Young Knife God

Chapter 190 Successful Transaction

Xiao Tie saw Coxon's helpless face and knew that he was already moved, but the price of these 50 divine bones was too high. What a greedy guy,

Xiao Tie's heart scolded,

Seeing that his eyes are becoming more and more invincible, it is useless to know that he killed himself, and if he resists with all his strength, then for him, it will be a situation where the fish will be broken. Even if he can kill Xiao Tie, he will have to pay a heavy price of more than a dozen to dozens of lives in exchange. Such a transaction Obviously, the risk is huge,

He will never do anything that is not good, unless he is a fool,

However, Coxson's life is not easy at present. The college's understanding is not very satisfied with his work in recent years, so there is still an assessment process. In this process, if anything unexpected happens, it will pose a huge threat to his status.

When Coxson saw the difficult guy in front of him, he smiled in his heart. Son of a bitch, if you dare to do business with me, you are still young,

"Xiao Tie, have you thought about it? If you still have to consider my conditions, then I will give a must-kill order to my brothers. After all, the fact that you robbed the blue flame can make you die several times. Oh, the price of a hundred bones is really 90 cents. Young people, it is better than anything else. OK."

Now, the situation has reversed. Obviously, it only costs 50 yuan. In a blink of an eye, it has doubled.

Xiao Tie couldn't help but change his face,

shook his head and smiled bitterly: 'Mr. Coxon, if I heard it correctly, you just want 50 divine bones to exchange, but now you have raised it to 100 yuan, which seems to become too fast.'

"Hey, I just wanted less. You guys only take 50 yuan in exchange for your life. This is really a suitable deal. If it were me, I would not hesitate to agree. Oh, boy, you can be content. If you are still thinking about it for a while, I may add 100 yuan, oh, ”

Looking at the guy who is always looking for money, Xiao Tie's eyes are about to spit out fire.

But he finally clenched his teeth and nodded, "Okay, I promise you, but the delivery date will be a month later, hey,"

"What, you haven't played with me for a month, right? Everyone knows if you will run away in a month. If you kneel down, who will I go with this hundred bones?"

Cockson was so angry that he heard that the one-month deadline was about to jump up, which simply treated him as a fool.

"What do you want to do? I can't get 100 divine bones now. I can't get enough of such a large amount at once. Oh, you know this. The divine bones have always been difficult to find, and the quantity you want is huge, so the delivery time can only be delayed, but if it's 50 yuan, I'm sure to make it up for you in ten days. Oh," Xiao Tie replied softly, which made it difficult for Coxson, who had always been a traitor and slippery.

"Fuck, you boy also raised the conditions with me. Well, within ten days, you can hand over 50 yuan. If you can't hand it over to fight against the enemy, all the teachers and students of our magic college will not let you go. Oh, together at the end of the war, I'm afraid many people will die from death. I think you don't want to see such an ending. ,?"

Cockson smiled,

Xiao Tie snorted coldly, "That's it. Now I can go."

With a wave of his hand, the people under his hands immediately made way. Xiao Tie rode the little tiger and went away.


On the way back, Xiao Tie was in trouble for a while. After all, the bones in his hand were taken from a white bone cave in the giant valley. It is said that there are many horrible giants in this cave. It seems that it is not easy to sneak into the giant's cave again to steal these bones, but since he promised people Home, there is no remorse,

Thinking of this, Xiao Tie was entangled.

Well, I'm hungry and eat something. Let's go home and sleep all night first. Naturally, tomorrow's things will be done tomorrow.

Xiao Tie made up his mind and rode the little tiger all the way to Henry Villa. When he arrived at the village, he found that the popularity here had plummeted. Not only did the number of people in and out significantly decrease, but even those servants of the Henry's family were stunned to see Xiao Tie.

Some are more timid and avoid one after another for fear of angering this uncle,

Inviting unnecessary trouble,

Xiao Tie patted the tiger's head and landed outside his stone. When he saw the destroyed doors and windows, he remembered that the scene when Oran left that night, a sad feeling suddenly flooded everything like a rising tide.

He shook his head gently, his eyebrows locked, and a pair of handsome faces flashed with a rare murderous spirit.

A month later, it was the day of Oran's marriage. I, Xiao Tie, swore that I would never give up. I would take back everything I had,

Xiao Tie swore secretly in his heart, clenching his fist tightly,

An anger rushed to heaven and made his face as red as blood.

At this moment, he looks a little scary, and even his face has a sense of distortion. He looks up to the sky, with a roar and a continuous echo in the sky.

For two days, Xiao Tie has been sleeping. Several people have come to see him these days, but when they see him sleeping, they don't dare to wake him up. On the contrary, Tuba and Tosia come to accompany him from time to time. Xiao Tie always ignores them.

Until the third day, Xiao Tie suddenly sat up on his head. With two days of missing and the fact that the rice had not entered, his face looked extremely pale.

Walking outside, he took a deep breath of fresh air, then stretched out and clapped his palms in the sky. With the applause, the little tiger flew to his eyes and slowly fell down. The huge body-driven housekeepers screamed one after another.

"Oh, my God, the long-winged tiger, good boy, so in the original Warcraft, it weighs tens of thousands of pounds. Oh, if this is a mount for our lady, it would be very beautiful,"

The huge sensation when the giant tiger appeared also attracted the attention of green hair. The old bird was idle in the village for more than half a year. Although it was still capable of flying, it was too fat. At this time, it flew out of a chicken coop in the distance. It was simply a flying ball, and it was high off the ground. It's only about 20 meters, and it's a little difficult.

Seeing the green hair, Xiao Tie laughed and met again after a long separation. He was in a good mood. He hurried forward, reached out and patted the green hair's head and looked at her carefully. At this time, the green hair was more beautiful, but the enlarged body became more and more spherical. Oh, the slim figure and sad fox line when he first came was not at all See,

For some reason, Xiao Tie was excited to see the green hair again.

He gently stroked the beautiful green feathers with his hand, and crystal tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

gurg, the green hair also seemed to understand Xiao Tie's mood. From time to time, he waved huge wings and patted Xiao Tie's back. The intimate friendship between Xiao Tie and this green hair was stunned and looked sideways at the little tiger. The little tiger is now a giant beast with a body length of more than 20 meters, which is no more than three meters long. The magic chicken is just a delicious food in its eyes.

What it doesn't understand is why Xiao Tie shed tears,

Oh, the little tiger roared softly, and the green hair trembled all over. When its eyes saw the malicious little tiger, a strong fighting spirit suddenly appeared in its eyes.

brushed his wings, made a chicken-fighting appearance, and slowly forced Xiaohu to come. Xiaohu couldn't help but be stunned when he saw it. He didn't know where he angered the chicken and also put on a fight. For a while, the battle wind on the field rose again.

"Okay, green hair, there is nothing to do with you here. I'm going to take the little tiger out to do something. You can stay on this mountain to see the house. Oh, I will come to see you again when I'm free." Xiao Tie patted the green hair on the back and said to the distance, "Little tiger, let's go. "I jumped on the back of the tiger, and the tiger soared into the air alone. Go up and fly to the distant sky,

Giant Valley, located 50 miles behind the Black Wind Valley,

When flying over the Black Wind Valley, Xiao Tie also specially instructed the little tiger to fly around the Black Wind Valley. Seeing that the Black Wind Valley was well organized under the management of Gate, he was also very relaxed. He thought that Gator was indeed a talent. In just a few months, he managed these valleys so well. It seemed that his eyes Light will never be wrong.