Young Knife God

Chapter 149 Mysterious Doping

After sweeping out the Dark Horse Gang in one fell swoop, Xiao Tie moved the headquarters of the mercenary regiment from the city to here, and repaired the wall, making Blackstone Valley his stronghold.

For Xiao Tie's abnormal move, the union repeatedly asked the hungry wolves to retreat into the city, but they were all rejected by Xiao Tie, so for a while, there was nothing they could do with Xiao Tie.

It can only be left alone,

After all, the number of hungry wolves has exceeded 10,000, and their strength is strong, and even the city guard is not as good as the city guard. After all, the beast riding camp and fire crossbow camp of the hungry wolves are famous in the mainland. Even if other mercenary regiments want to make trouble, after thinking of Xiao Tie's absolute strength and horrible murder, they have taken back troops back one after another.

So since Xiao Tie got this dangerous valley, he has become the local emperor here. He not only collects tolls from passing merchants, but also continues to develop the power of the Qunying Association. After months of operation, the power of the Qunying Association has also been distributed to more than a dozen other cities. For a while, Xiao Tie's wealth is like running water. Rich country,

And Xiao Tie used his wealth to issue recruitment notices. In a very short time, he spread his power to several neighboring areas and became the real king of the valley.

If you connect the valleys he got into pieces, you can see at a glance that his sphere of influence has surrounded the Lun squat market.

It's just that an important valley in the south has not been taken down,

This valley is the Black Wind Valley, which is famous for producing stimulants. It is not only stationed with strong mercenaries, but also powerful mythical beasts as the backing, so it is the only place Xiao Tie dares not provoke at present.

Whistle, a figure appeared in the distant space. In the upper layer of the space less than 500 steps away from the Black Valley, Xiao Tie looked there like a torch,

Only the little tiger accompanied him,

At this moment, the tiger has wings and travels all the way with Xiao Tie,

It slowly stopped not far from the mountain pass, because several people in black have been secretly guarding on the back of the black eagle patrolling from the mountain pass.

Compared with the flying tiger, the black eagle flies faster and at a high speed, so once the attack fails, escape will become a problem.

For good, seeing Xiao Tie alone did not attract too much attention from the other party.

"Tell Mr. William, just say that Xiao Tie wants to see you,"

Xiao Tie simply reported his name. After the black eagle in the air circled around and confirmed that only Xiao Tie was the only one, he replied: "Wait a minute, I'll report it right away."

After a while, a dark shadow flashed in the distance. The Black Hawk Knight returned and said respectfully, "My master, please come with us." After saying that, he turned around and led the way. Xiao Tie rode the flying tiger and followed.

Xiao Tie looked at the situation in the valley as he walked. He saw that the valley was dark and echoed from time to time by the sound of striking iron. From time to time, there were large monsters on the ground. Pedest pedestrians could rarely be seen on the straight road. However, if you were more careful, it was better to find some people from the stone mountains around. Some people have built Shishan into a mysterious fortress and want to be heavily guarded. If they venture into it, they will definitely die.

Xiao Tie took a deep breath of cold air,

In the middle of the line, I suddenly saw a black eagle beside me. The knight was the man who led himself into the valley last month.

I remember that when they came last time, they only sent one person to welcome them. This time, there were people before and after them, and I don't think there will be less than eight people.

The grand arrangement made Xiao Tie a little flattered,

Before landing, I heard a burst of laughter from a distance.

"Hahaha, Shaozhu Xiao is really not tonight. I have long heard that you have unified the Blackstone Valley, and your strength has grown rapidly. Is it possible that you have an attempt to visit me like this, ha?"

William's voice is still very familiar, and it is not difficult to hear his vigilance for Xiao Tie from his voice.

Xiao Tie shook his head and smiled bitterly,

After his own power is big, he has always been guarded against other forces. After all, he has made a big wind,

And the Black Wind Valley became the only passage that was not controlled by Xiao Tie in the south of Lunquat City, and still reacted to Xiao Tie's sudden visit. After all, William has also made a lot of money by selling stimulants over the years, so he started writing on this mountain, not only repairing fortifications, but also recruiting a large number of people. Therefore, although his strength is not as good as Xiao Tie, he also has 5,000 people. In addition, he is well equipped, so he can start a big battle with Xiao Tie.

Xiao Tie shook the fan and smiled, "Mr. William must be joking with me again. You should know that I am sincere and friendly to my friends. Just like we were partners, we are also friendly now, but Mr. William is more suspicious."

At this time, it is of course best for Xiao Tie to live in harmony. Otherwise, if he takes the Black Wind Valley, it will pose a great threat to the safety of Lun's squatting city, so in order to prevent the city guards against him, Xiao Tie is better to keep a low profile.

"Hahaha, it's just a joke. Brother Xiao is willing to come to my Black Wind Valley. Is it too late for me to be happy?"

William's smile did not diminish, and he welcomed Xiao Tie into the house.

Compared with the last visit, William's vigilance has been significantly strengthened this time.

For good, I saw that Xiao Tie was the only one with a kind attitude, so I slowly put down my guard.

"I'm here to talk about cooperation with Mr. William. To be honest, I'm really interested in this blue dream, and the demand will continue to increase in the future. I wonder if possible, can Mr. William move his production authority so that I can freely produce at the base of Linglong Temple. In that case, the production of this new stimulant can meet people's needs,

Listening to Xiao Tie's words, William, who had been on alert, finally let go of his hanging heart.

After all, he is developing a new generation of stimulants. The output of this blue dream is not high, so he does not make much money. Seeing Xiao Tie deliberately intervene, he is also happy to be a personal favor.

When you turn your eyes,

"Mr. Xiao, you know this. Our new drug is under development. The output of this old-fashioned stimulant has not been high. If you are interested in introducing it, then I will calculate for you what costs are needed. If Mr. Xiao has calculated it for a while and still feels profitable, then of course I will not I will oppose your joining,"

Xiao Tie nodded,

William saw that Xiao Tie agreed, and said as if something had happened: "The last time I showed you that the kind that can produce blue

I have a total of 30 crystal mythical beasts, one of which is in poor health. I have been selling it a long time ago, but I haven't found a suitable next one. Seeing that Mr. Xiao is so eager to engage in the production of stimulants, I will sell it to you at a price of 5 million gold coins, ha, "Five million gold coins, listen At this price, Xiao Tie's nose was almost crooked. After all, at five million, it is almost the sum of his annual income of blue dream sales. If this Warcraft purple dies, his loss will be extremely heavy and will hit his doping business.

William stayed quietly in a chair on one side like an old fox, looking at the changes in Xiao Tie's face.

But Xiao Tie's face turned pale for a moment and returned to normal in an instant.

He gritted his teeth and smiled and said, "Okay, even if it's a sick beast, I have to decide. Well, you are responsible for the delivery, and I will pay you one million in advance. The rest of the money will be paid in a lump-sum until the mythical beast arrives at Linglong Temple safely. Do you think it's feasible?"

Hearing Xiao Tie's words, William's face was also pale and dark, but his words had been spoken, and he couldn't take it back without selling it. He only gritted his teeth and said, "Well, deal, I will send the mythical beast to you as soon as possible. Ha, I wish our transaction success." He picked up a glass of red wine in his hand and drank it all.

"Brother Xiao, we will be friends in the future. I still have several new products here. I don't know if I'm interested in it. If you are interested, why don't we go and have a look together. "William, who is good at doing business, will drill when he is free. Naturally, he will not miss it easily when he sees Xiao Tie, a rich man, comes to the door, although he regrets selling it just now. A sick warcraft, but as long as there is business, it is still worth it. After all, money will not be brought, and death will not be taken away. Once the valley changes in the future, it is necessary to rely on Xiao Tie, a friend, to do something.

Turn a secluded path to an empty place,

Faced with a row of black forests,

There is a row of black forests in front of you. This black is so strange that even the light is difficult to enter. As long as you get close, you will feel an extremely cold chill.

A stream of invisible black energy flows rapidly in the black forest,

If Xiao Tie had not deliberately observed, he might not have found that there was a door of space in front of him, which was slowly opening, but the door of space was extremely slow to open. At first, he could only find a faint light in the extremely dark field, and then the light was slowly. Diffusion, become bigger, become the size of a door,

A strange smell came with the wind, which made Xiao Tie smell a few squirts. Fortunately, William waved his hand and a light curtain generated around him, quickly surrounding the two-person space, which dispelled the unpleasant smell.


William saw Xiao Tie's surprised expression and said proudly, "Maybe Brother Xiao must feel strange why this forest is so dark that even light is difficult to enter. This is not because I used magic, but because the trees in this forest are spirits of the elves, dark night spirit fire trees, so no At night, you will not find the mystery here. Even if you are interested in breaking in, if you don't get the permission of the elders, you will return to no success. As a top secret, I will not avoid friends. After all, we have had several successful transactions. I believe you will be very interested after reading it. "