Young Knife God

Chapter 188 Escape from Dangerous Land

The black fighting spirit condensed in front of him, forming a black shield like substance in front of Xiao Tie. Behind this thick shield, Xiao Tie showed a smiling face,

He smiled and said to the dragon, "Now you can let go. Maybe the time will come when we fight to the death."

"Young people, you seem to be too confident. Such a battle can be seen at a glance, so it's not worth losing your life like this."

"It's really troublesome that you don't want to fight and trembling. "

Xiao Tie was a little impatient and said, "Come on, Dragon, oh, maybe you are the opponent who can really let me take action?" After Xiao Tie finished speaking, his right palm suddenly stood up and split down.

Boom, the space energy of hundreds of square meters of space fluctuated violently, converging on his body,

With his full wave, the air explosion of the space exploded and bombarded one after another. One after another of powerful thunder hit the dragon's body. Under this full bombardment, the dragon was actually fearless and did not even have any intention of resistance. It seemed that these gas explosions worked on its body like boots and itching. And make it extremely comfortable, even a pair of dragon eyes are slightly closed and enjoy the free massage sent by Xiao Tie.

These powerful air explosions did not hurt the dragon. On the contrary, the dragon is very comfortable.

When Xiao Tie finished distributing this round of attacks, he found that Ju had no effect on it at all. Almost all the attacks fell on this dragon like coquettish @itch. Xiao Tie was shocked and knew that such a trick was difficult to be effective. He simply gritted his teeth and kicked out the magic knife under his feet.

Wang, a mass of light broke out of the air,

Carrying Xiao Tie into a gray mass of light, he hit the old dragon on the opposite side,

The magic knife cut through the void, and the light became more than ten times brighter in an instant.

The almost substantial light in the air turned into a huge knife shape, bombarded down from top to top, and fell heavily on the dragon's head,

The old dragon in front of him seemed to be aware of the danger in front of him. His eyes opened and released two green rays.

Wow, the dragon's tail swept, and abruptly docked with Xiao Tie,

The dragon tail swept with great power, touching the huge light of the magic knife and making a loud noise,

Although the dragon tail seems to wave casually, it is unstoppable and powerful. The light of the magic knife touches the dragon's tail and bursts a huge flame.

Boom, Xiao Tie was shaken out dozens of feet away, and the dragon also howled in pain, and the sound shook all over the field,

The huge dragon sound came from the sky, and many monsters and low-level scholars under the ground were shocked for a moment, but even so, some people felt that there was a strange noise in their ears, a two-way battle, and a heat wave gushed under the crotch. After touching it, they knew that they had peed their pants.

"Fuck, this is too scary," looking at the mess of the ground, the crowd still watching the lively above the ground suddenly burst into a riot,

After all, at this time, the battle was going on in the distance, and some boldly retreated to the street corner and looked curiously.

But most of the rest of the people couldn't stand the dry sound of the live battle and went home one after another, or hid in a solid building. Maybe it's enough for them to watch such a horrible scene once.

Xiao Tie saw that the dragon was angry and exerted his power with all his strength. After all, this dragon was a first-class warcraft of the college. In the face of several invasions, it stood up at the last moment and defeated the enemy. Such a strong enemy was by no means comparable to Xiao Tie. But the scene in front of us is that Xiao Tie is fighting against the dragon,

It's just that Xiao Tie's strength is slightly inferior. After dozens of moves, he slowly fell down. Under the full power of the dragon, he was full of danger and defeat.

Boom, several violent breaths swept down, and Xiao Tie finally couldn't support it under the strong impact of the dragon one after another.

Wow, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and the mouthful of blood, no less, actually spit on the heavenly magic knife. In an instant, the brilliance of the heavenly magic knife lit up again.

The almost substantial black knife light gradually climbed to an extreme height in the sky,

He waved his palms again, and a huge knife gas as high as three feet and five feet long fell from the sky and bombarded the dragon opposite. At the same time, he took out the poisonous crossbow from the empty ring.

I don't know when he embedded three purple magic crystals on the cyan poisonous crossbow,

With the blessing of these three magic crystals, the whole crossbow body shines with a faint light of heaven and earth,

This bow absorbs the atmosphere of heaven and earth crazily,

The cyan bow instantly becomes extremely hot like transparency,

Xiao Tie took a magic arrow from behind,

This black poisonous arrow was refined by him in recent days with countless energy. It is amazingly powerful. Compared with ordinary arrows, once this poisonous arrow is shot, it will not only automatically find the target, but also the arrow will explode strongly at the moment of touching the target. At the beginning of the explosion, Two poisonous thorium originally hidden in the body of the arrow were pushed out and shot into the enemy's body.

So as soon as this poisonous crossbow appeared, the dragon opposite changed color, and the golden scales instantly turned gray and green.

The light on the scales instantly forms a protective film on the scales,

Shu, one arrow leaves the string,

Break through the air,

With a seizure, he fell into the dragon armor,

The dragon roared in pain, and the road in the sky was broken, and a blood light flew.

The originally unbreakable scales of the abdomen were smashed in an instant, and the sharp tip of the arrow fell into the body and exploded, followed by the second third, the fourth,,,,,,,, crazy poison arrows shot at the same position one by one, and the cyan poisonous flames rose one after another, and the cyan light in the distance Under the cover of the flame, the dragon roared angrily, swinging its body and launching a crazy counterattack on Xiao Tie. Where its scales were damaged, several cyan poison arrows penetrated deeply into the body.

After a series of explosions, several scales on its abdomen were blown away, revealing bright red muscles.

After the trauma made it roar like crazy, it desperately rushed back,

At this time, the dragon really began to pay attention to the opponent in front of him,

Xiao Tie retreated rapidly, because the energy in his body was decreasing sharply. Although the flame ignited in his body, he suddenly had a feeling of floating in the world. He took away the magic knife, and two blue flames spewed thinly from his feet. Huh, his body quickly broke away from the endless dragon and flew like a cannonball. Ten thousand meters high,

The blue flame can definitely be called a peerless strange fire, which not only has no rejection from the human body, but also can coexist with other fighting spirits in the body. The blue energy is parasitic in Dantian and can flow freely with the guidance of the breath. Xiao Tie is just in the war. I have noticed this strange blue flame,

The only thing that puzzled him was that part of the holy flame actually penetrated into his blood and filled his limbs, so even if he moves gently now, there may be a violent blue flame somewhere between his hands and feet.

And this blue flame can actually operate under the control of his mind, so it is extremely convenient to use. Often when the mind moves, this blue flame is like a psychic, and will move in the direction of guidance, + or spray or shoot, with infinite power,

The dragon's eyes were too late to catch up, and only emitted a wild roar. He looked back at the wounds on his body, turned around and left, and the sky was stained with blood in the blue sky.

A rare view,

"Finally, it's over," looking at the injured dragon, Coxon's eyes showed incredible eyes,

This boy actually thought of using the eruption of blue flame as thrust, and the speed was really incomparable.

When he saw that the dragon was injured, he couldn't help but feel a heartache. He thought that the flying dragon was the supreme spirit beast of the college. He had repelled countless invasions of foreign enemies for the college for thousands of years, so this dragon was simply a treasure, and Xiao Tie, a bastard boy, actually shot it with poisoned arrows. The poison of his heart was the previous generation. Martin, the king of poison, is comparable,

"Alas, if you lose your wife and soldiers, what can the college do if it goes on like this? Students have to leave." Thinking of the serious consequences of this failure, a flame ejected from Coxson's eyes,