Young Knife God

Chapter 113

"Escape, something will happen if it's too late," Oran helped the naked female slave escape to the mountain. It turned out that when the caliph returned to the forest to find clues, Xiao Tie had successfully bypassed the caliphate and came to the hut earlier.

At the same time, he brought the female slave, and he took her and Oran out of the house and told them to leave here quickly.

Although they have escaped 500 yards away, they are still closer to the Caliphate's attack distance.

The blue ring above the caliph's head instantly raised a blue flame,

Like a torch burning,

A red blood cell in the center keeps rotating in the center,

As it accelerates,

A red light shot out of the blood cell,

A arrow-like shot at Oran's body,

Olan had a bad feeling, but it was not easy to avoid it. After all, the beam came too suddenly and quickly.

So that she can't dodge at all,

When she closes her eyes and waits to die,

A shadow suddenly appeared behind her, with a big hand and a white light shining in the palm of her hand.

It actually blocked this terrible light,

Won, the red light burst, and the shocked people withdrew seven steps in a row,

A huge amount of energy rebounded,

The demon in Xiao Tie's hand became more and more red after inhaling the fierce blood,

His face also turned slightly red because of the influx of blood,

Olan opened his eyes and saw Xiao Tie behind him. He suddenly felt a warm current passing through the bottom of his heart and suddenly felt a burst of joy.

"Brother Xiao, how are you?"

"Go quickly. If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave for a while. Come on, I can only delay for a while. If it takes a long time, we will all die here," Xiao Tie said loudly,

At this time, the most important thing is to save Oran's life.

The problem is that his existing ability is not enough to compete with this powerful blood master. If the opponent is not a light enemy and only emits half of his strength, Xiao Tie can't stop the blood light at all.

"Take care of yourself," after saying this, Oran pulled up the soft naked slave and fled to the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain is Henry Manor, which is run by his father. Naturally, there are some excellent hands in the manor. If they can use their joint efforts to besiege strong enemies, there is still a chance of winning.

"It's not that easy to escape, is it?" The huge figure of the caliph fell from the sky and fell in front of Xiao Tie. At this moment, Xiao Tie seemed to be seriously injured. He stood up with blood on the corners of his mouth.

In that blow, although the magic knife blocked most of his blood light, some of the blood light still burst, and the scattered blood fragments still pierced the surface of his body. This strange thing is obviously **, but somehow, the fragments after the explosion are extremely hard.

Like countless small arrows shooting around, although Xiao Tie's body was wearing iron breastplates to protect important parts, this strong energy still easily penetrated part of the iron armor holes and then shot into the cortex. Fortunately, the timely rebound of the energy in Xiao Tie's body did not let them enter deeper.

Even so, he was seriously injured in an instant,

What's strange is the magic knife in his hand. This famous magic weapon in Zhenyu actually turned red after absorbing this violent energy, and the knife became faintly hot.

Xiao Tie stared at the demon in his hand, and there seemed to be a voice whispering in his ear.

"Stand up and kill them all. No matter who angers the demon, he can't escape death."

Another voice is gentle and gentle, "Be careful to control the anger in your body and don't let it mislead your energy and reason." Naturally, listening to the sound is the shadow that has been invisible in the demon,

Xiao Tie closed his eyes slightly,

When my mind moved, the fighting spirit in my body really became much smoother.

Hu, another red light flashed. In the air less than five feet above his head, a red object like a giant bowl fell from the sky and became extremely huge at the moment of landing, and in an instant, Xiao Tie's small figure was sucked into it.

Xiao Tie's whole body was wrapped in that terrible light.

Countless blazing blood-colored flames are burning fiercely, surrounding Xiao Tie's body, but strangely, this kind of fire-like thing, light-like thing, but a smell of evil blood,

On the one hand, Xiao Tie emits bucket gas, forming an air mask outside the body to resist the invasion of this blood gas, and on the other hand, he constantly replenishes bucket gas inward to maintain the strength and thickness of the shield.

Because he saw that this terrible blood gas burned and consumed the fighting spirit in his body at a visible speed, and the air mask became smaller and smaller.

Damn, what should I do? If I let this blood flame that erodes into ashes burn, I must hang up,

When I was extremely anxious, I suddenly heard the voice in my ear and said calmly: "Now is the best time to start the astrolabe. If you can use the astrolabe to attract this energy into your body, it will naturally crack the opponent's powerful blood flame, but at the same time, your body will also change due to inhaling blood poison. It's just that you need to properly suppress them somewhere in your body to maintain the normal operation of your body.

When this life and death were still at the same time, Xiao Tie felt extremely when he heard the sound of the magic shadow.

But thinking that she is only a soul parasitic in the heavenly demon knife, if she and the heavenly demon fall into the hands of others, she will certainly not be better.

Hey, since you are a comrade-in-arms on the line, you're welcome,

Xiao Tie opened the astrolabe and deliberately opened a small opening on the shield to make the crazy blood flames pour into the astrolabe.

Sure enough, the star disk absorbed this violent blood without pressure, and absorbed most of the blood flame in a blink of an eye.

It's just the source star in the center of the astrolabe, and the sun is slightly red.

Then, the evil red light shrouded his whole body, and Xiao Tie replaced the pure white fighting spirit that had been surrounding him with red flames.

The light pushed back those remnants in an instant,

Boom, his eyes were like blood, and there was a trace of blood on his mouth. The expression on his face became crazy and confused. Oh, his body could not stand the evil temptation and turned into a bloody magic wolf. His huge claws patted the bottom of the red bowl. Boom, a crack formed and became bigger in an instant. The red strange bowl actually In a hard life, it was shaken into a few halves,

Xiao Tie howled and roared, rushed out of the bottom of the bowl, opened his mouth, and bit the throat of the caliphate.

The caliph did not expect Xiao Tie to break the bowl at all,

After all, this blood-lightened bone bowl is his heirloom. No matter how high the level of alien falls to the bottom of the bowl, it will turn into a pile of white bones in a very short time.

And this teenager is just a weak human race. Why did he break out of the bowl and have a beast change? This really shocked the caliphate a lot.

However, his reaction was extremely fast, and his body retreated rapidly, which made Xiao Tie empty.

However, Xiao Tie's pair of sharp claws still grabbed his chest,

Won, a blood light shines,

The caliph's chest suddenly had two deep scratches.

One of them is actually deep to the bone.

Blood is constantly pouring out of his chest,

"Fuck, what kind of weird thing are you to become a wolf?"

There was a horrible look in his eyes, and he had no ambition to fight. He was not afraid to escape in front of this human teenager. Xiao Tie really didn't have the strength to catch up, because he had just consumed a lot of his physical strength. Even if he had the strength to fight again, it was far less powerful than before.

"Fuck, you run fast. If it's later, I'll cut your little JJ." As he scolded, he looked back angrily, but saw that Olan was looking at himself with an embarrassed face. It turned out that Xiao Tie was in danger. She was going to come to rescue him. He didn't expect that Xiao Tie turned defeat into victory. Hey, this indecent line happened to be included in her ears.

Olan and Xiao Tie's eyes touched, and they fainted and quietly reflected the beautiful face.

Hey, Xiao Tie was stunned,

I couldn't help swimming on Oran's seductive body again.

For good, YY is innocent, and he is also happy. After all, after the war, admiring beautiful women is also a kind of compensation.

If it hadn't been for their own action, I'm afraid that both of them would have fallen into the hands of the blood clan.