Young Knife God

Chapter 102 The Covenant of the City

At this critical moment, Xiao Tie shouted softly, and the energy of the star disk in his body was handed out in an instant. A black energy flew out of the air, silently skimming through the bodies of several people, quietly crashing away the airspace of the two people.

Boom, the two fighting people were blown up in an instant. They saw that they were about to fall into the valley, but the black energy was collected and the two people were sucked back. Xiao Tie quietly revealed the method of sucking stars with one hand, which was extremely powerful for a moment.

Both were surprised and secretly said that this thin boy had such a strong fighting energy. It seemed that they all underestimated him.

"Is the wind all right?" The electricity flashed and took the wind,

On the other side, when Melina fell, Xiao Tie took it in time, so Melina did not fall so miserably. On the contrary, she fell into a warm embrace, making her pink little face blush shyly.

"Well, everyone is tied. In this game, everyone has an impression of each other's strength, so the next thing we have to do is to clean up the group of heroes meeting," Xiao Tie said, which immediately triggered a burst of **. After all, the strength of the group of heroes in London is not bad. There are not only nearly a thousand gangs, but also the Black Dragon Club behind it. Yes, if you are rash to take action with Qunying, it depends on their 12 people, what will be the result? Unimaginable.

"Is it just us?" The wind that had just been defeated asked again. He really couldn't figure out about Xiao Tie. Is there any hope of winning this battle against thousands of people? If it's not crazy, it's stupid,

"Yes, plus me, there are 13 people in total. Our goal is to capture Kirk, the leader of the Qunying Association, and don't have too much entanglement with his men. As long as we defeat the enemy with one move, after we win, there will be brothers outside to cover us to withdraw. If we fail, there will only one result and die in it. So we must act resolutely and quickly. As long as Kirk falls into our hands, the others will never dare to attack us again.

"I understand," seeing that Xiao Tie was willing to take risks made several cold-blooded young people respect him. He rubbed his fists and was eager to try.

"Brother Xiao, since you all went, anyway, I'm free, so let me participate in your actions." Oran's eyes were warm, and he couldn't help but have a fierce idea of fighting, but as soon as the words came out, it attracted Xiao Tie's opposition.

"Miss, you can't go. Not to mention that Mr. Henry has only one precious daughter, even if you expose your identity in the battle, it may bring disaster to Henry Manor, so you'd better stay. In case there is news, I will send someone to inform you first. Don't worry, hehe," Xiao The iron patted her on the shoulder and said with a little regret,

In fact, he doesn't want to satisfy her heart's wish, but if he does this, he is a little sorry for what old Henry told him at the beginning.

After all, I promised old Henry that he would take good care of his precious daughter.

If Oran is injured, it can't be told to Henry,

Olan looked at Xiao Tie and couldn't bear to say, "Ha ha, well, I'm willing to accept your conditions, but it's always okay for me to watch the array. If I'm afraid of revealing my identity, I'll cover my face."

Xiao Tie smiled helplessly and said, "Well, you can only look at the back, but you can never join the regiment. I don't want any accident from you. If so, I can't tell Henry."

After saying this sentence, the group quickly disappeared under the night,

"Hey, slow down, wait for me," Oran only blinked his eyes and lost his shadow. It turned out that Xiao Tie activated a teleportation array in an instant. Although it consumed the energy in his body, he was still willing to use it because of the supplement of the star disk.

So when the personnel were transferred, they had already come to the door of the Qunyinghui,

Xiao Tie smiled and walked in front, and the people behind him followed in turn.

The heroes guarding the door will help the crowd find something wrong,

A few people in black came forward to block,

"Hi, sir, what do you do? Today is our helmsman's birthday party. We don't greet guests. If you are the guest we invited, please show us the invitation."

A yellow hair tilted his head and swept over with contemptuous eyes,

Xiao Tie smiled and took out something from his pocket and shook it in front of his eyes.

"Is this what you want?"

Huang Mao stretched his head forward to look carefully, but he didn't expect Xiao Tie to hold a bright knife in his hand.

Puff, a knife broke the throat, and the yellow elephant screamed like a rooster with a broken throat and fell to the ground in an instant.

Xiao Tie shouted, "Kill me!" With an order, more than a dozen brothers took out the guy together,

The wind waved a terrible ice hammer, and more than a dozen were reimbursed in an instant.

In addition to other results, no less than 100 people died in just a few minutes,

Xiao Tie took people into the hall unstoppably,

Stepping into the hall, Xiao Tie saw Kirk sitting behind a luxurious table, accompanied by several beautiful women beside him, of course, two masters of the Black Dragon Club.

Athena and Binglong were stunned when they saw Xiao Tie lead people in. Although he had laid hands in these four times, they didn't expect Xiao Tie to dare to break in with only a dozen of his men. It seemed that he must have eaten the courage of a bear heart and leopard.

"Fuck, this boy is so fucking arrogant. These people dare to make trouble here. Brothers, say hello to him." The ice dragon frowned and shouted to his brothers around him,

Although the situation is tense, the axe gang keeps causing trouble, and also involves a large number of troops of the Black Dragon Club, in order to keep the Qunying Club from being eaten by others, the Black Dragon Club still separated two people and horses to stay in the Qunying Club.

Just in case, the calmness these days makes them think that Xiao Tie's side is scared by their strength and dares not act rashly, but Xiao Tie came to an evil person and came to the meeting alone.

"Kill them and give them to me." Under the command of a ptingy face, Bingtang's gangster rushed up like mad dogs. These bloodthirsty guys would not be excited if they didn't see a little blood.

Xiao Tie looked at Korke, roared, and bounced up in an instant. The fist in his hand hit him heavily.

Of course, he will not forget this truth of thieves and capture the king first.

Seeing Xiao Tie's desperate attack, Athena and Ice Dragon almost changed their faces at the same time,

This boy not only punches more fiercely, but also has a fighting spirit far surpasses others.

Almost every punch will lead to a brother falling down. You should know that these brothers are all elites under their hands. All of them have experienced hundreds of battles, but under Xiao Tie's fist, they are like mud and vulnerable.

The two exchanged glances, and both jumped up to cut off the iron road in the air.

A purple flame, a white ice storm, emitted from their hands at the same time, but Xiao Tie's body was extremely fast. Before the two attack waves arrived, his body had broken through the defense line formed by the two and roared through the gap between the two. The speed was amazingly fast, and the pockmarked face waved a knife to block it. But he punched him at the edge of the knife, broke into two, stabbed into the opponent's body, and then there was a sound of bone bursting.

Xiao Tie stretched out his hand and grabbed Kirk's neck. With a little force, Kirk almost whitened his eyes with pain.

"Hey, it's done. Retreat." Xiao Tie took Kirk hostage and quickly retreated to the door. More than a dozen brothers who were killed with him also gathered together with joy.

"Brother Xiao has to pull it, we will win!" A burst of cheers came, and at the same time, the gangs of the heroes were also dumbfounded and stood aside for a moment, not knowing whether to go up or surrender.

Xiao Tie withdrew from the casino with Kirk. Outside the casino, the brothers of the already prepared hungry wolves also burst into cheers and poured up one after another.

The two factions are approaching again,

A moment of war clouds rise again,

However, the Qunying side lost the helmsman and the morale was low, while Xiao Tie's side had the excitement of a complete victory.

"Mr. Xiao, you won. It seems that it's time for this group of heroes to disband," Colt looked at Xiao Tie with a frail face and said incredulously,

There is a little sadness and desolation in his voice,

Xiao Tie said coldly, "Wrong, the Qunying will not disband, but it's time to carry forward, so I'm not doing this to annex you, but to make Qunying stronger. Do you understand what I mean?"

"It's ridiculous to become stronger. You'd better kill me as soon as possible. Although I'm not a competent helmsman, I'm not a timid and afraid of death. If I can atone for my sins with death, it's also a relief."

The corners of his eyes were filled with tears, as if he was sad about his fall.

Xiao Tie sat down at a table prepared by his hand and signaled Kirk to be free.

Kirke looked at Xiao Tie for unknown reasons,

A deal has already been made in front of him,

He looked down,

See only a transfer agreement,

The content is probably that Kirk voluntarily transferred Qunying to Xiao Tiemen, and Xiao Tie will pay 5 million gold coins for the purchase of Qunying,

Five million, although not much, is also a good price. With this money, it is enough to ensure that he can live a happy life.

Kirk was a little unbelievable, and a wry smile flashed across the corners of his mouth. It was the first time he had seen such an appointment under the city. Although the price of five million was not high, it was not nothing for him.

He thought for a moment and signed his name,

There was a wild cry outside,

From this time on, the Qunying Association has become Xiao Tie's first important choice to break into the underworld.