Young Knife God

Chapter 65 Chain Storm

After visiting half of the street, in addition to seeing the scenery and the beauty, Xiao Tie also noticed some changes in the sales situation of ancient shops.

On the side of Rainbow Avenue, this is a bustling area with dense shops. Both the ancient family and the Henry family have shops here. To understand the sales of drugs, you just need to come here.

Xiao Tie strolled on the street, stopped less than 100 meters away from the ancient shops, and looked at him with a smile. Oran looked at him strangely. These days, he has become more and more difficult to understand, even strange. Together with the feather fan in his hand, she was very puzzled. After all, no one has used such an old-fashioned thing on this planet,

Following his eyes, he saw a group of injured mercenaries rushing to the ancient shop. The first one shouted, "Restore potion, give us five bottles,"

"Gentlemen, five bottles cost a total of 5,000 gold coins," the fat boss was a little overjoyed to see the mercenaries who came to buy medicine. After all, the potion in the store has not been sold for a long time. If it goes on like this, he must go bankrupt. A short mercenary scolded hatefully, "Fuck, it's so expensive or low-level, you still have to be shameless,"

The fat boss smiled like a pig and forced a smile, "These uncles, this price is negotiable. Why don't I sell 500 gold coins, even if I make friends?"

"Well, I didn't say anything about the attitude, but my brother used this potion yesterday, and it seemed to be very effective. He used seven bottles in a row to make up half of his blood volume. Instead, it was the middle-level potion of Henry's shop, which is also sold for 500 gold coins, as long as five bottles. If your potion is not a fake, it must be his. It's expired, and my brothers will come to buy it from you in the future."

shake your head in disappointment,

Come to Henry's store,

It's funny that the fat boss stretched out his hand and stopped talking.

I just sighed and saw the teenager I saw that day shaking a feather fan and smiling at himself.

Who still thinks it's hot on such a cold day? If not, it's deliberately pretending to be cool.

It suddenly became very popular.

said angrily, "I said, you boy, why do you come to make trouble with me every day? Am I angry?"

He patted the counter, captured the cuffs, and looked like he was going to fight with people.

Xiao Tie smiled,

After fanning the feather fan again, he said slowly, "It's really blind for you to talk to the young master like this. If it pisses me off, it will definitely tear down your shop.

As he spoke, he took a color pen from Frank's hand and came to the fat boss's shop. He waved a big pen and wrote a big 'disassembly' on the wall.

Haha, a burst of wild laughter, casually throwing the pen on the stunned face of the fat boss, and swaggered away,

"Drip, what to dismantle?" The fat boss obviously didn't realize the special meaning of this word. Thinking about how good this word was when Xiao Tie was on earth,

There is no reason for the word to be demolished on the wall. Even if it is the palace compound, it will definitely be demolished.

The fat boss stared at the huge words written on the wall,

I didn't come to my senses for a while,

"Haha, wonderful, this word is on the wall. It seems that it really can't be pulled by ancient shops," a passer-by clapped his hands excitedly.

"You have offended Boss Xiao Tiexiao. It seems that there will be no good life in the future."

After listening to some sarcastic words in the clouds, the fat boss recalled that he had just seen Henry's only daughter Oran behind the teenager, and then patted his head. Damn, this boy dared to be Xiao Tie, Henry's son-in-law, who had recently been squatting in the market in the city.

Hey, he punched on the counter and said that he couldn't offend anyone. Why did he offend this living Yanluo? I'm afraid he will be sad in the future.

A burst of heartache came, and he found that blood was flowing out of his fingers.

What's more terrible is that a nail on the counter is peneping into his fat palm, which makes him in unbearable pain.

"Fuck, who the hell put this nail here?" The fat boss screamed like a pig in the street.


Since Xiao Tie's newly developed crossbow went on the market yesterday, coupled with the price reduction of the intermediate recovery potion, the business of Henry's store has been particularly good.

A few streets are overcrowded, but compared with the ancient shops, they are much more deserted.

Xiao Tie smiled with satisfaction: "Hey, if it hadn't been for the right time and Henry's hesitation, I would have wanted to take action against the ancient shops,"

Frank smiled and said, "The strength of ancient shops is still very strong, and our current financial resources seem to be..."

Xiao Tie listened to the calculation and sighed.

Sure enough.

At present, the successful operation of Meige not only wins sky-high wealth for Xiao Tie every day, but also becomes the heavenly world in London. Ha, almost everyone who consumes here is aristocrats or rich people, and the lowest consumption price is 9,8 hundred gold coins. Ha, not only that, even the lady of Meige has passed through the whole The national selection was not allowed to enter until after the rematch. It was really beautiful as a fairy.

A foreign girl who has competed with the best figure, how can she be called a witch?

Xiao Tie couldn't help but want to pull down and make out with him. Hey hey, if it hadn't been for Olan around him all the time, he really wanted to have a good time now.

In half a month, Xiao Tie bought two medium-sized entertainment venues in the vicinity of Phoenix Song and Dance City and Blue Dream Song and Dance Club.

In addition to changing the name to the song chain, Maglith has also been upgraded several levels and became the general manager of the song and dance collection. With the success of the career, the mercenary regiment also bought a poorly managed racetrack nearby and changed the training site there.

Damn, I'm lucky to have done such a big merger without overdraft. Now it seems that this ancient shop really needs to slow down,

Thinking of this, he stretched out.

Walking listless, it's not even within the scope of where to go.

In the past few days, in addition to the medicine bath that Xiao Tie must do every night, he has also been doing some bone-strengthening practices surrounded by the light of the shadow. This rapid approach day and night really made him exhausted. If Oran hadn't said he wanted to eat and go shopping, now he really wanted to have a good rest and sleep well.

And an important part of bone strengthening is to quickly carry out bone transformation by absorbing a lot of fighting spirit after taking a medicinal bath. Massage is one of the first tasks after bathing. It's really wonderful to think of the feeling of being naked and being massaged to death.

But when the shadow shines on his bones with purple light, it is completely a completely different feeling. First, the roaring disk covers his body, and then the hot and scary purple beam is infinitely compressed to a point through the center of the astrolabe and penetrates the skin and shines on his bones. Above, the piercing pain is almost worse than killing him,

But his strength still played a role. He endured it. He felt that his bones had become liquid and could flow freely. It can be seen from the inside that a large amount of light energy was stored in every bone of his body.

The desire for light makes him intentionally or unintentionally absorb some light energy when shopping,

When the warm and soft airflow flowed like honey, his whole body was extremely comfortable.

Hey, hahaha, it's like being caught in an itching place. Along the way, laughing and swaying attracted the curious eyes of countless passers-by.

"Huh, isn't this Xiao Tie, a talented teenager? What's the matter? Did you have a cramp? A yellow-haired girl stopped and looked at Xiao Tie with concern.

"Hey, she has a girlfriend, don't think about it, hee," a blue-haired girl beside her covered her mouth and smiled, pointing to Orando next to Xiao Tie,

"Oh, it's so beautiful. I heard that she is the daughter of the Henry patriarch, a famous beautiful girl in the mainland." The amazing eyes turned from Xiao Tie to Olan, which made Olan a little uncomfortable.

She felt like she was shopping with a madman, which was so humiliating.

She stretched out her jade wrist and twisted it heavily on Xiao Tie's buttocks.

"Ouch, what are you doing with me? What a cruel hand, the little ass is swollen, what else...?"

"Fool, we have been around for a long time. Where are we going to eat? We are almost hungry." Oran looked at Xiao Tie dissatisfiedly. Along the way, Xiao Tie either looked at the beautiful woman on the roadside or lowered his head and giggled. Oh, did he really figure out what was thinking in his little head?