Young Knife God

Chapter 108 Absorbing Mysterious Energy

"Yes, master, I will open this stone door for you and your friends now," she said expressionlessly, as if she was doing something trivial that had nothing to do with it,

William stretched out his hand with a smile, patted her exposed shoulder and encouraged, "Okay, you must do a good job here. After tomorrow, if everything goes well, I will reward you heavily."

"Thank you, master, "Her beautiful eyes flashed and made some reactions, but they were very different from normal people's reactions.

Xiao took Anna's hand and walked in with William.

The squeaky sound has not stopped. When the cold stone door has just increased one person's height, a terrible cry suddenly came from the space inside the door.

Like a human and a ghost,

The cold sound and breath gushed out of it, making Xiao Tie feel a bitter cold.

He stopped hesitantly,

Looking up inside,

If, as he said, while the white crystal jade light dissipates, the stone door will be closed forever, then they will be trapped in it and become zombies like those women just now.

Although the woman's eyes also turned, Xiao Tie was surprised to find that their bodies were extremely stiff, and their bodies not only had no human breath, but even emitted a sour agent similar to that had been soaked in medicine.

Xiao Tie once heard his father say that there is a dark corner on the mainland, and people will be turned into zombies. If this statement is true, is it too bold and dangerous for him to enter?

"What's wrong? Are you afraid?" William found Xiao Tie's abnormality and finally stopped, turned around and looked at Xiao Tie with concern.

If you are not afraid, what reason would there be to stop this teenager?

"Oh, the atmosphere of this room is a little strange, so I stopped just now." Xiao Tie stopped at the door, but one foot has stepped into the room half a step, but the room is so dark that it is extremely difficult for his eyes to adapt to the light inside, so standing outside the door, he can only rely on hearing to find some threats. .

"The room is just some old things from my collection. Maybe it hasn't been cleaned for a long time. It smells a little, so it makes people feel a little uncomfortable." William said lightly and made an invitation gesture to Xiao Tie.

Xiao Tie hesitated for a moment and saw that William had stepped into the stone door, so he dared to walk into the stone room with Anna.

A light in the stone room lit up, allowing Xiao Tie to see the great situation of the house.

The room is not big, but it looks a little strange,

In front of the room are rows of neat stone tables.

Behind are some strangely shaped weapon racks, which are full of strange weapons. From the shape of these weapons, there is almost nothing that Xiao Tie can recognize. Of course, the most eye-catching thing is a black flame-like incinerator in the middle of the room.

There is an iron cage in the center of the incinerator, in which there is a terrible monster.

Boom, the cage pulled vigorously and made an earth-shaking sound,

"Oh, let me out, let me out, you bastard,"

Oh, my God, Xiao Tie was scared at a glance, and his face instantly turned into dead gray.

This monster can also speak human words. This is the first time he has seen such a thrilling scene.

Boom, while he was in a daze, the stone door behind him suddenly closed,

William laughed and said, "Maybe you don't know that the essence of this blue dream comes from the monster's body. The poison needed is the monster's bile, but because it is extremely poisonous, I will dilute it to the limit every time I use it. Otherwise, if it is poisoned, it will not be worth the loss. The nerve agent is too violent, so since it is diluted to the limit, once it is sucked into the body, it will cause extreme hallucinations. Fortunately, it is only a short-lived poison, so the impact on the human body is extremely weak, but it will bring people a great sense of satisfaction and a feeling similar to Gao Dynasty. This drug is great,"

After the light in the house was all extinguished, Xiao Tie found that several copper pipes were inserted into the monster in the iron cage. The pipe was shaped like a needle tube and penetrated deeply into the depths of the monster's body, but the other end was connected to a room next to it. Xiao Tie could not see the end of the pipe, so I don't understand how the poison juice is refined, but it can be seen from the huge monster that the monster's body is extremely large. Since it lies there, its body is also hundreds of tons, and its eyes are like lamps, shining, booming, and the huge tail as thick as a human waist pulls violently, and the ground emits slightly. Slight shaking,

"What kind of monster is this monster? Why have I never seen it?" Xiao Tie glanced at its huge body in surprise,

"It is the only remaining Colorado dragon in history, a poisonous beast in history. It weighs a staggering 180 tons. It produces 500 pounds of poison every day, so it can maintain my production. For so many years, it has been providing us with high-quality poison, so we can Gong cut off the business of the whole continent, "

Xiao Tie looked curiously at the huge incinerator under the Colorado Dragon,

He said, "What on earth is this incinerator used for? It looks a little strange.?"

"This incinerator is a prehistoric treasure. Ha, nine flames are burning. At the bottom of the incinerator, seven real dragons will emit colorful flames. Once these seven colorful flames are emitted, they can effortlessly turn the whole beast into ashes."

"So, the burning effect of this nine flames is to restrain this dragon?" Xiao Tie's smart little brain turned around and thought of the answer,

Sure enough, William cast an admiring look at him,

smiled and said, "Yes, you're right. It's just that this incinerator has been put here since I got it. As for how to start it, I have never succeeded," he covered up his inner embarrassment with a faint smile.

It turned such a divine object into a decoration, and the result was shocking.

Walking by the giant beast, Xiao Tie came to the incinerator and watched carefully,

The incinerator is red all over, and the only few feet below are black texture, faintly shining black luster,

It's really strange. As Xiao Tie's eyes can reach, several pieces of dragon scales fell off and fell into his hand.

Xiao Tie saw that no one was found, so he simply put these scales into the empty ring,

I just reached out and touched the dragon's buttocks,

For good, the dragon is tired and doesn't pay attention to a teenager.

I fell asleep and snored,

Xiao Tie smiled secretly. It turned out that this dragon also had the habit of sleepiness. In this way, it was convenient for Xiao Tie, so Xiao Tie became more and more bold.

After several groping around the dragon, his hand actually touched a piece of iron, oh, put it in his pocket, of course, it will not let him stay here to rust.

After all, this extraordinary material is extremely useful for yourself,

It's a good choice to take it back to build one or two short weapons.

But somehow, whenever he approaches the giant beast, the astrolabe on his body will feel a mysterious energy pouring in. This black mass of energy pours into his body and makes him feel a headache.

And with the continuous influx of energy, the astrolabe in the body slowly rotated. An unprecedented sense of fullness made his body full of strength. The air-like fighting gas that originally existed in the body also slowly became the driving force of liquefaction, replaced by an unprecedented sense of fullness.

"Oh, Mr. Xiao, let's go over there and have a look. In the east of the room, there will be a separate room with some things in it. Maybe Mr. Xiao will be very interested in it." Seeing Xiao Tie look at the dragon so gaffe, William, who has always been proud, is proud again.

He laughed in his heart that this country boy lacked insight and would be fascinated by a dragon like this. If he told the teenager that there were still many times in his backyard like this strange dragon, I really don't know how this teenager would react?

It's really funny.

"Oh, so, Mr. William has a more anticipated baby. Ha ha, thank you so much for seeing so many treasures," Xiao Tie's heart was full of gratitude, but temporarily left behind the danger that Anna had just reminded him. After all, he saw so many strange things not only big Opening his eyes, he also got considerable satisfaction. Most importantly, he got mysterious energy from the dragon.

"Ha ha, these are nothing. There will be some interesting things over there later, that is, several other things in my formula. Usually, they will be placed here and fed some well-precated drugs regularly, so that I can extract what I need from them every day."< /P>