Young Knife God

Chapter 85 Tras down the traitor

After Xiao Tie's affairs were completed, he took Frank back to the training ground of the Hungry Wolf Mercenary Regiment,

Seeing Xiao Tie's carriage parked outside the door, the mercenary in charge of guarding the door immediately saluted Xiao Tie and said respectfully, "Boss Xiao, are you here to find Commander Gate?"

Xiao Tie nodded slightly and smiled, "Yes, I'm looking for him for something urgent. Ask him to come to see me quickly."

Xiao Tie took Frank into this new training ground together. Looking around, he saw that this was a green grassland. On both sides of the grassland were rows of red-top two-story wooden layers.

neatly arranged on both sides of the road, hundreds of people are practicing nervously on the grass.

A warm applause attracted Xiao Tie's eyes,

Xiao Tie looked up and saw two beautiful women, Una and Ajia, racing.

Some mercenaries who had nothing to do gathered around both sides of the track and loudly cheered their battalion commander,

And those beautiful female soldiers are the most eye-catching. After all, in Xiao Tie's eyes, in this dead barracks, without these beautiful female soldiers to enliven the atmosphere, the training effect of male soldiers will certainly be greatly reduced.

I saw that Ajia was one position ahead of Una, but Una hurriedly issued several whips and hit the horse's buttocks heavily. For a moment, the oolong god fire horse she stepped on made a hissqueak like a dragon, and her body soared into the air and surpassed Ajia's snow lion horse.

"Okay, Camp Leader Una won, haha," a burst of applause came, making the atmosphere at the scene suddenly reach **.

Xiao Tie watched this wonderful game with great interest,

Until I heard a familiar voice in my ear: "Big Boss Xiao, I'm back."

Xiao Tie looked back and saw that it was Gate, but Gate's face was depressed.

"What's going on?" Xiao Tie asked,

"We accidentally found the people of the Black Dragon Club in the Qunying Club. Maybe they realized that someone wanted to annex them, so they were eager to find the Black Dragon to deal with this matter."

Gate's eyes were full of doubts.

"So it must be a spy inside us, or a leak of information to make the opponent on guard. If the spy comes from inside us, then do you suspect who might do this?" Xiao Tie asked indifferently, but kept searching for answers in his heart.

Since the Hungry Wolf Mercenary Corps continued to rise, the chaos of personnel management has also attracted his attention.

There is a group of new personnel whose origin is unknown, and it is likely that it may be the other party's spy, but the only thing that is uncertain is that in addition to Gate, there are several people who know that he can't be sure about this plan.

"Do you think it's possible if I say it's Jia?" Gate thought for a long time before he said slowly,

Xiao Tie knows that he has always been calm and will not talk nonsense until he is sure.

Although this Jia has also won his trust, after all, he is different from others. At least her origin is still a mystery.

According to her, she has been an ordinary mercenary in several other mercenary regiments, but her skills are obviously higher than ordinary people.

It is said that a female soldier even found a tattoo carved with a black dragon on her back.

Xiao Tie sighed and glanced at Ajia, who had just appeared on the field,

Somehow, this young and beautiful beauty always leaves him a deep feeling,

Even if you laugh, you still laugh mysteriously and reservedly,

But she is not as strong as ordinary men.

I have been injured several times, but I never asked a pharmacist for treatment. I can recover with simple medication.

If it's Una, it may be very different,

"She is indeed different. Maybe she has a mysterious past, but it is by no means as ordinary as mentioned in her resume. I think her identity may be beyond our imagination."

Xiao Tiechen took a moment,

The head of the cover also said, "She has a variety of attributes. She can not only use the attack of light, but also rotate the vortex of light at will. You should know that people with such abilities can never be done by ordinary civilians, and such high-end magic skills are generally in the hands of nobles."

"Well, you can send someone to investigate this matter in private. Before we find out her true identity, she is still the battalion commander of the mercenary regiment. At present, since the opponent knows our plan, we simply take the initiative and fight with them to see if we win or lose." Xiao Tie sighed, which meant that he would take the lives of countless brothers in vain.

But no matter how high the price is, he will win the Qunyinghui,

"How many brothers do we have now?"

"About 500, except for some brothers who watch the scene, all the brothers who can be transferred are included."

Gate said, and there seemed to be a worried look on his face.

After all, the strength of the other party is much higher than 500, and the conservative estimate is also about 1,000 people. Moreover, during the war, it is possible to get strong support from the Black Dragon Club at any time. If you can't win quickly, it may trigger a full-scale war with the Black Dragon Club. In this way, it will be a dangerous result.

This situation is like taking chestnuts from the fire, which should not only be accurate, but also fierce,

If there is a slight delay, it is possible to lose the whole game.

Xiao Tie thought for a moment and smiled and said, "There are five at the entrance of the Qunying Association. Even if there are thousands of brothers, there are only a few hundred together. We use 500 people to attack it a little bit, and then set up an ambush and besiege reinforcements on the only way. In this way, we can easily solve it. Get rid of this difficult opponent."

The strategy of encirclement and assistance is a magic weapon for our army to defeat the enemy. Even in the alien world, it is also useful.

A trace of excitement flashed in Gate's eyes and clapped his hands, "Good plan. In this way, the enemy will be killed by us and be exhausted little by little. Maybe when he sees their failure, the Black Dragon will also think about whether they should take action."

Xiao Tie patted Gator's shoulder and whispered, "This is a secret and must not let others know, but on the surface, we still need to cheer up a momentum to reconcile with Qun Ying, at least let the enemy relax and reduce some hostility, so that we can suddenly Sex can have the effect of a final sound.

Leave the Hungry Wolf Mercenary Regiment, Xiao Tiema walked several streets without stopping.

On the way, I inspected the sales situation of the same ancient pharmacy.

Sure enough, along the way, I saw the door of the same ancient medicine shop, which was extremely deserted,

Some mercenaries laughed and scolded: "Damn, the things sold in ancient shops are expensive and useless. I heard that some brothers have the effect of breast enhancement and whitening. Haha, my brother used it, but it was much whiter than before, "

"There is no use for nothing. If you can't get blood back, your brothers will not be killed. Damn it, a profiteer selling fake drugs,"