Young Knife God

Chapter 40 Holy Fire Mountain

Seeing Xiao Tie leading big pheasants into the hole, it really made the two masters, the shadow and the blood demon, laugh and cry.

"Big Boss Xiao, why did you catch a chicken? Do you still think this hole is not lively enough?" The blood demon laughed and handed him a cyan jade bottle.

"What is this?" Xiao Tie asked, while tucking the green hair to the stone pillar next to him. Xiao Tie brought some grass and spread it underneath to make it into a bird's nest shape, so that the green hair can lie comfortably on it.

After looking left and right, the green hair settled down and quietly lay on the haystack to sleep.

Xiao Tie turned his head and quietly looked at the small bottle** held in his hand,

With the gentle shaking of the palm of his hand, the magic light spread in the bottle can be faintly visible, and a bright light appears in the bottle like a rainbow after the rain, showing rare beauty.

Through this light blue jade bottle, you can clearly see that there is a kind of sticky ** in it. This ** seems to be extremely deep. The small bottle is held in the palm of your hand, and there is a strong majesty. Obviously, the magic elixir of low-level Warcraft is in it

"What kind of blood essence or something, ch," Xiao Tie was trying to replenish blood for the magic knife, but he didn't expect that the blood demon thought of this in advance for him.

The blood demon stretched out his hand to Xiao Tie, "Hey, where's the thing?"

Xiao Tie blinked his eyes mischievly, took out a few magic rabbits from the space ring, and a drilled gopher, and threw them in front of the blood demon.

These are the prey he hit when he goes out for a walk every day and passes through the Forest of Warcraft. The only purpose of these things given to the blood demon is to refine them into blood. If there is enough blood, he can also refine more exquisite magic blood cells.

"Oh, that's great. Not only are you more able to fight these days, but even the prey you hit has reached a level." The blood demon reached out and took the middle-level magic rabbit and looked at Xiao Tie with great appreciation.

Xiao Tie smiled faintly and said, "This is nothing. If you like it, I'll come back with some bigger monsters for you next time."

"Okay, it's a deal," the blood demon took out the black blood bucket from his arms with satisfaction,

Two fingers lead and draw a curve. Those monsters, regardless of size, were sucked into the blood bucket together.

A black lotus was born in the palm of his hand, and a fierce black flame of the Holy Spirit circled up, instantly surrounding the blood bucket.

After a violent shock, the slowly Warcraft in the blood fight gradually stopped struggling and slowly calmed down.

The blood demon laughed and said, "Okay, the middle-level demon rabbit actually has a purple inner elixir, ha, this time you can refine a long life pill, ha,"

"What is Changsheng Pill?" Xiao Tie was puzzled.

It was the first time he heard someone talk about Changsheng Pill, so he knew nothing about his use and refining method.

"Well, this Changsheng pill is actually using the inner elixir of the middle-level Warcraft to refine it into sperm blood, and then mix it with a magical long-life drug into a pill. However, this effect is too strong, so it is not suitable for everyone to take it. If you want to take this medicine, it must be a power body. Ha, Neidan is easy to get, but Is this magic medicine rare? The blood demon frowned slightly,

The red light on the face slowly faded,

"What kind of magic medicine can I pick for my predecessors?" Xiao Tie suddenly felt sympathy when he saw the frozen smile on the blood demon's face.

"That's all. Even if this medicine arrives at the Yaowang Valley, you may not be able to find it. Let's talk about it later."

He no longer speaks, but concentrates himself into the blood fight to refine the blood.

When the blood in the blood fight continued to spread, Xiao Tie obviously felt that the magic knife had also changed, and the sound seemed to absorb the blood gas emitted in the air. Xiao Tie looked at the magic in surprise and found that he was slowly turning red.

If only it could replenish some blood. Although it is a monster, as long as it is powerful enough, it can sweep away the demons.

In fact, the method of adding blood is extremely simple, which is to refine the animal's blood and then extract the essence. Finally, after the blood furnace is boiled, the remaining particles similar to solid crystals are the so-called blood essence.

In the past few months, he has seen the blood demon refine countless times in this way. The method is simple, but extremely exhausting. At present, Xiao Tie is starting the astrolabe with all his strength, so there is not so much extra fighting spirit to refine blood essence, so the matter of refining blood essence has been entrusted to the blood demon to complete for him, and As long as he can catch some small monsters every day.

Since he saw the vertical and horizontal bloodline on the magic knife with his own eyes, he believed that there was really something in the world that needed to feed blood to work.

This evil magic knife is definitely one of them.

"Senior Blood Demon, let me refine the blood essence this time. In fact, I have learned a lot a while ago, but I haven't practiced it myself."

"Bad boy, have you really figured it out? Well, this won't be in vain for my painstaking efforts. The blood demon rubbed his hands excitedly and looked carefully at the bloodthirsty thing on Xiao Tie's chest.

And Xiao Tie also rudely took the blood sperm handed over by the blood demon, opened the wooden bottle stopper, and poured all the ** in the bottle into the scabbard of Tianmo.

A red light flashed,

A dazzling red light appeared on the magic knife,

The knife body also slowly twisted as if it had been resurrected.

When the knife body cools down again, the size is more than three inches larger than before.

And the knife body is gradually taking shape.

"Hey, if only some blood essence should be fed to it. If this kind of spiritual thing can drink the pure blood essence in the world, its evolution and growth speed will be much faster."

Xiao Tie is excited and red.

If it evolves at this speed, it won't be long before he can really have a sharp weapon that makes the three worlds really scared.


A star-circling mountain, like a huge cup crossing a perfect round fox line surrounds several cylindrical mountains.

At the top of a relatively low circular mountain range in the center, there stands a tall black palace.

The beautiful volcanic fountain spewing from time to time in the volcanic pool of the nearby sun bath is like a huge pillar of fire, illuminating the western sky.

On the bottom of this sun-shine basin, there is a murder in the Temple of Stars.

In the Temple of the Ring of Stars, Francis, the patriarch, was quietly listening to Lanny telling him what happened in Wuzhan Valley,

On both sides of her, there are several white guards and black masters sitting respectively.

Cano, Norvis Machine, St. Simon, several masters looked at Lanny, the favorite second princess of today's suzerain,

"Master, that boy is simply bad. His fighting spirit is not only strange, but his strength is also amazingly powerful. The same middle-level magic skill will be broken through by him and increase his speed and attack power several times. In this way, even a high-level knife emperor has little chance of winning against him."

"So this child is the boy who fell from the Broken Soul Cliff before? It's not only amazing that this boy can survive. St. Simon interrupted, shaking the black robe on his body, which symbolized his identity and status, made him look like a formidable pressure.

He likes the fear in other people's eyes, so even if there is a smile on his face, it is extremely gloomy.

Lanie couldn't help frowning when she heard his words.

"Oh, magical child, if you throw yourself into the arms of Yufuzi, it's better to let go of us, otherwise Yufu will be in trouble when his life is angry. Haha" Kano in the white robe is a little witty haha,

His words triggered a burst of laughter in the room,

"Sil down, do you still have me as the suzerain in your eyes?" choking, the sound of a broken jade bowl, the suzerain's face is particularly ugly,

When it comes to Mrs. Yu, it is a permanent pain in my heart,

"I'm sorry, patriarch, we thought you had forgotten the past history. After all, even black memories will be covered by the volcanic ash of the Magic Mountain. Look at the fire of the Holy Mountain. It has burned for tens of thousands of years and is still taking care of us like the sun god."