Young Knife God

Chapter 143 Fire Cloud Cave

When Xiao Tie heard the old man say this, he was shocked.

I didn't expect that the strength of the underground strong is so high that it is so horrible, but I didn't expect it. If I had known that there was such a group of perverts below, I wouldn't have stationed troops on the mountain.

Brenda smiled,

smiled and said, "It's okay, I was worried about you just now. If I had known that you could fight so well, I wouldn't have asked my father to save you. Haha, if you could defeat those two annoying little old men, I might worship you, ha, but now, I'm thinking, maybe we can be a good friend, because In order to be a happy person for me when I'm in a bad mood.

Damn, when Xiao Tie first heard this, a small emotion poured into his heart. He thought that the girl would marry her body and was excited.

Her eyes flashed strangely, and a blue light from her eyes swept Xiao Tie's handsome face and said exaggeratedly, "Don't misunderstand my words. I'm just saying that you can make a good sandbag to vent my anger, ha." After saying that, she waved her fist and waved fiercely to Xiao Tie.

Oh, Xiao Tie was unprepared, and his body was hit in one place. In an instant, his body was shot out five steps away. His painful face was twisted, and he looked like a painful bath.

"Well, if you look at me like this again, I will turn you into a honeycomb, haha," Brenda's eyes had a horrible smile,

staring at Xiao Tie fiercely,

The red-eyed demon smiled and said, "Well, a human genius can actually do dozens of moves alone with two underground strong men. This kind of horrible skills can't be bullied by you. If he didn't deliberately let you, I can't see ten moves, and you would have been knocked down by him. Haha, girl, after seeing Xiao Tie in the future It's better to restrain it, otherwise don't say I didn't remind you.

"Well, Dad, you just talk to him, and I don't pay attention to you." Brenda blinked her blue eyes and looked at Xiao Tie wateryly, and there was a kind of love-hate look in her eyes.

In the end, it's love or hate, Xiao Tie really doesn't know,

"Hum bad guy, don't want to escape. When you get here, everything has to listen to me. Otherwise, if something happens, you can't blame me."

After saying that, he took Xiao Tie with one hand and went straight back.

All the way, there are some caves and secret ratices, and there are green crystal lighting on the way, so it's quite clear.

"Well, where are we going?"

Xiao Tie has an ominous foreboding. I really don't know what will happen at the next moment?

"Don't worry, I'm just showing you my pet Xiaohong. I haven't seen it for so long. Maybe he's thinking about me?"

While saying, Brenda took Xiao Tie to move forward quickly, turned around a mountain stream, and stopped at the entrance of a stone cave.

A strong pressure came from the hole,

There is a faint trace of terrible energy fluctuations, and the energy of the fire attribute disperses from the hole from time to time, forming a dark red cloud at the mouth of the cave.

Brenda smiled and stretched out her fingers. The red cloud barrier dispersed in an instant. She smiled and said, "Xiao Hong, don't make trouble. I'll bring a friend to see you today. Don't be nervous."

After saying that, he took Xiao Tie into the cave together,

In the hole, a red giant snake coiled into a ball, raised its head, ** looked at the mouth of the cave,]

The long red tongue in his mouth burst out a red flame from time to time.

When Xiao Tie saw such a huge thing, he couldn't help shaking slightly.

Damn, little witch, it's really perverted to raise such a perverted thing as a pet,

"Come on, Xiaohong, make out with the guests, ha." Hearing the little devil's words, Xiao Tie almost got angry,

I don't know that I'm the most afraid of snakes in my life. You still ask this snake to make out with me. I didn't mean to kill me.

"No, hey, I'm most afraid of snakes." Xiao Tie is thick-skinned and a little uncomfortable,

"Oh, isn't it? Since you are so afraid of snakes, you should be more intimate, otherwise my little red will not have feelings for you. If I am not here, what can it do to deal with you? When I think of our great genius falling, I really feel a little sad?

Fuck, you are so sad. I know that I'm afraid of snakes and still want to do this, and I'm going to make a fool of myself.

I was thinking about it, but I felt a fishy wind coming to my face. The little snake I just saw actually circled, jumped from the ground like lightning, and directly wrapped around Xiao Tie's shoulder.

The red tongue sticks out and licks Xiao Tie's face,

This scared Xiao Tie very hard,

I have the intention to shake this annoying snake with fighting spirit, but I'm afraid that a mistake will anger it.

For good, this snake didn't stay on him for too long.

Seeing Xiao Tie's horrible look, Brenda stopped laughing and called Xiao Hong, a giant snake with red spots,

When Xiaohong left, Xiao Tie felt as relaxed as being reborn.

In a blink of an eye,

A stench that has never been heard before comes from inside,

Xiao Tie was a little puzzled, "Is there anything strange in this hole? Why did I smell a human blood?

I don't know how many caves I have turned around. Xiao Tie turned here and couldn't help frowning at this smell.

The surrounding stone walls show a gray and transparent texture,

In Xiao Tie's view, this is almost a beautiful jade similar to glass,

But when you touch it, it is cold and piercing. On the contrary, if you don't touch it, this white crystal will have little effect.

However, the material texture is extremely hard,

This is the Ice Crystal Cave, and the other side is the Fire Crystal Magic Cave. For geniuses with two superb attributes at the same time, it seems that they should go in and experience the various elements in it, which is of great benefit to future cultivation?

Two stone gates were presented in front of Xiao Tie. Xiao Tie had a burst of ecstasy in his heart. He had long heard people talk about how rich the underground world was. Magic has never had the opportunity to experience it. Today, he can witness the magic with his own eyes and have the opportunity to feel it. It's really a great good thing.

At present, he turned his eyes and looked at the fire door on the other side. The fire element here is extremely strong. Even if you stand outside the door, you can feel that the strong fire overflows through the crack of the door and blows to the body as hot as a bath of fire. If ordinary mortals had been burned long ago, but for Xiao Tie, it was nothing There was no discomfort. On the contrary, when he attracted this fire element for the first time, he actually had an excited performance.

A few big characters are engraved on the fiery red stone door - Huoyun Cave.

"Okay, I'm going to go to the Fire Cloud Cave." Xiao Tie pointed to the gate of Huoyun Cave and walked to the door.

But as soon as his body approached the door, he heard a faint sound of dragon singing in the door.

The violent dragon sound seems to show that it is fighting with a person, roaring angrily from time to time,

Then the fire element almost exploded. I don't know what the material of the door was. It was instantly burned red, but it returned to normal tone in a very short time.

"Don't touch the stone door. It is made of the most heat-resistant pyrolite. No matter how fierce the flame is sprayed on it, it will not cause any damage. On the contrary, if someone touches it, it will be lightly scorched, and the slightly weaker power will almost instantly vaporize, so you can freely enter and exit here. There will be no more than three people in the world, and you are also one."

A meaningful eye wave swept over Xiao Tie,

Xiao Tie suddenly felt flattered,

"Are you sure you want to go in?" A faint smile flashed from the corners of Brenda's eyes,

Her dark blue eyes looked at this gradually red stone door, extremely calm,

Now she seems to be in sharp contrast to the panic at the moment when she was attacked by the dark horse gang in the camp.

"I must go in and have a look." Xiao Tie nodded and said confidently,

"Okay, don't regret it. After entering, you must not tell others what you have seen, otherwise you will be in trouble."

Looking at her solemn expression, Xiao Tie smiled secretly in his heart.

The head of this snow fox group has turned into an old scholar in such a short time. It's really a trick,

Xiao Tie nodded as a promise.

Maybe he doesn't know that after entering this fire cloud cave, he will bring such a great danger to himself.