Young Knife God

Chapter 151 Illusion

Hearing such news, Xiao Tie was stunned for a moment. He couldn't imagine how strong the flame storm that could destroy several high-level builders at the same time was.

Since the scene he saw just now also shocked him,

"Oh, Egerman, don't always say unpleasant things. Today, I just negotiated a deal with the Xiao Tie brothers. Ha, in the future, Xiao Tie will be our big customer here. Therefore, as long as Xiao Tie is willing, he can visit our Black Wind Valley at any time.

William's expression is very natural and easy-going. Obviously, he is avoiding the painful scenes that have happened in the past.

Egman suddenly said, 'Haha, as long as Mr. Xiao has a request, I will try my best to arrange his men to satisfy you, haha,"

Xiao Tie looked at the monsters in the distance and suddenly asked, "What kind of monsters are those? Why do they seem to be all that I have never seen before? Are these also new products cultivated by you?"

"Oh, that's right, but this kind of warcraft disappeared on the mainland about 500 to a thousand years ago. One of our magicians accidentally found a magical egg here, so after hatching, he successfully bred this generation of new monsters, but these herbivorous monsters seem to be fed. It was a little difficult. At that time, I once wanted to sell them to the market to eat meat, because their meat taste was really delicious, but later I accidentally found that their bodies could secrete a red perfume-like stimulant. This smell made people feel very uncomfortable at first, but only a small amount of When it enters the body, it will make people's nerves become particularly excited, so people who have used this magical stimulant call it volcanic love, which means that its effect will be as fierce as a volcanic eruption, so it can bring great excitement and satisfaction."

"Oh, magical thing, I must try it if I have a chance." Although Xiao Tie has always appreciated the mild stimulant of blue fantasy, he suddenly became interested when he heard that this kind of thing still had such an effect.

At his request,

In a short time, someone took a small jade bottle the size of a thumb,

In the jade bottle, through the thin cicada wing wall, you can clearly see a bright red ** flowing in it. This kind of plasma-like thing soaks through the bottle wall and instantly makes the white jade wall extremely red.

A red light shines from the wall of the bottle, reflecting the bottle as red as blood,

A magician came quietly and picked up the jade bottle in Xiao Tie's hand,

Gently pulled out the cork, turned the mouth of the bottle towards Xiao Tie's nostrils, and whispered, "Take a deep breath,"

Xiao Tie breathes slowly and slowly inhales a little red smoke from the mouth of the bottle,

When he was about to suck hard, the magician stretched out his hand, took back the bottle and stuffed it into his mouth.

He smiled and said, "Enough, this stimulant is extremely strong, so ordinary people only need to smell it through the bottle to stay excited for about half a day. Just now, you have inhaled enough, but I'm not sure how much stimulation your body can withstand. If it is excessive, it will be produced. It's dangerous, so for the sake of safety, I suggest you take less."

Xiao Tie nodded slightly. Although he did not feel it when he first inhaled, after inhaling some, the red substance spread rapidly in his body, and he felt a burst of heart palpitations and inexplicable excitement pouring up strongly.

His face turned red in an instant, and there seemed to be a voice calling him deep in his mind.

His consciousness slowly came to a place of light with the call of the sound,

In a temple, a beautiful girl, a sad dance and empty music sounded, making him unconsciously addicted to it. He slowly approached the girl and called her, but the girl danced alone with long sleeves as if she had never heard it before.

The fairy spirit in the hall made him intoxicated,

The strong uneasy energy entered his body and slowly excited his consciousness.

At this moment, he actually thought of getting the woman's caress. Although he had not had this feeling for many years, once it came, it was so strong that he walked to the girl uneasily.

He stretched out his hand to her,

"Beautiful princess, turn around, I want to see your flowery face?"

"No, young man, if you want to live, quit early. This is the Flame Temple. That woman is the daughter of the Flame God King. If you touch her body, you will be burned into a wisp of smoke to accompany her in an instant."

Xiao Tie was shocked and withdrew the hand, but his body was occupied by a kind of cold pressure. A long mythical beast like a snake body slowly climbed up his body and quickly swam all over his body. The snake's red tongue licked him.

Xiao Tie was shocked,

Almost jumped up, but the monster's body became tighter and tighter on his body, making him breathe

: "Let go of me, asshole." Xiao Tie's whole body was like sweat, jumping up, and the strength of his whole body exploded in an instant. Boom, and the attachments on his body instantly turned into ashes.

If he hadn't activated the energy of the astrolabe in time to block it, maybe he would have fainted at this time.

When the red slowly faded, Xiao Tie slowly sat up,

"It's so close, Brother Xiao Tie, you inhaled too much just now. Fortunately, nothing happened. Ha, you should know that this mythical beast has grown in the divine world and was later released to the demon world by the divine world, but its strangeness is psychic. Mr. Xiao must have entered a dream just now. He must have fought with people. Ha, "

Xiao Tie nodded and said, "It's strange that I just entered my dream, but those things hurt and attacks on me in front of me as if they were in essence, making me use all my strength to withdraw safely. If my strength is smaller, I'm afraid I really won't wake up?"

"It's like a dream, but it's true. I can't explain a lot of things clearly, ha, so after the development of this drug, I have never dared to push it to the market. I have to find a suitable partner. It seems that Mr. Xiao has realized that our cooperation will certainly have a bright future in the future."

Egman said a lot of detours,

At this time, he seemed to notice that Xiao Tie's face was still extremely pale.

After all, he entered the divine world in vain, even in a dream, it brought him a great shock,

Since the divine world withdrew from the mainland, no one has been able to find them for thousands of years. Perhaps, the news of the divine world can be hunted through this stimulant, but due to its danger, the subjects are required to be at least above the knife emperor level, otherwise their bodies will inevitably be devastated.

The gains outweigh the losses,