Young Knife God

Chapter 209 The Four Demon Kings

At noon, with an order, the attack officially began,

A row of infantry with small round shields attacked the cavalry from the foot of the mountain,

Swuffing, the arrows suddenly fell like rain, and the infantry firmly lined up in a square, shouting to attack the guard mercenary regiment from the foot of the mountain.

The Guards Mercenary Regiment quickly got on horse under the leadership of Tubal. After launching a round of rockets, they arrowed the chaos of the infantry phalanx and quickly attacked the infantry.

"Kill, kill them all. Only by completely defeating them will Boss Xiao have a way to live. Otherwise, we will all die here."

Countless shining sabers waved in the air, flashing dazzling brilliance, and the faces of every guard mercenary regiment's soldiers flashed with perseverance and coldness. They knew it was time to show it.

Tu pulled out his eyes and looked disdainfully at the densely arranged locust-like sergeant coming to the mountain, and a heroic breath came in his heart, making him shout: "Hooray!" He led his 500 riders to rush to the phalanx at the foot of the mountain crazily,

Everyone's face is full of hatred and mortal determination, so when they rush down, the momentum is amazing,

The speed of this red flame god's wor is so fast that it reaches in front of everyone in an instant.

A wave of sabers, some soldiers have not even had time to make a move of resistance, and have become ghosts under the knife.

Everyone's eyes have a bloodthirsty animal light, and every sharp dance shines like lightning in the night sky. After this brief shine, there is the blue blood and fishy blood.

From time to time, screams came from the infantry phalanx, like a burst of tension. It seemed that in a very short period of time, the ground was full of incomplete limbs like cutting vegetables and melons. Blood stained the sleeves red, which made people see at a glance that the mercenaries of the Guard Mercenary Regiment were as horrible as killing gods. Every time they waved a knife, there must be one A soul leaves the body,

The infantry phalanx only lasted for less than a quarter of an hour, and then completely collapsed.

The scattered soldiers with large votes madly abandoned their weapons and fled to the city like ghosts.

There are strong fortresses in the city, so it should be a safe place. Perhaps the most effective way to deal with the foot soldiers is to shoot arrows, so in the shooting of crossbows, the cavalry will never get any advantage.

But what I didn't expect was that this cavalry was so fierce that it broke into the city non-stop.

Not only rushed their formation, but also rushed into the city. Thousands of horses in the city were scared out of their wits. They were defeated face to face. Everyone had a horrible and incredible expression on their faces. All they could do was to lose their weapons and run away.

At the end of the war, Xiao Tie also came to the time of life and death. At this time, four enemies appeared on all sides at the same time, and four friends who could be invisible.

These people have set up a stealth black attack array,

I only saw the black wind in the storm,

Dance dancing wildly, Xiao Tie was in the battle and was attacked by dark arrows from four corners from time to time,

Sixiao, countless dark lights shot out from the four corners of the array, attacking Xiao Tie's eyebrows and abdomen,

Xiao Tie sits cross-legged. It is futile to make any resistance at this time. It's better to sit down quietly and strengthen the energy of light protection, so that he can barely resist these deadly magic.

Boom, countless dark lights flashed beside him, and the light on the protection of light dimmed little by little.

"He is going to die in our hands, so our magic is not. It should be spent on hiding, so I suggest that we all cancel stealth, so that the dying guy can clearly know who killed him, so that he will not feel sorry when he goes to the underworld to complain. Hahaha" A violent boy waved the magic blade in his hand and shines a few dazzling rays. In an instant, it turned into a few beams of light arrows and fell on Xiao Tie's body like snowflakes falling from the sky. Xiao Tie was in danger. Before the protection of light was about to collapse, he finally heard the horn of victory. A earth-shaking roar outside came into the array, making everyone feel extremely panic. After all, the situation happened. After the reversal, even if it is powerful to the four dark demon kings, I can't help but be frightened,

They looked at each other speechlessly, and they all looked shocked,

Maybe now they are not thinking about the beauty of receiving rewards and money, but how to retreat completely.

"Kill, don't let these robbers go. You must find the whereabouts of Boss Xiao as soon as possible, otherwise these people will be executed." Not far away, a pleasant voice came to his ears. You don't need to listen to know that it must be Tuba's voice. His voice is fanatical and crazy, like the blood kept flowing from his sword. At this moment, he His eyes sprayed blood, and the appearance of an alien demon king really scared the enemy in the city.

"Oh, the devil has entered, everyone, run away quickly," in an instant, there was another chaos, and the originally clothed infantry phalanx disappeared into a situation of collapse in an instant,

The sergeant lost his weapon, some knelt down, and some rushed around crazily. As a result, he was soon blocked by a crossbow and fell to the ground and died.

The faces of the four demon kings have changed greatly. At this time, they really can't think of any clever plan to kill Xiao Tie and get out safely in a very short time. At this time, he may not even have time to escape. How can this stealth array continue?

The heart disintegrated in an instant,

The four demon kings turned into a gust of black wind, and suddenly waved out of this gloomy land and fled for their lives.

When the formation disappeared and the ground returned to its previous state again, Xiao Tie broke away from his confused eyes and sighed feebly. He lay softly on this black land. His energy was almost exhausted, so even if he extended it for a few seconds, he could not do it. He watched the four demon kings escape. , he secretly celebrated how lucky he was and escaped another disaster.

"Hey, hurry up and find me the whereabouts of Boss Xiao. He went to the city alone. I'm afraid that he will suffer the enemy's poisoned hand at this moment. Hey, I'm really confused. How can I let him go to the city alone? You know, the masters in this city may be a trap, but I can't stop him. I'm ashamed. Friends."

Tupat galloped on the street while saying to Tosia beside him,

Tocia's eyes are also red, and she seems to have just cried,

Seeing that these two fast horses were about to pass by Xiao Tie, Xiao Tie suddenly ran up.

He shouted loudly, "Hey, I'm not dead yet. Are you two a little moral?"

When they heard this sound, the two showed a surprised smile at the same time,

Age off the horse and surround Xiao Tie,