Young Knife God

Chapter 164 Dragon Cave Treasure

The footsteps of the giant are getting closer and closer,

The sound of footsteps approaching, making Xiao Tie feel pressure,

The giant seemed to expect that Xiao Tie had no way to escape. He simply slowed down and forced him slowly. At this time, Xiao Tie was also sweating and didn't know what to do.

Seeing that there was no way to escape, he finally fell down. At the moment when the giant reached out to grab him, he plunged into the bottom of the pool.

The water temperature in the pool was unusually hot. At the moment Xiao Tie fell into the water, he couldn't help exclaiming.

It seems that there can no longer be any creatures in such a hot pool, but what Xiao Tie didn't expect was that the moment he jumped into the pool, he found a dark shadow quietly leaning out of the hole at the bottom of the pool, and a pair of bright big eyes like lanterns were looking at here without blinking.

Xiao Tie was shocked. It was a huge beast he had never seen before, but this head also competed with the giant, and his situation became a little delicate.

On the one hand, it is the giant chasing the pool, and the other is the monster at the bottom of the pool. It seems that the giant is very afraid of the giant beast at the bottom of the pool. Although he catches up with the pool, he is no longer willing to step into half a step.

It just keeps turning, making a tight roar from time to time,

With his roar,

The water in the pool also shook slightly and became turbulent. Fortunately, Xiao Tie sent out a light mask in time to protect his body, so that he did not be disturbed by the dry sound.

Seeing a boulder in the pool, Xiao Tie's inspiration moved and hid behind the stone. With the cover of this stone, he felt more or less at peace.

After a while, the huge beast hidden at the bottom of the pool suddenly made a shrill sound and jumped up from the bottom of the pool. With a crash, a wave of water surged up, and a dragon roared and flew to the sky from the bottom of the pool.

When the giant saw it, he was so scared that he turned around and fled.

but sprayed a flame on the dragon and burned his clothes in an instant.

In anger, the giant lifted the huge stone under his feet and threw it at the flying dragon.

When the dragon saw the boulder flying, it did not dodge, but spewed out a flame from its mouth and instantly burned the boulder into a pile of stone powder.

Xiao Tie couldn't help but be stunned. Damn, this boulder is at least a big cow. It's amazing that the giant throws a boulder effortlessly, but the dragon can burn the stone in an instant. This ability is really high,

In this way, Xiao Tie had the opportunity to take advantage of it. Looking at the excitement of the two people's fight, he thought that there must be a lot of treasures hidden in the dragon's stone cave. He took advantage of the two strong men to compete with each other and went down by himself. He simply looked for a few treasures and came out, but he would not miss a trip here.

Thinking of this, Xiao Tie smiled, and the light mask lit up again, carrying him into the stone cave under the pool.

As soon as he entered the stone cave, Xiao Tie felt a hot current. In contrast, it was several times hotter than the pool water above,

The pool water swelled, as if it had boiled. No wonder the dragon was so angry. It seems that it has something to do with the place where it lives.

The dragon cave is actually a natural crater, but this crater is not big, only allowing two people to enter and exit at the same time, but the cave inside is not small,

As soon as Xiao Tie entered, he found that the light inside was very bright.

I stared at it and couldn't help staring.

It turned out that there were several volcanic magma eruptions in this cave. These red slurries spewed out of the nearby water, making the nearby water boil in an instant.

The red flame also reflects the stone cave clearly,

With the light, Xiao Tiehao effortlessly found a box in a corner of the stone cave, which seemed to be extremely old, but from the texture of the box, the box was actually made of pure gold.

No matter how long it is left, it will not be corrupted,

On the contrary, the box is placed here, which is always new and shiny,

This important discovery can make Xiao Tie very happy,

Xiao Tie smiled and quickly swam to this box.

Opening the box, Huo, a dazzling bright Xiao Tie could hardly open his eyes. When he got used to the light in the box, he found that there were indeed a lot of things in the box.

It's mostly gold jewelry and so on. After turning over, Xiao Tie finally found a black knife under the box. The knife was three inches long, non-gold and non-iron. It felt like a kind of bone carving. Xiao Tie's eyes glowed and put the knife into the empty ring, which was found by hand. A few pieces of gold jewelry were put in my hand and wanted to take them out of the hole, but the weight was too heavy and useless. I threw them in the box. I was about to leave, but I found a small red gourd lying in the corner of the box. The gourd was cute, small and exquisite. I held it in my hand and felt a warm burning sensation, which made Xiao Tie I was shocked. When I looked carefully, I found that several Dawson's white flames were actually depicted on the gourd.

It says five small words - heavenly flame,

Ha, Xiao Tiele is not light now, jumping high,

You should know that this day's burning flame is the top strange fire on the mainland,

It is said that its flame color is pale white, and the temperature has reached a terrible temperature of 20,000 degrees.

Even the most difficult metal in the continent will quickly turn into liquid under its scorching flame,

Hey, thinking that you are still an orange-level wareman, if you use it, it will be of great benefit to the improvement of your strength.

Xiao Tie happily put this baby into the empty ring again,

I heard the roar outside and gradually stopped. I think the fight is over. The dragon may be returning to the nest. It's better to slip away quickly, otherwise you will lose your life. No matter how many treasures there are, it will be useless.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly swam out of the cave. As soon as he hid under the previously hidden rock, he heard a loud noise on the surface of the water. The dragon arrow fell into the water like an arrow and went back to the cave.

There are a few blood stains on the surface of the water. It seems that this dragon has also been injured. It must have gone back to the hole to heal the wound.

It's a pity to see the fresh dragon blood sprinkled in the water and waste it. Xiao Tie came out with his palms and shouted, "Suck stars!" Between the water and flowers, the dragon blood that fell into the pool was instantly sucked into the palm of his hand. After the purification of fighting spirit, a fingernail-sized blood cell was formed in the palm.

Xiao Tie's mouth, blood cells swallowed into his stomach,

I only felt a burning breath in my abdomen, rushing around in my abdomen, and my whole body became extremely hot like fire.

Xiao Tie was secretly shocked. He thought that this dragon blood was indeed the best to replenish qi. Even if this small drop entered the body, it was

It's enough to make your body extremely hot,

There is a lot of blood shed on this adult dragon. After Xiao Tie's purification with fighting spirit, this drop of blood has also become extremely pure, so although it looks inconspicuous, it is really much more effective than a large pot of dragon blood.

Xiao Tie felt that there was a worm moving slowly in his body. The worm kept hitting his acupuncture point. A red line slowly went down his arm and moved to the Laogong acupuncture point above his right hand.

In a short time, this acupuncture point becomes extremely hot,

Suddenly, a burst of strange pain came, and Xiao Tie almost cried out in pain. When he looked down again, he found that there was a red dragon pattern on his Lao Palace cave. This dragon pattern was like carving on his body with a knife. It was not only divine, but also brilliant.

Although Xiao Tie didn't know what the dragon pattern was, he heard another earth-shaking roar inside the dragon cave, and then he suddenly realized that he was still on the side of the dragon cave. If he didn't take the opportunity to leave, he was afraid that he would really be in trouble.

He kicked his legs and jumped out of the water.

It was not until he returned to the ground that he found that not far away, a group of small giants were looking here and saw him suddenly jump out of the pool. He thought it was the dragon back again and fled in fear.

Xiao Tie smiled and hugged his fist at the pool and said, "Thank you for your life-saving kindness. The little one is here, haha," he laughed and left.

Wow, it was not until he was dozens of steps away that he saw Little Tiger and Melinda wandering on a hillside not far away.

Xiao Tie whistled, and the little tiger opened his wings and flew over. After picking up Xiao Tie, he took the two to the top of a mountain together and fell.

"Oh, I seem to smell the fragrance of herbs. Do you two have been able to pick them when I'm away?"

Xiao Tie's eyes swept over a person and a tiger,

Melinda covered her mouth and sneered, "You're smart. Just now, the little tiger and I came to the top of the mountain and accidentally found this fairy grass, so we picked it down. I didn't expect that your nose could smell it from so far away. I'm convinced you."

"Now that the task has been completed, let's go back."

Little tiger is also eager to go back to rest early,

After returning to Linglong Temple, she had a simple dinner. Melinda was about to return to the underground world with the fairy grass. Xiao Tie was a little reluctant and reached out to hold Melinda. She was about to linger, but she ruthlessly refused to her.

After all, Melinda is not angry, which confirms Xiao Tie's conjecture,

In fact, Melinda is not disgusted with herself, but may be forced by some pressure,

Maybe in time, it is not difficult to get Melinda's love,

After all, Xiao Tie is very interested in the underground world. He knows how powerful the underground world is. If he can develop and grow in the future, he must get the support of the underground world. Otherwise, he will face many enemies alone. Maybe even his mercenary regiment will be easily defeated. < /P>

"God, since I have so many great talents, let's fulfill my ambition to dominate the mainland," Xiao Tie clenched his fist and called up to the sky on a huge stone independent of the top of the mountain after Melinda left.

Where are the immortals in heaven? Why haven't I seen a person from the divine world appear for thousands of years?

With deep doubts, Xiao Tie looked up at the sky and said in pain: Give me a chance to become the most powerful knife god in the mainland,