Young Knife God

Chapter 76 Grand Plan

When Xiao Tie returned to Henry Manor with Oran, old Henry saw his own daughter lost and recovered, and he burst into tears of gratitude.

"Brother Xiao, hey, you still have a way to save my daughter so quickly."

"Oh, there's nothing to say about it, just take a look at it,

Xiao Tie shook the feather fan in his hand and pretended to be nothing had happened.

"Oh, Boss Xiao, this will be your home in the future. In addition, you saved my life. I think it's better for us to celebrate."

Olan grabbed Xiao Tie's arm and said affectionately,

Old Henry was in full bloom,

I think it would be a good thing if this boy could become his son-in-law.

It's just that I don't know what this boy thinks. I wanted to ask several times, but I saw Xiao Tie's eyes dull, as if he was full of thoughts, and swallowed back the words that came to his mouth.

"Son, what's on your mind?" Henry looked at the thin teenager with concern,

"Maybe I'm going to leave here for a while," Xiao Tie locked his eyebrows and looked at Oran opposite. Oran was surprised, "Where are you going? Will you not come back?" After all, he is already concerned about him.

That curved willow eyebrows also hung with crystal tears,

"I'm going out to practice in a while. After all, there will be a magic martial arts conference in another month."

At this grand event, he fought as a disciple of Mrs. Yu, and he must not humiliate his master.

"Oh, Magic Martial Arts Conference, Oran, don't pester him. Young people should have ambitions. This conference is the most important event in our demon world. I heard that it will only be held every 300 years, so it's a rare opportunity, young man, I'm optimistic about you." Henry patted Xiao Tie on the shoulder and encouraged him,

"Oh, will you leave for a long time?" Thinking of his experience of being kidnapped, Oran's face showed a frightened look,

She held Xiao Tie's hand tightly and didn't want to let go for a long time.

"Who will protect me if you leave?" She raised her head and looked into Xiao Tie's eyes, as if she could see the answer in his eyes.

Xiao Tie stroked her hair and smiled gently, "Silly girl, you still cry at such a big age. This will be ridiculous. Oh, it's not that I won't come back. Besides, if you are here, Uncle Henry and brothers in the family will protect you. It will be fine. If you want help, you can also let Gate send people to pass. To protect you, heh,"

"It's those annoying mercenaries again. I don't want it. It's enough for me to be protected by you, a fool."

A line of tears slowly flowed down, which made Xiao Tie's heart suddenly hurt. Oran desperately rushed into Xiao Tie's arms and cried,

He couldn't figure out why this demon girl made herself have a concern in just dozens of days. If it was wishful thinking, she would come too fast.

"Well, it's okay. I'll be back soon, more than ten days, or a month later," he smiled innocently and thought that the hostage crisis with the Black Dragon would end. His heart relaxed slightly. Although the Black Dragon will inevitably make some action, it will still calm down during this period. ,

Xiao Tie ate absent-mindedly and suddenly remembered that there were still some things left. If he didn't make an account, then the Hungry Wolf Mercenary Regiment led by Gate would encounter unprecedented trouble.

I scratched my fingers slightly, wrote a few strokes on a black light letter found in the empty ring and sent it out. Not long after, Gate and Una Magritte and others appeared in Xiao Tie's room as scheduled,,,

Xiao Tie looked at Gator with a smile,

"Hey, Battalion Commander Gate, your command ability is excellent. You have contributed to this battle."

Gate opened his arms, hugged Xiao Tie, and smiled and said, "What's the best? As long as there is a battle, I would rather fight a few more games with the enemy. Ha, if it hadn't been for the Vampton crossbow you invented this time, we wouldn't have won so easily. Haha, it seems that we will make a large number of this new weapon in the future. Ah, we should not only equip ourselves, but also sell some to the same place to earn gold coins. In this way, our hungry wolf mercenary regiment will no longer be worried about funding in the future."

Xiao Tie clapped his hands and said, "Okay, your mind is really one step ahead. You said the place I just thought of. Ha, okay, let's set up another weapons manufacturing factory immediately. The location is near your training ground, so that you can take care of it at any time, and second, so that you can let the brothers Practice at any time. Third, there is also a place where you can sell and try the advanced weapons we have produced to your peers. In addition, I also want to set up an air transport team. Of course, there are not many flying chickens in our hands at present. As far as I know, there is a training ground nearby, and there is a batch of flying chickens for sale, but they I haven't realized the value of this batch of flying chickens. The price is only about double that of meat chickens. If we buy them, it will be a good deal."

Establishing an aircraft company has always been one of Xiao Tie's dreams. Unexpectedly, things that are extremely difficult to achieve on earth can be done so easily on this continent,,,

"This is a good idea. I raise four hands in favor?" Frank, a bastard, said something wrong with one mouth. Hey hey, he smiled awkwardly, and at the same time made everyone present laugh.

"Hey, Frank, how many hands do you have, haha"

"Is it even counting the foot pull? If so, it's enough for four pulls, ha",

Xiao Tie waved his hand to signal Da An to calm down,,

Because he saw that Frank's face had turned crimson. Oh, I'm afraid that making fun of him again will definitely make him angry.

"Oh, Frank just made a joke. I like Frank's frank attitude. Oh, let's get straight to the point. Gate is responsible for the operation of the new weapons factory, Maglite is solely responsible for the operation of the flying chicken farm, and Maglett is also responsible for the acquisition of the gambling company. Responsibility, after all, we have a large amount of money in our hands, which can expand our career. Xiao Tie's eyes swept over everyone's faces one by one, and there were ups and downs in their hearts. They are all subordinates they trust. In the future, they need to actively participate in expanding their business. In this way, you will be much more relaxed,

"Big Xiao, will our crazy expansion be too eye-catching? You should know that the casino is monopolized by the Black Dragon Club, and the Flying Chicken Company has never done it. In addition, the expansion of the mercenary regiment will attract the attention of the mayor. I want to be in the central city of this demon world. No mayor will allow a mercenary regiment strong enough to overwhelm the royal team. Moreover, we defeated the Black Dragon Club this time, but the strength of the Black Dragon Club has not been significantly weakened. They will still fight with us in the future. As far as I know, the Black Dragon Club has always been close to the bandits. If he wants to fight against us, the powerful bandits in the mountain will definitely take the opportunity to make trouble. "< /P>

"Oh, I have prepared a big red envelope for him at the mayor. Miss Maglet will send it to the mayor in person later, which is a meeting gift. In addition, in order to show our sincerity, we may release the dozens of black dragons held in our hands to reassure us that we will not treat him for the time being. If we take action, we can ease our relationship. In addition, as far as I know, the mayor also has his troubles for us to deal with. It may not be long before he will come to us and ask us to come forward.

"Hey, it's too mysterious. I don't believe it. You should know that the mayor has always looked down on the mercenary regiment. He has never dealt with the mercenary regiment. "