Young Knife God

Chapter 147 Mistake into the Trap

Git looked down from the stone barrier with several swordsmen. Although it was broken by the enemy several times and was recaptured, the Dark Horse Gang attacked here almost again and again regardless of sacrifice.

The resolute action is beyond everyone's imagination,

Xiao Tie sat on the little tiger and appeared on the battlefield together. Looking around, the dark horse gang below seemed to have received assistance from several other mountain bandits, and their troops once again gained the upper hand. This time, from the lineup, it seems to be more like a decisive battle.

The black horse gang raised a black flag with a black horse,

Behind the flag, there are mercenaries with sharp weapons and high morale, followed by the cavalry battalion, and then the long-range attack force responsible for the stone-thrower.

This array is lined up in turn, with no more than 10,000 people,

Xiao Tie couldn't help smacking his tongue and sighing. Damn, where did these people come from? He thought that after capturing Linglong Temple in the first battle, the rest of his gang would become birds and beasts, but what he didn't expect was that this group of enemies had a stronger and stronger trend.

So the trend of attack and defense changes,

"Kill them all, the invaders, and there will be no good end after all." A short commander shouted in an instant. In an instant, with the sword he waved, thousands of people behind him came like a tsunami, far faster than imagined.

It is really admirable to be able to maintain spiritual strength under such a momentum.

Boom, boom, under the fierce impact, countless boulders were thrown into the air by powerful orcs with stone throwers,

Countless stones fell like raindrops and fell on the stone wall guarded by the hungry wolf group in an instant. In an instant, black smoke rose on the three-foot-high stone wall. Countless huge stones fell down with lightning speed. The sound was endless. The huge and strong stone barrier was knocked down several places in an instant, and the defenders of the city After firing a round of rockets, they had already retreated to the mountain. In a blink of an eye, the dark horse gang attacked the stone barrier, but when they were cheering for victory, the rocket falling from the mountain instantly hit the gunpowder hidden inside the stone barricade, and the roar was endless.

Half of the dark horse gangs who had just entered the stone barrier were killed and injured in an instant.

Although the rest were not dead, they were also half scared to death and escaped one by one.

With a wave of Xiao Tie's flag, the thousands of hungry wolf brothers below counterattacked and rushed to the front of the Dark Horse Gang in an instant.

People on both sides are stuck in a bitter struggle,

Xiao Tie is not idle, sitting on the flying tiger,

He fell from the sky and launched a sneak attack on the dark horse gang from time to time. Huh, a fire fell from the sky and instantly set fire to several dark horse gangs. These poor guys threw away their weapons and beat the flames on their bodies crazily.

"Damn, when did the flying tiger come from above? Where is our black eagle? Why don't you kill this annoying guy?"

"Fuck, brothers, run away quickly. We can't resist it. Everything we can die. It's useless to sacrifice us." A man in black said, threw away his weapon, jumped into the river, and escaped.

But soon, the blood flowers in the river rose, and a group of powerful pig dragons appeared on the water. Huh, several huge columns of water sprayed on the people, instantly drenching several people into drowned chickens, and did not allow them to come back to their senses.

Zhu Polong opened his big mouth, and a strong suction surged in. Several people couldn't hold it. They rushed forward quickly and fell into the pig Polong's mouth one by one. In an instant, his big mouth was closed, and several unlucky guys fell into the pig's belly like this. Zi Li,

"Damn, these hateful guys still have this ability?" Xiao Tie couldn't help but feel numb when he saw it in the air. Although he had also played with these vicious guys last time, he had never seen these guys show their sucking skills.

At present, I can't take care of much. While shooting the enemy below with crossbows, I took the opportunity to shoot a few pig dragons.

However, these guys' skin is quite thick. After several times, they didn't take any advantage. Instead, they angered the pig dragon and opened their mouths in the air one by one, emitting a few winds of inverted tornadoes from time to time. In this way, Xiao Tie gradually became nervous, because the strong suction force is really surprising. ,

After being sucked several times, the little tiger was almost sucked into the dragon whirlwind. If the strength is stronger, I'm afraid that Xiao Tie and the little tiger will fall into their mouths and become the food of Zhu Polong.

A faint black breath poured from the ground, making Xiao Tie, who was in the air a little unstable. After shaking his body, he decided to get off the little tiger first. After all, he was very easy to be attacked by the enemy's crossbows in the air. Even just now, he also tried his best to avoid a few iron crossbows before he didn't let himself hit the arrow.

This famous black eagle arrow is not only powerful. After being hit by the arrow, it is almost impossible to pull it out of the body, because more than three barbs are deliberately placed at the position of the arrow, so once the arrow is hit, it will almost become disabled.

Whistle, Xiao Tie reached out to take an arrow shot at him,

Angry sweeps at a crossbowman who launched a plot,

With a pat on the tiger's head, the little tiger was taken care of and instantly spew out a horrible fireball from his mouth, turning the man's hiding place into a sea of fire.

At the moment of landing,

Xiao Tie is surrounded by more than a dozen wolves almost alone,

Although the overall battle situation is beneficial to the hungry wolves, in some parts, victory still has to be a big question mark.

After all, with the investment of the beast cavalry camp, Xiao Tie's hungry wolf group was once seriously threatened. Fortunately, the beast cavalry camp under Xiao Tie's name was put into battle in time to stabilize the battle.

However, the variety of enemy beasts and strong combat power still opens Xiao Tie's eyes,

Dozens of huge demons rushed to the front,

Behind the magic elephant are troops such as wolf riding, leopard riding and tiger riding.

Although the number of these troops is small, the waves of attack actually bring great trouble to the hungry wolves.

"Surrender, miserable human warrior," more than a dozen wolves around Xiao Tie roared together,

The deafening wolf howled Xiao Tie to close his eyes slightly,

Although the little tiger's face was fearless and one against ten, Xiao Tie became nervous.

Because these dozen riders are actually using carved arrows, it is not a good choice to meet so many archers at close range,

On the contrary, due to the super lethality of this kind of arrow, it is generally necessary to dodge their attack, which is only possible at least 100 meters away. In this way, there is a feeling of an arrow piercing the heart at a distance of several positions, which is very bad.

Xiao Tie vaguely regrets,

I shouldn't have landed on the ground at the beginning,

"Young man, it's not too late to put down your weapons now. I'll count three times. If you still refuse to put down your weapons, we will release arrows." A middle-aged man opposite smiled ferociously,

A murderous atmosphere surged, making Xiao Tie feel the sadness of dying,

Xiao Tie looked around and saw that no one came to help him. He couldn't help sighing for a moment. He pretended to be indifferent, smiled indifferently and said, "Give me some time. I want to think about it." After saying that, he pretended to be a typical action of a thinker, holding his cheek in one hand, his eyes were slightly closed, and hidden in deep thinking.