Young Knife God

Chapter 166 The First appearance of the wormhole

The roar sounded again, and the girl opened her eyes, and the unbelievable scene in front of her made her mouth close.

I saw Xiao Tie swinging his fist at full speed, and his strength was getting stronger and stronger. As the vibration of the ground became stronger and stronger, the bursting red flame slowly calmed down.

At this time, it seems that the prohibition is changing from red to black, and the outer red flame has been broken. What Xiao Tie did not expect is that there is another layer of prohibition in the inner layer, which is actually dark black.

This substantial black ban seems to have a strong ability to fight, but every punch falls, and the flame splashing from above is extremely cold.

It turned out that in this prohibition, it turned out to be an ice-fire complex,

Xiao Tie became even more angry. Although the flame just did not cause any damage to him, it made the dragon pattern in his hand suck into it. Above the dragon pattern, a dragon shape moved slowly.

The brilliance of the red flame instantly enveloped the whole body,

While sacrificing a light mask on the outside of the body to protect important parts of the body, Xiao Tie raised his divine power and added the star power in his body to the extreme.

Boom, under his series of iron-like slams, the black ban finally showed signs of breaking,

Xiao Tie was excited. He understood that the more difficult it was to open the door, the more attractive the magic skills were hidden.

So he hit more excitedly,

Boom, the whole building seemed to vibrate slightly under his full efforts,

Soon, behind him stood a row of students who heard the news.

There was a surprised expression on their faces, as if they were looking at him like a madman.

However, after dozens of punches, although Xiao Tie was lucky enough to crack the black prohibition, it could not be completely broken.

In a hurry, Xiao Tie shouted loudly and a black knife appeared in front of his body.

It is one foot long and one foot wide,

The whole body emitted a faint black flame, and a cold air instantly traveled through the space, with Xiao Tie as the center, quickly spread, making everyone present scared and change their faces.

"He obviously looks just a sixth-order master, but why is the coldness on his body as cold as the fighting breath on the eighth-order master? It seems that this boy must be strange?"

The face of a yellow-haired young man behind him suddenly changed color,

At the same time, he pulled his companion back a few steps, and then sacrificed an earth shield to protect his body.

Sure enough, the diffuse cold air stopped after hitting the earth shield, making those who are invisible behind the earth shield temporarily safe,

But looking closely at the earth shield, there is already a thin layer of frost,

It's terrible.

The cold air in the air quickly gathered into the black knife shape,

The sound of roaring currents can be faintly heard,

At the same time, the terrible knife-shaped color has become darker, like a huge black hole, and even the forbidden black ball of light has become much darker.

Xiao Tie suddenly opened his eyes and shouted, "Open it!" With both hands, a mountain-like strength emerged and smashed the black prohibition with a bang.

Collect the work, wave your hand, and drive the dust scattered in front of you,

Xiao Tie regained his previous image as a second-rate son, waved a feather fan in his hand, and quietly walked into the house.

In a short time, a fiery red brocade shaft was held in his hand and gently unfolded. The big words on it were particularly eye-catching.

The seventh-order fighting skill---flame swallows the sky,

Xiao Tie smiled and fell into his arms, and then swaggered downstairs.

Seeing the messy ground almost like the demolition of a house by Xiao Tie, the little witch who had been standing on one side was ready to cry without tears.

Hmm, this bad boy didn't expect to be a good house demolition. As soon as he came here, he made a mess on it.

Xiao Tie left in everyone's surprised eyes, but the feather fan in his hand became the focus of everyone's attention.

"Hey, did you see it? Xiao Tie, a talented teenager of that clan, why does he always hold a fan in his hand? Is he very hot? A girl was stunned and praised it as cool in her heart, while saying to the young girl beside her,

"Oh, that's so cool. Maybe this kind of fan will be popular. Oh, I'm going to make one, ha, it's so fun,"

Maybe Xiao Tie didn't expect that after N years, this kind of feather fan spread by him would become a best-selling product in mainland China.

Xiao Tie turned a street and finally stopped.

He shouted coldly: "I don't care who you are? With me, it's time to show up, right?

After a long silence, a burst of footsteps finally reappeared,

Xiao Tie looked back and hummed unexpectedly as far as his eyes could.

It turned out that Miss Oran had been following him behind him,

"Hee, it's me, Brother Xiao. I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to appear here. Oh, I'm a student of this college. You should come to see me often in the future."

There is a kind of letter-catching smile on the pink's little face,

It's a bright smile, but it's hard to hide the hatred in my heart,

Maybe she really fell in love with herself. After all, he has seen some girls like Oran, but it's the first time he has seen them.

"Oh, it's Miss Oran. Oh, I've been busy these days and don't have time to go back to see Uncle Henry. Is he in good health?"

I met Oran,

For some reason, Xiao Tie always has an impulse and enthusiasm beyond the feelings between brothers and sisters.

He even has the impulse to hold her in his arms,

But thinking about whether Oran will misunderstand what he means,

He took it back awkwardly,

Olan laughed out loud,

"Well, you always look colored and fearless, ha, no wonder you are misunderstood as a ** thief, ha, "Olan suddenly laughed. Her smile seemed to be unintentional, but it made Xiao Tie blush,

Her smile pierced Xiao Tie's heart,

Xiao Tie scratched his head awkwardly,

DEFENDED: "It's not like what people say. You know me, brother, I'm an honest man and will never do that kind of thing."

He didn't know what to say when he suddenly felt a warm fragrance on his face, and a soft lip kissed him deeply.

Stily, his blood boiled all over his body, desperately holding the beautiful girl in his arms, hugging her tightly, and kissing each other crazily.

At this moment, he felt that heaven and earth had stopped, and he was immersed in extreme satisfaction,

Suddenly, a hot current surged in the body,

It surged, rushing his body into chaos, and the gas veins also vibrated. A little cold light lit up silently in the astrolabe, as if constantly devouring the light and impurities of the surrounding space.

In the wormhole, Xiao Tie suddenly woke up and knew that he had touched the taboo area in his heart, and the astrolabe was in danger of cracking at any time.

You should know that the occurrence of interstellar wormholes does not necessarily mean the collapse of stars, but it is difficult to judge what the consequences will be.

All this seems to be a manifestation of going crazy,

Xiao Tie pushed Olan away, tried his best to calm his breath, sat cross-legged on the ground, and used the ancient mysterious skills he learned from crossing the earth again.

Luck over and over again, until it gradually becomes smooth,

The breath is also slowly calming down,

The wormhole in the astrolabe disappeared, and then a strange feeling came from the bottom of my heart. A sense of itching spread to the skin of the whole body, and then the body was full of fighting air. The sun in the center of the astrolabe emitted brilliant light, reflecting the whole star.

The five stars actually have a tendency to connect into a line. At this moment, the bright brilliance surged from Xiao Tie's head, reflecting the whole space,

Gold, wood, water, fire and earth, five different stars actually slowly echo each other under the action of the wormhole, emit a faint light one after another. Although the light is not dazzling, under the action of this invisible wormhole, the five stars are like five bright lights strung on a line, emitting a faint light in turn.

At this moment, five different attributes appear on a wormhole at the same time, reflecting each other, which is very beautiful.

Like a colorful horse lamp, it keeps spinning in my heart,

Xiao Tie looked at the fire attribute and waved a punch. Sure enough, a horrible fire dragon rushed out between the fists, smashing a house dozens of meters away.

Damn, Xiao Tie took the work and looked at himself in disbelief, and then at the house destroyed by his hand on the street. The shock was beyond words.