This stone is separated by the two worlds.

Xiao Tie didn't expect that the extremely cold world outside was so different from the spring-warm bottom of the water.

For good, some oxygen is placed in this water jacket, which can produce some oxygen for a long time, which makes Xiao Tie feel not sad.

It looks like swimming less than two miles again,

The two came to the front of a palace and stopped. At the bottom of the clear water, there seemed to be countless night pearls illuminating, which made Xiao Tie see everything in the palace effortlessly.

The scale of this palace is beyond imagination,

From the appearance, the whole body is blue, and the water flowing in the hall is actually dark blue, so when swimming in the hall, you have to work hard to distinguish which is the door and which is the column.

Otherwise, a head will be bumped up if you don't pay attention.

The hall is empty and there is no sound.

Turning to the center of the hall, Xiao Tie saw a blue stone, a black inkstone, a gold pen and a pair of armor on the table.

Molin said indifferently, "This used to be where my father lived. He used to be an aquarium general, but now the aquarium has fallen. Since my father was arrested, no one has been here. I came here just to see if my father has left anything behind."

Grab a gold pen on the case and swipe it gently.

A golden light burst out, scratching the water line and marking a stone pillar in the distance. It can be deep.

"Don't mess with your father's things?" Molin shouted,

Several things in this case have some legendary stories.

"These are my father's favorite things. The one you hold in your hand is a sky pen, and the black inkstone on the table is a flying dragon inkstone. If several treasures are used together, it will bring great damage to the enemy."

Xiao Tie interrupted her: "It's so powerful. Why was your father still arrested?"

Molin bit her lips and said sadly, "My father is a loyal person, and the people who arrested him are just some ordinary sergeants, but for the word loyalty, he would rather sacrifice his life than use these artifacts to deal with those hateful guys."

When Xiao Tie heard this, he was moved and asked, "What's your father's name? Who arrested him? Where is he now?" Thinking that his father was also imprisoned by the demon clan, his heart suddenly hurt again.

"His name is Zhanlong, and he is the general of the aquarium. The person who arrested him is the master of the demon mountain. They said that he was a power and intended to be unfaithful to the demon clan, so the demon clan sent someone to catch him on the mountain and said that if we want to deal with them in the future, they will kill my father without hesitation."

Xiao Tie was shocked. It seemed that the power of the demon clan was not generally strong, and even the war dragon had become their prisoner, which really surprised him.

In this way, there must be an inhuman secret for the demon clan to imprison so many powers on the Blackstone Cliff,

But to this day, he still knows nothing about it.

Xiao Tie locked his eyebrows and clenched his fist.

"Brother Xiao, what's wrong with you?" Molin looked at him curiously.

Xiao Tie raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice, "Nothing, we are too weak, so we are not enough to fight with the demon clan at all. At present, we have to practice well and will definitely have a chance to save our relatives."

"Well, if Brother Xiao likes these things, you can choose one."

Molin's eyes looked at Xiao Tie, and her heart was suddenly moved by the teenager's courage.

Xiao Tie smiled thickly, reached out and picked up the golden pen and said cheerfully, "That's it, I like it."

Molin nodded and smiled and said, "You have eyesight. This is the most precious pen of our aquarium. She is not only extremely powerful, but also a magic pen to make painting scrolls. It is said that someone painted the Yangtze River earlier, but the surging water really fell from the sky and came alive. In this way, those The painters who watched the paintings were so scared that they all escaped.

Someone said that this thing was ominous, so my father sealed the pen after drawing the picture until today.

Her voice was low and powerful, fluctuating on the surface of the empty palace.

What the two are talking about is lively, and there is a sound of breaking water.

Molin's face changed greatly, and she hurriedly pulled Xiao Tie behind the wall and hid it.

"Oh, I just saw two figures in here, and they disappeared in a blink of an eye," the man came to a young man in his twenties. He was tall and dark-skinned. Although he was a human head, he had an ugly black fish tail.

A person followed him closely, with a very different appearance and clothes.

The white clothes fluctuated slightly with the waves, and the beautiful face with a cold look made the cold water cold pool in an instant.

The chill emanated from the cyan sword vein in her hand, and the white ice spread infinitely wherever she went, and she was about to come to the hiding place of the two.