Young Knife God

Chapter 122 Stealing Secrets

When the curtain was raised, a teenager with a feather fan walked out of the car with a smile on his face. Behind him were two tall young men lying behind him, with cold eyes and cold expressions.

"Oh, brothers, I'm just a passing merchant. I don't have any money on hand. I have all my money. Haha, if it's 100,000 yuan, I really have to pay for it. Can several brothers be accommodated? Hey, there are still good gifts for me."

"Hey, is there anyone who doesn't say he is pitiful in this new business? Judging from your bright clothes, I'm afraid you're not a normaid. Ha, you must know this rule.

The little leader smiled coldly, but his eyes looked into the teenager's hand.

At this moment, in the teenager's hand, suddenly there are a few bags of blue powder,

"This is the best blue dream, the best-selling new stimulant this year. If you like it, just take it."

The price of blue fantasy mainland is 10 grams per small bag, and the price is 100,000 gold coins. As soon as the teenager took action, it was three bags. It seems that he made money. The little leader and his peers exchanged the corners of their eyes and couldn't help but be happy.

"Blue dream, hey hey, good thing," the little leader took it in his hand, looked at it carefully, and then said happily, "Okay, brother, you can go there. Ha, if there is something good in the future, take it out early." Several people held it in their hands, removed the roadblocks and made way.

The young man shook the feather fan and took people through the roadblock all the way straight to the mountains.

The mountain wind is getting stronger and louder,

In the valley, a dim yellow fog spread, which instantly covered the sight of the fog.

Drive, drive

In the fog, the teenager drove all the way on the mountain stone path.

However, their direction seems to be different from that of ordinary vehicles.

The car was left in a cave, and then three people got out of the car and climbed to the top of the mountain like lightning.

"Big Xiao, slow down, the stones here are too sharp. The last time I was cut by a mountain stone here?" Frank's body was faint, protecting the head that had just been hit with one hand and trying to grasp a bumpy rock with one hand.

With one arm force, the body swung up another half a foot, the feet pedaled on the rock, and the body was raised again in an instant.

In comparison, the peer Gate is significantly stronger than Frank,

But as far as physical law is concerned, it still falls behind Xiao Tie,

"Big Xiao, isn't it too dangerous for the three of us to enter the mountain like this? After all, there are enemy troops on the top of the mountain on these four sides. If we are found by the enemy, we will throw a stone down, and our lives will be in danger."

"Don't be afraid, the enemy must be asleep in the quilt. When we break in like this, three in and three out are the same as playing. Ha, you should know that the most dangerous place is the safest place. As long as we can break into Linglong Temple, our operation will be half successful."

"Linglong Temple is the command organ of the Dark Horse Gang. I heard that there are many masters there. Boss Xiao, just the three of us, can it work?"

"Don't worry, even if it doesn't work, we have no way out. Ha, you know that the intersection of the mountain will be blocked at night. Now even if we go back, there is no chance,"

"Oh, then we can only climb to the Linglong Temple," Frank gritted his teeth, rose again, and swept up 100 meters or so with a sw of a sw. His strength is really amazing, and he can throw his body 100 meters high with a little force.

When Xiao Tie saw it, he couldn't help praising himself secretly and dared not fall behind.

Two feet slammed between the rocks, and their bodies caught up with them like smoke,

The three people successfully climbed to the tough wall of Linglong Temple without much effort,

When several figures flew over the heads of several soldiers patrolling on the edge of the cliff with the sound of howling,

Those people were stunned,

Just as one of them was about to scream, his throat felt cold, and a short dark green arrow instantly penetrated his throat.

The body was powerless to fall, and the other two were the same. Xiao Tie did not stop, and his body was a cat. With the cover of the mountain stone, he quickly approached Linglong Temple.

Today, the three of them are tasked to explore the terrain and defense situation of Linglong Temple. If they are not sure, they will launch a comprehensive attack on Linglong Temple without taking the lives of the mercenaries to die.

Less than 100 meters away from Linglong Temple, Xiao Tie stopped. Through actual visual inspection, in addition to a team of 100 people stationed outside Linglong Temple, there seemed to be a strong armed force responsible for guarding the safety of the temple 100 meters away. If Xiao Tie is not wrong, it is so strict. Defense may be due to the fact that there are important people in the temple that need to be defended.

The magic wolf, as far as Xiao Tie's eyes could reach, unexpectedly found a group of magic wolves wandering under the wall outside the Linglong Temple in the distance.

This kind of magic wolf has an outstanding sense of smell and can easily smell strange smells thousands of miles away.

Xiao Tie secretly shouted that it was not good. If there was a magic wolf guard, he would break in and be found.

If there is an encounter, one or two are fine. If there are dozens of them, they will be exhausted and can't be killed.

Wow, I was thinking about it, but I heard a harsh wolf howling,

Hearing this sound suddenly made Xiao Tie's nerves extremely nervous. After all, under the enemy's eyes, the whole army will be destroyed if he is not careful.

Xiao Tie fell down and avoided a team of patrol sergeants,

The flame of the Holy Mountain can be faintly seen in the distance, which seems to be slowly erupting,

The red magma fountain ejected out, making the distant sky bright in an instant.

Looking up at the sky, a crescent moon is in the sky, casting a bleak light, blazing with the red flame, which is even more strange

"What happened?" A harsh voice came from the temple, making the quiet air suddenly tense.

A soldier outside the door agreed: "Report to the captain, it was the eruption of the Holy Mountain,"

"Damn, you didn't lie to me, did you? This damn holy mountain has been silent for thousands of years. What's going on today? If it erupts, it will indicate that something big will happen soon," the voice lowered a little, as if there were some sighs and lies,

"Pile, Sokong, you two should be careful. The leaders are in a meeting. Don't let the enemy's scouts break in. If the wind is exposed, it will not be enough for you two to die a thousand times. Do you know?"

A burst of footsteps in the temple went away, and the two answered, and then stood back to their original positions.

However, at the moment when they were distracted, a man had come closer and did not allow them to react. They punched twice. Both of them hummed and fell down. Two more figures came and caught their bodies in time and dragged them under the haystatch on one side.

So he came to change his clothes and left two standing guard outside the door. Xiao Tie walked to the temple alone.

"Where are you from? Come here." As soon as Xiao Tie walked a few steps away, he heard a cold voice in the dark. He quickly turned around, sighed and walked to the man bravely.

"You must be new here. There is a bag of gold coins here. I will give it to the three-eyed skeleton later," Xiao Tie answered, took the gold coins, turned around and left.

A wisp of fragrance floated, and a cold jade hand pressed on his shoulder,

The soft voice came to my ears: "Hey, stupid boy, why have I never seen you?"

Xiao Tie smiled and said respectfully, "Miss is so forgetful. The little one is just a doorman. Ha ha, how can you get into the eyes of the young lady?"

"Do you know who I am?"

Xiao Tie turned around but did not find any trace. Thinking that this woman must be proficient in stealth, invisible and invisible, which is extremely difficult to find.

But the fragrance on her body is strangely fragrant. Xiao Tie only smelled it, and then confirmed her hiding place.

A rockery made of rocks less than five steps away from him,

Because that wisp of fragrance comes from there.

I think there is no female family member in this Linglong Temple. If there is, then it must be the wife or children of the village owner.

But when you are so young, you must be the daughter of the village owner.

"I guess you must be the jade girl?" Xiao Tie has long heard that the owner has a daughter named Jade Girl, who is cute and good at invisibility, so she is an extremely difficult role to deal with.

"Oh, what a smart boy, you guessed my identity so quickly. Well, it's not difficult for you. My father is drinking tea in it. I think you'd better not disturb him. It's enough to ensure his safety if I'm here. So you'd better retreat outside the door."

Only then did Xiao Tie understand why the man in black gave himself money. It turned out that the place guarded by the jade girl was never allowed to pass through.

Xiao Tie agreed and retreated,

When he was about to leave, he heard another rapid footsteps in the door. Xiao Tie was shocked and knew that it must be the end of the discussion, so he took two brothers out together.

After all, they are very familiar with the sentry outside the door, and if they continue to impersonate, they are in danger of being found.

But he escaped and was unwilling. After Xiao Tie turned the door and saw a pile of dry wood, he was overjoyed. He simply took out a magic fire bottle from the empty ring and threw it into the pile of fire. In an instant, with a roar, the huge flame ignited, the wind was strong and the wind spread to him in an instant. The blazing fire was half illuminated. Bian Tian,

"It's on fire, put out the fire." Someone screamed,

In an instant, the exquisite temple was in chaos,

Xiao Tie took the opportunity to come to the temple, took advantage of the chaos, quietly opened a window in the temple and floated in.

This room happens to be the place for the meeting just now. Although the people have dispersed, the things are still there.

Xiao Tie was secretly happy. He reached out and stuffed the map on the table into his arms. Then a swallow turned over, jumped on the roof, and escaped from the temple in chaos.

The three of them saw that they had won, couldn't take care of much, and ran down the mountain along the old road.

In a faintly, there was a torch behind him, and someone shouted: "There is a spy on the mountain. Chasing me. If you catch it, there will be a reward. Don't let him escape."