Young Knife God

Chapter 61 Void Arrow

"Oh, my God, I heard the fire god crossbow, right? I've never heard of anything magical." Gate's eyes showed envy,

Xiao Tie said calmly: "The power of this kind of thing is not great, but the range is far. When the mercenaries of the wolf camp have not been trained, the short soldiers are the most regrettable. I will immediately make a thousand Vula crossbows for you, and you have to teach them to use them as soon as possible. After all, with this thing, we can form a Strong combat effectiveness, this is a very meaningful thing.

The cover smiled and said, "Okay, as long as I get the crossbow, I promise that all these mercenaries can learn it."

Xiao Tie patted Gate on the shoulder,

said gently: "Of course, we have recruited too many recruits during this period, which will attract the attention of other mercenary regiments. We should strengthen management on weekdays and never let it cause trouble. In addition, the business of the American Song and Dance Club is not very good. You can send someone to investigate what the reason is. If someone makes trouble, Don't return it yet, wait for my order to do it.

Gai's characteristic head agreed, and suddenly thought for a moment and said, "Meige has been abnormal since the acquisition. I'm afraid that it's people make trouble from it. Mike, the manager of Meige, who was the former boss, is not very reliable. I wonder if we should remove this person and use our own people to serve as managers."

Xiao Tie patted his head and remembered that he had only cared about the formation of Zhang Luo's mercenary regiment these days, but ignored the management of Mei Ge. Thinking of this Mike, he had seen hundreds of people. He was very smooth, and there was no problem on the surface. Although Mei Ge's business was not as good as before, it was not enough to accompany the money. However, Meige's accounts have been showing losses recently. There must be a problem here,

"Well, since you have made this suggestion, there must have been a suitable candidate for a long time, right?" Xiao Tie smiled and looked at Gate, which was extremely reassuring about the young man's ability to do things.

Seeing that Xiao Tie said it, Gate scratched his head embarrassedly and said, "Hey, you've been right. I recommend my subordinate Miss Maglett to still serve as a manager. Her father was once a declining aristocrat and once engaged in bar business activities. Although she went bankrupt later, she learned from it. With her skills, coupled with her always being cautious and old-fashioned, I think she is the most suitable candidate, "

"Okay, then call her. I want to meet her."

Gate answered and left in a hurry,

Three minutes later, Xiao Tie saw a strange beauty in a soft seat of the beautiful song,

She looked at Xiao Tie with an incredible look.

"Hello, my name is Maglett, 18 years old, height,,,,,,"

"I can see that you are a little nervous. Sit down." Xiao Tie pointed to the opposite seat and motioned her to sit down. He smiled secretly. If he didn't interrupt her, I'm afraid she would even report her three circumference. Maybe Gate called her here and didn't explain the purpose of coming here.

Maybe it's to surprise her.

"What would you like to drink?" Xiao Tie snaps his finger at a waitress in the distance,

"Oh, if you want me to drink it, then I want a cup of blue classic, how about you?" Maglet has relaxed a lot,

In her eyes, Xiao Tie is still a big underage boy,

But what he has achieved is what she didn't expect.

In her eyes, this beautiful, gentle and even introverted boy is actually the boss who controls the wolf mercenary regiment and the beautiful song.

"Like you, oh, Miss Maglett, you are so beautiful."

Xiao Tie has always been a flowery heart, and he will always look at beautiful women a few more times.

Soon, two cups of blue classics with a special fragrance were placed in front of them,

Xiao Tie picked up a cup and took a gentle sip at his mouth,

This is the first time he has tried this blue classic with extremely beautiful colors.

A spicy and aromatic smell poured into the nasal cavity at the same time, giving him a burning feeling from the bottom of his heart. He frowned and endured it.

Fuck, what kind of taste is this? Such a strange taste will still be liked by girls. It seems that it is still a little particular.

Seeing Xiao Tie's awkward appearance when tasting wine, Maglet couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Xiao must be drinking this kind of bar for the first time?"

"Well, let's say," he remembered that when he had drunk Erguotou on earth before, he didn't feel so exciting,

"This kind of wine is attractive blue, which is very pleasing to girls. Some people call it burning with flames, because its taste is still very fragrant. Therefore, although girls like his color and taste, it is too exciting to make people angry because of the wine, so only women who are disappointed in love are their favorite. ."

She handed the cup to her mouth and took a sip while saying sadly,

I think she also has a sad past,

It's inconvenient for Xiao Tie to ask more questions,

I simply said bluntly, "I know that the manager here is suspected of making trouble, but I haven't found any evidence due to my lack of experience, so I decided to fire him and appoint you as the new manager of this beautiful song. You can have five minutes to consider it, or of course you can refuse."

"Oh, manager? Do you really think so? Can I do it?" Marglet's excited cheeks turned red, and some words became incoherent.

Xiao Tie smiled and whispered a few words to a waitress beside him.

Soon, a tall, smiling middle-aged man came to Xiao Tie,

"Mr. Xiao, it's nice to meet you." Mike stretched out his hand to Xiao Tie,

Xiao Tie stood up and held it gently.

To the point, "Dear Mr. Mike, due to the recent poor business conditions of Meige, your manager position has been cancelled. I have decided to appoint a new manager, Miss Maglit. You can choose to stay or leave."

Mike was stunned for a moment and suddenly said, "So, you are going to fire me. Humph, you should be careful. Maybe my former boss told you that my * is one of the biggest gangsters, the Black Dragon Club, oh, I can leave, but if the Black Dragon Club comes to trouble you, it has nothing to do with me."

His words are not without warning,

But Xiao Tie smiled and said, "I will accompany you at any time. Now that you take your salary, leave quickly. What I hate most is the person who threatened me face to face."

"Okay, be careful," Mike turned away angrily and left,

Looking at Mike's departure, Maglett was a little worried and said, "Mr. Xiao, what should we do if he really comes to make trouble?"

"Tooth for tooth, blood for blood! This has always been my rule. Oh, you will be the manager here in the future. If someone comes to make trouble, please inform me or Battalion Chief Gate at any time, "

Xiao Tie stood up and was leaving. Suddenly, he said, "Since we are called Meige Song and Dance, we need to introduce some beautiful women to dance. In addition, we need to have a good band to accompany us, and appropriately increase some entertainment activities to increase our income. Well, these are your business. We should find a way to reverse the loss as soon as possible. For profit. Otherwise, if I continue to lose money, I will go bankrupt, haha, "Xiao Tie joked,

"Don't worry, Mr. Xiao, I will definitely turn this place into a first-class song and dance gathering."

Magli's admiration for Xiao Tie has reached a new height,