Young Knife God

Chapter 124 Crossing the River and Meeting Poems

The station of the Xiong Division is located in a valley at the northern end of Lunquat City. Entering this valley, there are green mountains on all sides, a lake of clear water in the middle, and a small island in the middle of the lake, on which there are hundreds or various houses of large and small sizes, as well as basements, which constitutes the residence of the legendary boss of the mercenary regiment. In the past In nearly a thousand years. The lion has always been the pride of the demon world, but in recent years, due to the decline of strength and the rise of new mercenary regiments, the lion's prestige has become a dead lion and has become a joke in the eyes of the people. A recent mistake has made the lion's strength be questioned by the people.

A mercenary of about 100 people escorted a group of students from the magic college to the nearby Moer area. As a result, they met a group of robbers on the road. What was surprising was that the result of 100 mercenaries and dozens of mountain bandits were casualties, and they still did not keep their goods. The result was extremely painful, resulting in One trainee was injured, two people disappeared, and the goods escorted were lost. What a painful defeat.

Recently, they have suffered setbacks in a series of actions, which made the male division notorious, causing many businessmen who came to come to find other mercenary regiments to escort supplies and lose the business of escorting goods.

It has been a heavy loss in just ten days,

This made Marian, the head of the male division, very angry and wanted to find an opportunity to save the reputation of the lion.

At this moment, he is furious, "Who said that our lion regiment can't do it? Our lion regiment has always been in front of the mercenary regiments and is an example for mercenaries. Damn it, since the last time we escorted goods, we have been plotted, we have become a joke in the eyes of others. This time we got the gold medal task unexpectedly Without the leadership, ha, what's so great about that Xiao Tie? What a hungry wolf? I think it's all bullshit.

He was furious and looked like he was looking for someone to liquidate.

A yellow-haired girl came out and sat on, but she held her cheeks, which was interesting to hear.

There is a lovely smile on her face from time to time. Contrary to her, Peter, a red-haired teenager sitting opposite her, looks extremely arrogant and even disdains Marian's conversation.

The expression in her eyes swept sarcastically at the girl opposite, but the girl ignored it.

It seems that the roar of the lion Marian is so beautiful at this moment.

It keeps making her intoxicated.

It was not until Marian completely stopped that she smiled and added, "Dear Mr. Marian, your explanation is really wonderful, but in my opinion, it is like a genius speaker, which makes people hear blood boiling, but your explanation reveals a key content, that is, who is Xiao Tie? Why did he get the gold medal task, and what does he have to do with the mayor's meeting? As far as I know, the mercenary regiment of the human race can rarely receive such a high-end task, and this teenager is an exception, which really confuses me. Ha, it seems that you must despise your seemingly weak opponent too much, and this Xiao Tie is a famous talented teenager, like a thunderous figure. Ha, how come to your mouth? It seems to be like waste, haha.

Mali was supposed to get a little comfort, but he didn't expect that the first thing that made trouble to him was this beautiful girl. Although she seemed young, she was actually over 100 years old.

Its original attribute is a snake, a cold and terrible poison. It is said that there is naturally a strong poison on her body. The ten slender and beautiful armors are covered with highly poisonous. Once attacked by her, ten of the recruits will die from poisoning, rather than the faint trauma. So she got a terrible nickname, Viper Widow.

And her last husband, Good, the leader of the mercenary regiment, has become a poison for everyone in the mercenary regiment since he was accidentally killed ten years ago.

Naturally, Marian is also afraid of three points, but he has to avoid her harassment, so even at night, his days are still difficult.

After all, being intimate with a poisonous poison is far less than that of a normal woman. He should not only beware of the danger of poisoning, but also beware of her metamorphosis. When he wakes up and finds a copper snake wrapped around him, he believes that he will never be in a good mood?

"Oh, Mrs. Linda, you always interrupt me so rudely. You should know that I am the head of this regiment. Hey hey, you have the right to speak to me." Marian is in a bad mood today,

"Gentlemen and ladies, everyone, please be quiet and let me say a few words. As one of the most outstanding warriors in the mainland, I have decided to write a letter to Xiao Tie. I want to show with my bravery that I am the most outstanding hero in the mainland. Hey, in this place where the truth is determined by fists , without strength, it will only make people underestimate. Hey, Miss Link, are you right?

"Well, it makes sense, but it's really unfair to bully a minor teenager as a middle-aged uncle, ha, don't you think? If you dare to pretend to be a hero, I think you should call it a bear! Haha "The young man's face instantly turned red and terrible, faintly bleeding, but there was an awkward smile in his eyes,

The hand trembled slightly on the hilt of the sword,

"Linda, don't go too much, okay?"

"Anger will burn your brain into dementia. If you want to show your hero, just pull out your sword, hehe,"

Linda's provocative eyes did not move away from him for a moment,

The war seems to be on the verge of breaking out.

Marian scolded angrily, "Are you two crazy? You should know that our lion regiment is the best mercenary regiment in the demon world. You have to unite. If you two continue to quarrel, we might as well disband."

The two snorted angrily before they gave up,

Marian sighed, sighing that his men were so boring that they had developed to the point of coaxing,

When Marian was distressed, he heard a surprising news that someone from the hungry wolf group had come to visit him.

He meditated and said, "Who is here?"

"It's a teenager and a beauty. Hey, it looks like a couple. Hey, the girl is still holding hands with the teenager, with a sticky look. Hey, boss, to tell you the truth, the brothers are itching. Hey, if they hadn't heard that it was a hungry wolf group, they would all think..."

"Bah, you haven't grown up," Mali is so angry that he flew up. In the future, people will kick out and roll without saying a word. He strode out of the door to see who is. He is so bold that he dares to worship him with a bitch. Dock.

Angry Marian came outside the house with his two men and took a look. Suddenly, he was stunned. A teenager with a feather fan in his hand came. He was young and arrogant. As he walked, he hummed some music. Instead, the beautiful girl beside him, her skin was smooth, white and tender, and she was sure to come out of the water. Ha, that figure Her face is angel-like perfect**, but unfortunately, at this moment, her body seems to stick to the teenager's body, which is inseparable, which surprises Marian,

"Hey, Chief Ma, you are really polite. You know that we are going to come and wait outside early in the morning. Haha, you are polite." Xiao Tie shook the feather fan and remembered that the legendary figure shook the feather fan with his hand to defeat millions of troops. Ha, now, he shakes the elephant's feather fan again. Instead, these stupid, black and thick guys in front of them were dumbfounded.

It took Marian for a long time to remember that there was such a number one person in Hungry Wolf, young and romantic, Meng Lang's genius Xiao Tie,

"It turned out to be Chief Xiao, hey hey, inside, please."

Xiao Tie held his fist and walked generously into his headquarters.

Although the lion group is called a lion, it has nothing to do with the lion. In addition to the door, there are a few old lions who usually fill their facades and play a circus. In wartime, they can only act as a tool to take care of the home.

When Xiao Tie first saw the magic lion, he was also shocked, but when he saw that the mountain-like lion actually got sick, hair removal, there was actually one who was obese, and even had to turn over artificially. Damn, Xiao Tie secretly sprayed in his heart. These spare cubs made a good male lion group look like such an embarrassed. What a bastard.

Give Xiao Tie into the conference room of the headquarters,

Xiao Tie sat down, shook the feather fan again, and smiled, "Ha, I'm in a hurry today. I didn't bring a gift, but it's a poem I just recited. Haha, it's a gift for you." After saying that, he looked at the blue water lake outside the window, cleared his throat, and then said slowly, "It's a good day today. I took a boat across the river to meet guests. I caught a fish in the lake and dedicated it to several people for a few people." Hahaha, there is another burst of proud laughter,

When she heard several people looking at each other in con sight, Linda was clever. She heard that Xiao Tie was going to change some wine to drink, so she ordered to go down and let people stew the fish she caught by Xiao Tie and made a few bottles of wine. Then several people sit down.

"Hey, Brother Xiao** has to be so wet? When an uninteresting person like me listens to it, I can't help moving the chicken. Haha, it's just that Brother Xiao's fish seems to be too small. If it's stewed alone, I'm afraid it's not even enough to stuff the teeth. Well, the guests eat the fish by themselves, and we also stew two fish we beat ourselves. Ha, that's good.

Xiao Tie smiled and said, "Okay, as long as several big brothers say OK, that's really good."