Young Knife God

Chapter 96 Wolf, Bug, Tiger and Leopard

The first thing Xiao Tie did when he returned to London was to find Gate. He was so eager that he set out from Henry Manor that night and came to the headquarters of the Hungry wolf Mercenary Regiment.

He knows that things must not go well, otherwise, he will go to hell,

Gate did not squat in the city, but took people to the nearby city of Famara and secretly launched a devastating attack on the branch of the Famara Group.

Unlike Xiao Tie's idea, he did not take capturing the rudder of the Qunying Association as his first choice, but adopted a method of attacking its body and breaking its feet first. However, at the same time, he sent people to adopt a strategy of surrounding the rudder without fighting. In this way, the effect is very obvious. First, the people of the Qunying Association can't get out and go out. The supporting horses were all ambushed by Xiao Tie's men. As the power of the group of heroes became weaker and weaker, when Gator was about to take action against the general rudder, a bad news came.

It turns out that the Black Dragon will finally take action,

The Black Dragon will send two people to publicly assist the group of heroes, so that Gate's plan to besiege the rudder wasted in an instant.

So when Xiao Tie learned all this, he was in a bad mood.

"What did you do? Originally, we didn't have many people. I have told you again that if you want to move the Junying Association, you must start with the rudder first, but you just won't listen. In this way, the Black Dragon will take action and publicly support them. In this way, if we attack the rudder again, it will be like starting a war with the Black Dragon, such as As a result, my loss has increased greatly, and this result is unacceptable to me." Xiao Tie was furious at the headquarters of the Hungry Wolf Mercenary Club, and the table rang,

Although Una and Ajia knew the news of Xiao Tie's arrival and knew that they must be scolded, they didn't expect Xiao Tie to be so angry.

I think this Gate has disobeyed his claim and indeed made a big mistake.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao, we didn't expect such a result. A while ago, we were still sailing smoothly and took the rudder of several nearby cities one after another. Just as we were about to concentrate our forces to besiege the rudder, such a thing happened," Una's voice was slightly shaking, as if right. Xiao Tie is full of awe,

Xiao Tie sighed and buried himself in the lounge chair,

Seeing Xiao Tie's look, Ajia looked at each other and quietly walked out of the house.

"Ajia, send someone to pick up Gate, otherwise the market will really be chaotic. The development of the situation has far exceeded our expectations and seems to be very dangerous. After all, Black Dragon will be the boss of the gang. If they intervene, our chances of winning will be much smaller."

Una looked at the beauty Ajia with a sad frown, and Ajia also nodded with the same feeling,

"Yes, if Brother Xiao hadn't come back in time, Gator really didn't know what would have happened. "Ajia has always had some preconceived opinions about Gator. Of course, she will count this loss on Gator together.

"Although Gate made a mistake, he is still very capable, but this failure will make his prestige suffer a great loss. I think Brother Xiao will definitely punish him heavily," Una looked at Ajia with his eyebrows,

In a single room of the hungry wolf headquarters, Xiao Tie thought deeply, but had no good strategy. Only one person was in a daze. If someone came in at this time, he must have seen a teenager who was swallowing clouds and fog, frowning and smoking to refresh himself.

In the middle of the night, Gate finally rushed back from outside,

When he arrived, Xiao Tie had already fallen asleep in his office. The tired teenager had not had a good rest for so many days, so he fell asleep as soon as he was idle.

It was Gate, who was deeply disturbed. He covered Xiao Tie with a dress and quietly retreated outside the house.

Also uneasy are Una, Oran, and Ajia, three beautiful women. Of course, Oran came non-stop after receiving Una's notice. Although Henry Manor is still quite far from the headquarters of the Hungry Wolf, when Oran heard the news of Xiao Tie's return, he immediately put on his clothes and desperate to Come here,

These days, missing and concern have made her heart suffer.

"Wow, when the door opened and Oran broke in, she happened to see Xiao Tielang wake up like a wolf. Her fierce eyes and quick reaction surprised her in an instant.

It was not until a snowy knife was under her jaw that she realized that this teenager could actually be described as horror at any time.

"It's me, Oran," Oran's voice trembled slightly. When the cold knife forced her, she felt a bone-through chill. Xiao Tie's hungry wolf-like eyes were fierce and horrible.

When he heard that Oran reported himself to his home, Xiao Tie's tense nerves were relaxed.

He took a long breath and said, "Oh, Olan, I thought it was the killer of the Qunying Association. At present, we are fighting with Qunyinghui. I think they are bound to send people to attack us. Although we are worried at present, the situation has been very different since the Black Dragon Club joined in." Xiao Tie sighed and dressed. ,

He took out two black light letters from inside the empty ring, and then drew them a few times. After sending the message, he walked out of the house with divine light.

Outside the house, there is a row of people waiting for him to appear.

Several battalion commanders and several captains of the hungry wolves also stood outside the room, forming a large team, waiting for him to come out.

Xiao Tie looked up and saw Gate,

waved his hand, smiled, and said gently, "What are you doing? Wait for me to review. Haha, it's okay. Although the attack is temporarily frustrated, our actions will not be greatly affected. The day after tomorrow, some of my new recruits will come here. I'm going to form a killer group and prepare for it properly. After that, we will negotiate with the enemy. If we solve the problem in a peaceful way, all problems will be solved."

Gate was surprised when he heard this and said secretly that this boy had only been out for a few days to attract new forces. It seems that the name of genius is really not covered.

Xiao Tie glanced and suddenly pointed to Gate, Una, Ajia and three people, signaling them to go with him.

Three people took the order and followed Xiao Tie to a secluded place.

A wolf sculpture of the Hungry Wolf Mercenary Regiment,

The wolf statue is extremely divine. His feet are upright, his forefoot is raised, his eyes are looking at the sky, and he is making a heartbreaking howl.

Xiao Tie took a look at the wolf eagle and looked at the three people behind him. They are all extremely outstanding talents in terms of ability, but they are a little worse in terms of strategy, which is also the direct reason for their unfavorable work.

"Tomorrow night, we will take people to negotiate with the rudder of the Qunyinghui. In addition to preparing to go with me, the three of you also need to find some good hands in the gang, ambush outside together, and respond at any time. In addition, we will also bring some of our newly developed fire dragon crossbows to occupy the commanding heights nearby and be accurate at any time. Prepare to attack the enemy,"

After saying it in one breath, he thought deeply, turned his black eyes and looked at Gate again.

"Tomorrow you will send people to spread some news, saying that Qunying will accept the benefits of the Axe Gang and voluntarily join the Axe Gang."

The Axe Gang is the second-ranked gang organization. Its forces have been distributed in various cities on the mainland. It has always been the sworn enemy of the Black Dragon Club. Over the years, it has been trying its best to win over organizations such as the Qunying Association, so when such news spreads, the Black Dragon Club will definitely be very nervous.

Although he didn't understand why he did this, Gate still agreed to the order and quickly arranged his brother.

When Xiao Tie saw Gate leaving, he looked at Ajia, a young and beautiful female general who has always been one of the symbols of the hungry wolf.

Her combat strength is by no means inferior to Gate, and she is an excellent battalion commander.

So when Xiao Tie looked at her, a little smile appeared on her face, warm and long,

"Tomorrow, battalion commander Ajia personally led a team in black to attack the axe gang in the deep seafood river, where the rudder is located. This dock has always been heavily defended. Your task is to set fire. Whether it is a long-range attack or a close battle, in short, I must see the fire there at night."

Xiao Tie's expression was extremely solemn, and his expression seemed to be vaguely worried.

The tragic atmosphere spread, making both Una and Ajia feel an unprecedented pressure.

The axe gang is extremely fierce. Not only often causes trouble, but even the captured enemies are often executed by beheading. What's more, it actually invented a perverted Ling Chi technique, which is to take off the enemy's clothes and cut off the meat piece by piece with a quick knife, which is cruel and horrible.

If the action fails, what does it mean? Xiao Tie doesn't dare to imagine,

A Jia promised boldly and didn't take the danger seriously at all. This kind of spirit really impressed Xiao Tie.

Finally, Xiao Tie looked at Una, a dark-skinned beauty, shining like a black pearl, which surprised those who saw it. After all, black is a rare skin color on the mainland, so it naturally became an alien in the eyes of ordinary people. But in Xiao Tie's eyes, Una has always been a rare talent.

Not only is her magic skill higher than herself, but her reaction ability is also extremely fast. She is a natural killer.

Naturally, the mysterious wolf, insect, tiger and leopard killer group will be under her command.

If this operation goes well and the core institutions of the Qunying Association can be swept away in one fell swoop, then it will be generally easy to clean up the affairs of the Qunying Association.