Young Knife God

Chapter 83 Join the Black Kill Group

A super energy fluctuation spread, making Xiao Tie suddenly startled from **,

His astrolabe suddenly felt a powerful energy source, which seemed to originate not far from him.

Hi, he walked out of the window,

A little on both feet, use the light magic skill "black light teleportation," jump ten feet, and then jump a hundred feet,

Although it is not as slow as the other party's blue light escape, it is not slow.

The top of the mountain,

Black clothes are flag-like, with a mountain-like heavy texture.

Within ten steps, the black light filled the body and covered the body. If you can't feel the powerful energy fluctuation, Xiao Tie is not sure that there is life there.

On the contrary, the eyes will deceive themselves,

He will think that what he sees is a rock or a piece of dead wood,

But the astrolabe has a strong ability to sense energy, which naturally can't escape his eyes.

I'm stunned, and there seems to be someone's words coming from the depths of darkness,

The voice seems to be very familiar, but Xiao Tie is almost completely uncertain about the identity of the speaker.

"Xiao Tie, you're here."

"Well, who is your Excellency? Why did you ask me to come here?"

Xiao Tie's heart was full of hesitation, and there was a slight chill in his heart,

After all, if someone takes his own life, I'm afraid he doesn't even have the hope of escape.

With a wave of both palms, the black air suddenly dispersed,

A full-body black, with only eyes on the face, a medium figure,

"I'm the leader of the black killing group. Now I want to invite you to join my organization. What do you think?"

"Black killing group, the first-class assassination organization in the mainland, most of the subscribers have extremely high levels and experience, and I'm just a low-level human being. Are you kidding?"

Xiao Tie said his doubts in one breath,

Although he was a little excited, he was more suspicious.

"Hey, don't underestimate yourself because you are a human race. If the human race has an astrolabe, it will become particularly powerful. There are two criteria for me to choose people. One is the experience of extremely high-level hand assassins, and the other is to have an astrolabe. The newly added dragon armor is also the owner of the astrolabe of a human race, and you are the first besides him. Two,"

"What benefits will it bring me to join the organization?" Like a shrewd businessman, he will never do a loss-making business,

"Hey, stinky boy, negotiate with me. Well, then I'll tell you that after joining the black killing group, you will get a sky-high salary every time you perform an advanced task, and after the assassination is completed, you can enjoy the results alone, that is to say, if you kill a person who is not low, then he will get it. Everything belongs to you. If two people complete it together, it will be divided equally. Do you understand this truth?"

"Oh, I'm interested in killing, but my level is so low that I'm afraid it will drag others down."

"Oh, new entrants will undergo certain training before they can perform tasks alone. Although your level is low, you have not mastered the use of the energy of the astrolabe, so your combat power will be greatly reduced. If I point you to turn on the energy of the astrolabe, you will become as powerful as us."

"Oh, if that's really the case, then I'm willing to join the black killing group," Xiao Tie suddenly felt the gentle breath of the people.

Familiar and warm,

seemed to be a little like his father by his side. He was inexplicably moved, and tears turned into tears in his eyes.

The man in black smiled and said, "This is a secret decision to open the astrolabe. You take it back and step up your practice. After a while, I will recruit other brothers to let you know. Hey, as long as we gather eight people, our black killing group will have new tasks to take over."

Xiao Tie didn't understand his words. Why did he gather eight people?

As for who these eight people are, he doesn't know. He knows that like gangs, each faction has its own secrets. Even if they are their own people, they can't know everything.

So he didn't ask, just stood there and quietly looked at the person coming.

The man smiled, and his attitude was not as cold as before. He took out a token from his arms and handed it to Xiao Tie's hand. Together with the secret decision, it was handed over to Xiao Tie's hand. Xiao Tie took it in his hand and was about to open it, but it was stopped by the sound.

"Don't open it. This Peugeot and that secret can only be practiced in the dead of night, otherwise you will be in danger if you are discovered. After all, there are many enemies in our black killing group, so confidentiality is extremely important.

After saying that, the blue light suddenly appeared, the mountain was slightly good, and a black light and shadow came from the sky, and the man in black was gone.

Xiao Tie returned to the house and was about to rest, but he accidentally met a man in the house.

"Olan, why don't you go to bed? It's so late. Do you have anything else to do with me?" Xiao Tie looked at Oran puzzledly, and Oran looked at Xiao Tie angrily.

"Why weren't you there just now?"

"I just went to the back for convenience, hah" Xiao Tie had a bad smile,

"Well, you lied again. I don't believe it. I clearly saw you go to the back mountain," she said, which scared Xiao Tie's little face and changed color in an instant.

Xiao Tie suddenly stretched out his hand and put it tightly around her mouth.

"Don't talk nonsense, or it will cause trouble." Looking at his nervous face stunned Oran for a moment and his heart beat wildly.

They hugged each other tightly, and an inexplicable excitement came from the bottom of their hearts, making Oran's pretty face blush.

"Are you sure you want to hold me like this all the time?"

Olan covered his mouth and snickered,

A woman's body fragrance spread into her nose, making Xiao Tie's dry heart suddenly feel a little,

He unconsciously kissed the red lips opposite him heavily, and the crazy and unscrupulous kiss caught Oran off guard.

But she only catered silently, but a trace of desire for happiness flashed in her heart.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I lost my temper." Xiao Tie suddenly realized that he suddenly pushed away Oran in his arms,

He was confused and exerted too much force. He actually pushed Oran a few steps away and almost fell down. Xiao Tie was in great embarrassment. He stepped forward and reached out to hold Oran's willow waist.

said awkwardly, "Just now, I,,,, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, hey, "I don't know what to say for a moment,

But Oran smiled brightly,

I patted his head generously with my fingers,

laughed and said, "Don't apologize, fool, I'm voluntary, heh."

Xiao Tie was stunned and said, "Voluntary? But we may not be together, which is fruitless, you know? Xiao Tie grabbed his hair tightly and seemed to be crazy, with a painful moan in his mouth.

"Because I am a human and you are a noble demon clan, there will be a war between the human race and the demon clan as soon as possible, that is to say, we may also become opposing enemies,"

Olan was stunned and didn't seem to understand his words, but her face was extremely pale at this moment.

"I don't care, really, I only love you, fool." Oran shed sad tears, stretched out his hands and hugged Xiao Tie, but was ruthlessly rejected by Xiao Tie.

"Oh, if we are not enemies, let's be good friends."

"No," Oran covered his face and went away. Xiao Tie looked up out of the window and felt that the deep night was extremely desolate.

A coldness poured into his heart, and a beastly luster flashed in his eyes.

"I want to kill all these bastards, and I want revenge!"

He feels a little crazy, which is different from the usual gentle teenager.

Xiao Tie fell down in **, and his mind was blank.

Suddenly, a white light flashed in front of him, which turned out to be a white light message from Wu Zhangu. This magical transmission technique is as magical as the telephone in modern society.