Young Knife God

Chapter 137 Three-Eyed Skull

When Brenda heard Xiao Tie's words, his heart was slightly shocked, and he unconsciously looked at the mountain in the distance. The row of torches really flashed a little.

You should know that this row of torches illuminates the mountain path, and some will be placed at the mouths of each mountain to prevent the enemy from attacking. Since the Linglong Temple was destroyed, the alert has been significantly strengthened here, so there are so many torches and lanterns that illuminate the night.

"No, maybe the enemy is gathering at the bottom of the mountain, and a battle is about to begin." Brenda had a faint trace of strong uneasiness from the bottom of her heart. Her years of military career made her** realize that the words of the teenager in front of her were by no means groundless.

But at the moment when she quickly returned to the camp, a terrible torrent rushed down from the mountain with an irresistible momentum.

In front of it was an extremely powerful beast cavalry camp, giant elephant, magic leopard, and a brigade of golden eagle, rushing to the residence of the Snow Fox Mercenary Regiment like a black cloud.

In an instant, countless dazzling sparks bloomed on the earth,

There are no more than 50 black knights riding on the back of the golden eagle. With the release of magic, lightning, thunder, storm, wind blades, lightning strikes, fireballs, and raindrops.

It turned the residence of the Snow Fox Group into a sea of fire almost in an instant,

The more fierce beast cavalry camp quickly approached, and several giant elephants attacking in front of their heads were extremely powerful. They shook their long noses and threw several huge tree barriers standing in front of the door to one side.

It fell to the ground with a bang and smashed a deep pit,

The snow fox regiment camp suddenly became a mess, but the strength of the female mercenaries also made them quickly organize together. The long-range shooting camp behind the camp shot a row of strong crossbows at the invaders in the sky in a short time.

Those crossbows hit several golden eagles, and in an instant, the huge golden eagles made a deafening sound and fell from the sky.

Boom, falling into the camp like a meteor, bringing a fierce spark,

The battle was extremely tragic,

The tenacity of female mercenaries also surprised the attacking enemies,

However, the difference in strength is so different that the Snow Fox Group is at an all-round disadvantage.

"Attack! Let the blood of the enemy wash away the shame of our failure. God bless and kill them all!" The three-eyed skeleton rode on the back of a huge demon elephant and sat behind him with nearly 100 sharpshooters.

The rain arrows shot at the enemy, and in an instant, the snow fox group was killed and injured.

The camp of the Snow Fox Regiment was broken through by the enemy and could no longer resist it. The water-like soldiers retreated. Even if Brenda shouted again and again, it had no effect.

A few magic leopards came like a whirlwind, and a few fires came,

Burn the bodies of several female soldiers to ashes in an instant,

The bright knife swept over, and a female mercenary could not dodge and was cut into two sections with a knife.

When Xiao Tie saw that he was defeated, he hurriedly helped Brenda up the flying chicken, patted the head of the green hair, spread its wings and flew away from the residence of the Snow Fox Regiment under the enemy's bombardment.

A big defeat is inevitable,

But fortunately, it can escape from the battlefield,

Brenda held Xiao Tie's waist tightly and refused to let go for a moment. Looking around, in addition to the mercenaries who died in the battle, the remaining hundreds of people were captured by the enemy.

In order to defeat Brenda's snow fox regiment, the enemy took out almost all the elites, sweeping the snow fox regiment for a while, and then a force turned and attacked the lion regiment at full speed under the leadership of the three-eyed skeleton.

After all, the right side of the Snow Fox Regiment is less than two miles away is the residence of the Lion Regiment.

Although the lion regiment was on guard, it still couldn't resist the enemy's indiscriminate bombing and crazy attacks in the sky and underground. In a blink of an eye, the camp gate was broken and the lion regiment suffered a great defeat.

"Kill, kill them all for me. I don't think it's even as good as a bear. Damn, I'm going to kill them all." Three eyes shouted and roared, and dozens of war beasts rushed to the lions crazily.

With a wave of the big knife, the oncoming arrow rain entered the station of the lion regiment in a blink of an eye.

The big knife danced wildly, and in an instant, several mercenaries who could not escape fell under his knife,

There was a violent vibration on the ground, and some huge golden-backed turtles broke out of the ground, completely cutting off the retreat of the lion group. In the eyes of the golden-backed turtle, the golden light swept around, and dozens of mercenaries nearby instantly turned into ashes.

The strong attack overwhelmed the mercenaries. They didn't expect that a small dark horse gang would have so many fierce monsters in their hands.

So the battle was in a white-hot state at the beginning. Marian led those dream-like mercenaries to quickly throw themselves into the counterattack, and suddenly launched a life-and-death struggle on a small open land.

"Stop it, who wants to take half a step back and be careful that I cut off his dog's head," the mercenary regiment with 3,000 people quickly stopped the retreat after all members launched a counterattack.

and gradually regained some lost positions,

It turned out that the clever Marian not only set up a partition fortification, but also secretly set up countless trenches in the camp, which were full of combustibles, so after the front camp was broken, he quickly set fire under his command. Sure enough, flames burned in the trench, temporarily blocking the fierce footsteps of those monsters.

After the trench, rows of mercenaries lined up neatly and shot rows of crossbow arrows at the enemy in the distance. When the roaring crossbow arrows shot down the few golden eagles in the sky, the flame of the Dark Horse Gang finally stopped.

After all, after these two battles, my soldiers suffered a lot of casualties.

If you continue to fight like this, you will not only starve the wolves, but also bring unpredictable dangers to yourself.

When the three eyes were hesitating to fight again, behind the station of the Lion Regiment, there was also a tight horn sound. Nearly 1,000 dark horse gangs who rushed down from the mountain were attacking from the other face of the dark horse gang.

After two attacks, the lion regiment finally couldn't resist, and the camp collapsed in an instant. Marian had no choice but to escape to the distance with a group of men. At this time, it would be extremely necessary to get a little assistance in time. However, after the hard battle that night, the hungry wolf regiment did not send a soldier. Why is this? Question mark I'm afraid it's well known to everyone,

Obviously, Xiao Tie is just going to use the enemy's hand to annex himself.

Marian scolded Xiao Tie for being ruthless, but she had no choice but to lead the defeated army to escape to the mountain in panic.

After all, the hungry wolf group is stationed on the mountain pass and left a way for itself to live. Otherwise, if this mountain pass camp is lost, it will be the fish in the opponent's belly and will be eaten sooner or later.

When the light of dawn covered the earth, all I saw were some horrible dead bodies.

After flattening two camps in one fell swoop, the Dark Horse Gang won an unprecedented victory, which made Sanyan extremely excited.

"What should we do? Do you want to go back or stay on the spot? Despite an unprecedented victory, nearly a thousand people were killed and injured by the dark horse gang elite he brought down the mountain. Less than a few miles away, there was a powerful hungry wolf group known for their fierceness. If the hungry wolf group attacked at this time, the thousands of people he brought down the mountain may not be able to resist.