Young Knife God

Chapter 91 Magic Point

Princess Zaza looked at Xiao Tie angrily and said coldly, "What magic skills did you use just now to control my body so that I can't even move? What is this for?"

"Hey, this is my unique secret skill. If you want to learn it, you can pay some tuition, hey," Xiao Tie put on the face of a profiteer, which made Zha hum contemptuously,

I took out a piece of blue crystal jade from my pocket and threw it into Xiao Tie's arms.

said disdainfully, "Isn't it just tuition? Well, this blue crystal is a little careful. If you are willing to teach me, it's worth spending more money."

Xiao Tie was just a joke. Seeing that he was not angry with himself, he put on a bonus to worship his teacher, and panicked for a while.

But after all, he has rich experience and excellent psychological quality, so his panicked expression flashed past his face and made a small calculation in his heart.

It's a fool to have money and not make money. This kind of door-to-door business is not useless.

Thinking of this, his face returned to his previous professional smile,

smiled shyly and said, "Okay, this tuition fee is paid every day. Your jade is a meeting gift. You go back first. I haven't found a place to live today. Tomorrow morning, early, I will settle down, and I will wait for you here."

Zha was immediately angry and said, "There's no mistake. This is a good blue crystal jade. The value must reach tens of thousands of gold coins quickly. It won't be so expensive."

Looking at her stunned expression, Xiao Tie's heart suddenly had a strong sense of pride. Damn, it was really cool to make these noble beasts feel painful.

"Well, this is a brand-new technique. I'm preparing to set up a class in this city. Of course, you are the first student in my class. If you want to become a VIP student, you have to spend a higher price. Hey, of course, with my reputation as Xiao Tie, it is not a problem to accept hundreds of students here. Hey, if you think it's expensive, then I can refund the tuition fee to you. Oh, of course, people who can learn this great super-high magic skill are lucky. After all, I only open the only training institution here, ha, "

Xiao Tie said so much in one breath, and he was naturally very happy. He didn't expect to receive a big business as soon as he arrived at this new place. More importantly, he hung a big fish, ha,

Although Zaza is not stupid, she still can't guess which super-advanced magic skill Xiao Tie uses. After all, this magic skill has never been seen before in the mainland.

Xiao Tie smiled secretly in his heart. How can you, an orc, understand the powerful and magical acupuncture point of the motherland?

She looked at Xiao Tie hesitantly, suddenly bit her lip and made up her mind, "Okay, then I will worship you as my teacher. I will come here to wait for you tomorrow. I hope your school can start as soon as possible, and my VIP qualification is a must."

"Okay, since it's getting late, you should also go back to rest. As for me, I also have to contact a better place to start a school. Hey, beautiful woman, go back early. I heard that the security here is very bad. You are also a big beauty, ha, be careful of perverts." Xiao Tie said salty words without hesitation,

This made Zaza listen very harshly, but her patience did not attack,

As soon as he turned around, he jumped on the pterosaur and disappeared in an instant. It seems that the speed of the pterosaur is really not covered.

When Xiao Tie saw Princess Zha leave, he took a long breath and knew what the consequences of offending an orc princess would be. Of course, he knew it, but he didn't expect to deal with the contradictions so easily, which made him happy.

Krina, who stood by his side, couldn't believe her eyes,

This magical teenager actually got rid of a difficult orc girl in such a short time. This skill of picking up girls really surprised him.

When Xiao Tie saw Klina's surprised expression, he patted her on the shoulder and smiled, "Why are you in a daze? Haven't you seen a handsome pot?"

He put one hand on Klina's shoulder. Klina blushed, but she did not refuse.

The two of them traveled all the way, attracting countless envious eyes,

"Oh, isn't that boy a celebrity Xiao Tie? He is a famous industrial youth in the human race. I heard that he has hundreds of millions of gold coins alone? A gold-worning girl stopped, her beautiful long eyebrows cut, and her eyes showed admiring eyes.

A tall white-haired young man beside her frowned slightly,

"Xiao Tie, I heard that he is just a knife emperor. There is no need to worship him like this. I'm going to learn his tricks later to see if he is worthy of such crazy worship as you ignorant girls."

"Hegel, don't go crazy. Xiao Tie is very powerful. I heard that he can kill a cow with one punch, but your body is not as good as a pig,,,," the girl spoke anxiously, which added to the youth's hatred for a moment.

"Do you think I'm a pig? I'm a human. I hope you don't be so stupid to think how noble the orcs are, okay? Hegel stopped and looked at the girl who said the wrong thing angrily.

"I want to prove to you that I am the dragon among people, not a pig in your eyes." A trace of anger flashed on Hegel's face, and he immediately looked at Xiao Tie, who was gradually moving away.

"That beautiful woman is a little more beautiful, much better than that, ha, Lanny," the sarcastic tone was quite hurtful to her self-esteem,

Lani's face changed and she said in a hateful voice, "Well, you useless man, if you look at her better than me, you can go to her. Why do you still pester me and look for troubles?"

After saying that, he turned around and left alone.

"Fuck, it's right. You've been sticking to me, okay? Separate me, and I can be quiet for a few days." Hegel snorted angrily and turned to Xiao Tie,

Xiao Tie is chatting with Kelena, and there is a handsome big boy in front of him.

In terms of height, it is obviously higher than yourself, and the body is stronger than you imagine,

It's just a flame of anger in his eyes. Xiao Tie was slightly shocked. He didn't expect to cause new trouble as soon as he arrived in the city.

"Hey, boy, you are Xiao Tie," the young man asked coldly,

Xiao Tie nodded with a surprised look in his eyes,

"I'm going to compare with you to see if you are as powerful as rumored?" Hegel set up an open frame and wanted to have a fair duel with Xiao Tie.

On this planet, there are only two results of duels, one is to be killed, and the other is to be seriously injured until the other side can't fight back.

Xiao Tie had a headache. He really couldn't figure out why he would cause countless troubles after coming to this planet.

After thinking for a moment, he said, "Well, if I accept it, can we change the place to fight? After all, this is a public place, and everyone's fight will affect others."

Seeing that Xiao Tie accepted his suggestion, he was immediately in a good mood, shook his head, massaged his shoulders, and sneered, "If you are not from an alien planet, then you must know the rules of this planet, which is to fight at the place where you are engaged in the duel. If you lose, the result is death." His eyes were full of red light, and he punched Xiao Tie like a wolf.

Wow, one punch out,

There is a faint explosion in the space, and this punch is perfect in terms of speed and strength.

And the flashing black gold fighting spirit on the front made Xiao Tie understand in an instant that he met another strong enemy,

Black gold is an intermediate stage of metallic fighting spirit, and black represents a more pure and strong fighting spirit.

Xiao Tie flashed and did not take his attack.

He rushed out with his fingers. At the moment of dodging, he had bullied himself to Hegel's side and nodded to him with lightning with his fingers.

With just a sound of hey, Hegel has fallen softly,

"Oh, this boy is really powerful. This magic skill must be at a high level. No wonder I haven't seen him. I want to worship you as a teacher." In an instant, there was a roar of applause from the crowd and applauded Xiao Tie.

"Awesome, hero, you are Master Xiao Tiexiao. Can you tell me why you are here?"