Young Knife God

Chapter 118 Assassination of Brenke

After signing this agreement, we will go back and wait for review.

There are a few days of free time to arrange what we want to do. The progress of work has always been extremely slow, so after receiving the task, we will have at least nearly a month to arrange our own things.

The matter of the mercenary regiment was handed over to Gate. Xiao Tie felt a little tired and wanted to go back to the villa for a rest.

When he got on the green hair and landed on the top of the mountain again,

I found out that Oran was waiting for him in the house,

Maybe she waited for too long. At this moment, she actually lay on his ** and fell asleep,

There are several small dishes on the table, all of which Xiao Tie loves to eat. This sensible girl always cares about him so carefully, which makes Xiao Tie see it, and he can't help but feel another hot current in his heart.

He sat down, looked at the wine and vegetables prepared on the table, and couldn't help picking up his chopsticks. Yipinlang's white wine suddenly became inexplicably excited. He couldn't help tasting the dishes and threw them into his mouth. It tasted very good. I really don't know where this ghost girl got such fresh and beautiful ingredients. The craftsmanship of this dish is also first-class. ,

"You came back." When Xiao Tie was swallowing, a gentle voice behind him came to his ears, making Xiao Tie's nerves suddenly tighten. The mouthful of food was stuck between his throat, and he couldn't swallow or spit out. He hurriedly turned red. He couldn't speak for a long time. He finally swallowed it and drank it again. , then sat down in a regular manner and looked at Oran beside him,

Olan's expression was abnormal, standing beside him with a faint trace of melancholy,

Her long red hair flutters in the wind, which makes people look a little confused,

The beautiful blue eyes are as beautiful as Lake Roca, looking at Xiao Tie,

"Brother Xiao, I heard that you took over the gold medal task of attacking the Dark Horse Gang. Do you know that this injury is very dangerous? Many people died in Blackstone Valley because of this. If you go, will you definitely win? If you fail, there will be no place for you to stay in the market. These demon mercenaries They will take the opportunity to swallow the hungry wolf, so that the hungry wolf will disappear forever, "

Xiao Tie listened quietly with a faint smile on his face. He just smiled like this habitually, but he kept muttering in his heart.

Finally, he raised his face,

said affectionately, "Olan, do you really care about me so much?"

Olan was stunned for a moment before he said cheerfully, "Yes, I really don't know how to live without you. You are my life and everything to me."

She slowly approached Xiao Tie,

We hugged each other tightly, tears slipped out, and wet their clothes,

Xiao Tie felt a pair of warm white rabbits touch his skin, and a familiar body fragrance passed into his nostrils, making his nerves excited in an instant.

He responded to hold Oran tighter,

The two people hugged each other like this, there were no words, only warmth surged,

The sky gradually darkened, and Xiao Tie slowly got up and tidyed up his clothes. The black clothes were the iconic clothes given to him by the leader. Of course, he had to wear them.

As soon as the clothes were put on, a cold voice came from outside the door: "Black light, if we don't leave, we will be late."

Listen to the sound and know that it must be your own crotch,

Although we haven't met, I feel that if nothing unexpected happens when I hear the name, this person must be a beautiful woman.

Xiao Tie opened the door and walked outside the house. Outside the house, there was indeed a woman dressed like himself.

Except for a pair of elegant big eyes exposed, other parts are tightly wrapped in a tight black dress.

This dress seems to be a little too tight, which not only makes some parts of the body appear exposed, but also reveals an indescribable sexy,

"Vacon, you're here," Xiao Tie also called out her code name when she saw a fire-shaped token on her right shoulder,

Because the black killing group, as one of the top assassin organizations in the mainland, is strictly forbidden to call out personal names to avoid intelligence leakage and revenge on the enemy.

The two looked at each other, and Xiao Tiesen said, "I am the black light and the commander of this operation, so you should also listen to me."

He is quite domineering,

"Yes, I can listen, but you should also consider my suggestion. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, both of us will not be able to escape the blame, and one of the punishments for failing the task is the dead type."

Her voice is full of indifference and fear,

But Xiao Tie smiled,

"Don't be nervous. Although this is my first time to carry out a mission, as long as I plan Zhou Xiang, I will definitely succeed in one fell swoop."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense. Let's take action right away." Avery urged,

At this moment, she took the lead in grabbing out. Xiao Tie smiled helplessly. This sexy woman, if she is not too hasty, maybe she can make friends with her.

After a while, his body also flashed, like a black streamer instantly soared into the air, followed by

Although the cultivation of fighting spirit is slow, after all, I have the dual attributes of photoelectricity. Even if the plankton is a little worse, I can take off, but the distance and speed are slightly inferior.

This black light plankton was just what he happened to see from the library of Henry Manor a while ago. After practicing it casually, it progressed rapidly. In just a few days, he practiced it well, which is naturally useless for today's task.

Avery snorted slightly. She didn't expect that Xiao Tie's body would not fall behind. It seemed that his cultivation was just a knife emperor. Such a low-level guy had some talent,

A few dark lights flashed, and several ups and downs had stopped outside a huge manor.

"Here is. Mr. Brunk's starlight Manor is one of his proudest residences. There are not only a large number of starlight buildings, but also some middle-level warcrafts distributed around him, so when entering the park, he should not only be as light as a swallow, but also have to restrain his inner breath and breath. Otherwise, if you let these monsters If you entangle it, it will be dangerous."

Xiao Tie said so much in one breath. Obviously, he has repeatedly inspected here.

including the terrain here and the distribution of people in the manor are also well-to-be,

If you attack the enemy, the terrain here may be very unfavorable. First of all, the manor is located in the middle of a steep hillside. Not only is the terrain complex, but there is only one way up and down the mountain, which means that after they win, they will go down the mountain as quickly as possible, otherwise they will be attacked by the enemy. People are surrounded in the valley. At that time, the enemy crossbows on the four mountains will launch deadly poison arrows at them, so even if they complete the task, they will have to pay a considerable price.

"It seems that you must have had auspicious reconnaissance here. This is very good. You are the leader of the operation. Since the leader attaches so much importance to you, I have reason to believe that this operation will come to a perfect end."

"Okay, for sure, but before we start, we still have to cross that mountain," Xiao Tie pointed to a hill not far below that is slightly higher than here.

The mountain is facing the front of the manor. If you climb to the top of the mountain, you can see the situation in the manor without obstacles. The two flew to the mountain, but as soon as they took off, they found something abnormal. There were several torches on the top of the mountain, faintly shining.

Xiao Tie was shocked and thought that this smart drug lord must have got the news in advance and laid an ambush here.

Xiao Tie pressed the shoulder of Huoshen,

"What's the matter? Why don't you rush up?" There is confusion in the eyes of Vucan,

"Maybe the enemy has been on guard. I found a firelight on this mountain. Maybe there are enemies stationed there, so we must be very carefully when we go up. As long as there is a little movement, the enemy will search and shoot arrows at us from the top of the mountains on all sides, so that we will not be shot into hedgehogs." After listening to Xiao Tie's words, Huo Shen's face suddenly became very bad.