Young Knife God

Chapter 198 The Last Arrow

The demon emperor was away from the matter with the attitude of a bystander. At this time, he behaved more relaxedly. After all, after the general's mansion really showed his strength, his face showed a little smile.

"Your Majesty, do you want to see the real strength of the general's mansion? If so, we should let the guards of the palace retreat further, so that the teenager can really threaten the general's personal safety, so that the general can truly show his strength and launch a lightning strike at the assassin. It is said that the lightning strike in the military mansion has not appeared for decades. I I wonder if the general's mansion has lost the magic skills handed down from generation to generation. If so, it seems a little reluctant for us to vigorously cultivate the descendants of the general and even give them such senior officials. "The man in black who has been accompanying the emperor said indifferently,

His face flashed a few times, and then he sighed slightly,

"Six, what are you sighing for?"

The emperor has always known about the things around him, so even the next subtle expression can't escape his eyes.

"I'm thinking that such a teenager is simply talented. If he is destroyed by the general like this, it seems a pity."

He sighed again, as if he remembered to see a tragic ending of the teenager.

But this time there was no response. The emperor's expression gradually became a little more solemn, and his eyes closed slightly, as if he was still concerned about the bitter struggle outside.

"Let's go outside and see what happened. I want to know if this teenager is as talented as you said. If so, I have the heart to cherish his talent."

"This seems a little inappropriate. You have also seen the strength of this teenager. If you appear outside, I'm afraid it will attract more fierce revenge. In this way, the danger will be invisibly increased a lot."

"It seems that you still have concerns about protecting my personal safety. Let me tell you, he will never attack me again, because he has killed his eyes red at this time, and the person he wants to deal with has also become a general, so even if I stand in front of him openly, he will definitely not go wrong with me. Move, "

"Oh, it seems that the emperor must know this boy very well,"

"Well, that's right. I just heard that he fired seven arrows in a row. This sunset crossbow is a rare artifact in the world. Even if a person has more power, there are only a few people who can open ten times in a day. I just calculated that he has opened a total of fifteen arrows, so I bet that he has exhausted his strength now, so As long as this crossbow will not shoot again, with his strength, maybe several city guards can easily knock him down, so I have to go out to see how he is captured. Oh, this teenager is a little interesting, so I can't wait.

Without saying that, he strode out of the door,

Two dark shadows follow both sides, one left and one right, always on guard.

In the courtyard, the killing is ongoing and never stops,

The angry teenager was bathed in blood at this moment. He held a crossbow in his hand and held a knife in one hand. The magic knife on his body flew out of the air from time to time, instantly cut down the head of the enemy a hundred steps away, and circled back to his hand again.

These seven-level warriors are simply vulnerable in front of him,

At his four, the bodies of nearly 100 warriors fell one after another,

And he only advanced less than 30 meters, so he had to kill several people at every step.

He also suffered several wounds, one on his shoulder, and an arrow shot into his shoulder bone, which made his pain shrug his shoulders, and a strong force gushed out. In an instant, he squeezed the arrow out of his body, and stabbed a knife behind him. While wearing his clothes, he was keenly found that he turned sharply, punched his opponent back, and smashed his opponent. The head, but at the same time, the opponent's knife did not enter his body,

A force surged from Dantian, and a huge earthquake. The knife bounced down calmly. The knife circled in the air, and then pierced into another person's heart. With a scream, another fell to the ground.

The blood stained the earth,

The five more and more people in black have been standing shoulder to shoulder, quietly waiting under the steps 20 meters away,

They even tasted the tea on the table with a little elegance,

Talking and laughing, he said, "This boy is probably crazy. Even our general's mansion dares to break through. It seems that I must find a way to subdue this reckless boy,"

A person around him said, "Yes, brother, we must be ruthless and accurate. As you can see, this boy's action is a dead move, almost one by one. The knife in his hand is the top three magic knives on the weapon list. In terms of combat power, it is far better than the treasure in our hands. If we allow him to kill again. We really can't resist it."

"Well, don't be ambitious and destroy your own prestige. We are the five heroes in the general's mansion. Without us, the general's mansion will definitely be messed up. Oh, this time we must show ourselves well. Hey, if we kill this annoying boy in one fell swoop, then we won't talk about the general. They will also give us some more worship, oh, after all, the salary of five taels a month is not enough to spend.

"Fuck, five taels of silver is enough. Are you going to play with women again? You should know that men will become bad if they have money. It's about you men."

The person behind him looked slightly angry,

"Third brother, don't be angry. They are all men. It's necessary to play. Oh, otherwise, after a long time, we don't have ** and no combat effectiveness. "The man in black is still smiling, but he quickly shut up, because at this moment, there is no cannon fodder in front of them. A bloody teenager is slowly approaching them with a pair of tiger eyes.

"Fuck, if you want to kill me, don't dream." The leading man in black stood up and threw away the teacup in his hand. The teacup fell to the ground and made a crisp sound. It was divided into two and four.

At the moment when the fragments bounced up, the young man's feet moved as fast as lightning. In one movement, he had already kicked out all eight fragments at his feet.

Wh, day,

The first few pieces shot into Xiao Tie's chest, and the largest piece of the last piece spiraled into the ground, and then burst out from the land under Xiao Tie's feet.

Drilling into his boot barrel,

But what they didn't expect was that when these fragments were about to penetrate into Xiao Tie's body, a few faint sparks silently disappeared. It seemed that such a powerful and domineering attack was disintegrated without even sticking to his clothes.

The turbulent fighting spirit is rolled up,

Xiao Tie's eyes flashed with a chilling murderous atmosphere,

He raised the sunset crossbow in his hand again, and a carved bell aimed at the first one of the five people again. The man's eyebrows in black sweated coldly, and he couldn't help stepping back half a step.

"Get out of the way, if you don't want to die, just roll away," Xiao Tie squeezed a few sneers from between his teeth and seemed to disdain his performance.

The man in black smiled indifferently and said, "Then let's have a fair battle." He raised the knife in his hand, but at the same time, a shield slowly emerged from under him,

The purple flame slowly condensed in front of the chest, forming a faint light,

Five people turn into a line, and five layers of purple flames are superimposed together to form a strong light shield,

The leader said in a low voice, "Come on, let our five brothers learn about the power of the sunset arrow."


The hand buckled on Gong Xuan finally loosened, and an arrow broke through the air and shot out, bursting through the roof of the space to block it, smashing several spaces in succession, bursting out one after another of fireworks. After continuous acceleration, the speed increased to the limit at a distance of 30 meters,

100 meters per second,

Boom, when this arrow hits the light shield shining with purple flame like a loaded bullet,


A burst of sky and earth cracking came,

The bursting air swept around like a wave, such as light arrows, winds, and fierce attack aftermath,

It scattered and withdrew dozens of steps away from dozens of warriors in black who tried to launch a raid from behind Xiao Tie.

Some lighter warriors were directly bombarded and fell dozens of meters away.

Look at the light shield on the opposite side,

There was only a small crack, but the carved collar arrow was broken.

"Fuck, how could this happen?" Xiao Tie couldn't believe his eyes. Obviously, the sunset crossbow was indestructible. How could he not even destroy a light shield? Isn't this combat power too inferior?

His mood suddenly fell to the bottom,

Such combat effectiveness is not enough to continue to fight with the enemy. After all, he is in danger, and his injuries have reduced his combat effectiveness more and more, so in the face of such a difficult opponent, should he stop?

This question hovered in my mind for a long time, but there was no answer,

Because at this time, he found that the enemies around him gathered more and more. Not only that, but also the life-threatening groom in the general's mansion finally appeared in public with the bride's hand.

The situation seems to be extremely unfavorable to me.

However, if he doesn't kill the five fierce enemies in front of him, he may not even have a chance to escape, because he knows that if this light shield cannot be broken, once these five people disperse and attack themselves from five directions, their super strength is really easy to deal with. For the struggling enemy,

So before you escape, you must kill these deadly guys,

Without thinking about it, he put on another carved arrow,

His quiver is empty, and there is only one. If this one still can't do it, he will definitely be buried here today.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, clenched his teeth, and pulled the sunset crossbow away again, but due to lack of strength, the sunset crossbow only opened half,

The deeply damaged shoulder bone keeps rattling, and the blood is flowing. His strength is leaving the body in minutes. If he can't get out in time, he will definitely die.