Young Knife God

Chapter 216 Magic Tiger

A day later, the whole brigade went west under the leadership of Xiao Tie and Tuba.

Because there is news that a brigade of enemies behind them are approaching rapidly. It is thought that 100,000 mercenaries behind them have also flowed through the black swamp and are chasing at full speed. Although the wolf riding slower, their endurance is more durable. Once they catch up with Xiao Tie's mercenary regiment, they will kill without hesitation. Hand, and in close combat, the most lethal force is the wolf cavalry,

One hundred thousand wolf cavalry lined up on the grassland, and the spectacular scene of the rush is amazing,

Several mercenary regiments, including the Black Lion Regiment behind them, accelerated to the west one after another, and suddenly the people of the brigade moved forward rapidly.

"When I caught up with the guard mercenary regiment, I gave you a double salary. The thousands of mercenaries under my order immediately cheered, patted the wolf and rushed forward. Looking around, you can faintly see the shadow of the guard mercenary regiment in front of you.

"Hey, rush up and kill these bastards." A large group of mercenaries roared wolves and scrambled to chase forward,

Countless mercenaries chased after him,

At this time, Xiao Tie also heard the roar behind him. Looking from afar, he saw the dust raised by a team of mercenaries behind him rushing forward. Only then did he find that he had overestimated his speed, and these annoying chasers behind him came closely.

Sw, the sound of several powerful crossbows breaking the air sounded above his head, and then the shouts in the distance gradually approached. Xiao Tie only felt that his scalp was numb. Oh, a long wolf horse appeared densely behind him, and they all rushed crazily like chicken blood. If this fell into their hands, there would definitely be no scum left. It's really horrible,

He loudly urged his men to get on the horse quickly. Perhaps only by making full use of the speed of the Red Flame Horse can everything be done.

Sure enough, with the power of the Red Flame Colt, the shout behind him gradually calmed down. Oh, a dragon roar pierced the distant sky. On the black swamp that had just passed, a silver dragon broke out of the earth and waved a huge body and appeared on the horizon. It appeared in the position of the black lion. In the core area where the regiment was located, with a huge flame spewing out, the countless wolf riders made a terrible howl one after another and died in the sea of fire.

The dragon was also a swinging tail, and its huge tail swept across thousands of troops. Woo, woo, countless wolves were suddenly swept to the ground, making a sad howl, and fell to the ground one after another. The dragon's scales on the dragon's body were like knives, and the scales stood slightly, so sweeping, which was quite lethal.

After several strafing shots, the original rainbow-like wolf cavalry brigade was suddenly torn apart, and there were many casualties.

The rest also lost the courage to attack and fled one after another.

This has bought a lot of time for Xiao Tie's calm departure,

Xiao Tie was excited and urged his men to flow away like the wind.

In a very short time, the pursuers behind him were left behind,

After a day and a night of galloping, I finally reached the edge of the western swamp at dawn. Looking around, there was a black swamp in front of me. Although I could occasionally see some starry villages, it was empty and the house collapsed.

Countless black set bats flew down from the sky and roared over the heads of the mercenaries,

Showing their sharp fangs while flying caused great chaos in the mercenary brigade,

Xiao Tie frowned and could see that these bats did not have any good intentions. If such horrible creatures appear in large quantities, they can imagine what they mean to them.

"Stop, everyone stop." Xiao Tie faintly sensed the strange breath, hurriedly waved his arms, and ordered his mercenaries to stop.

"Oh, Boss Xiao, why did you stop? There are only a few bats here. There is nothing to be afraid of."

Tu pulled out and looked at Xiao Tie with a puzzled face. Xiao Tie's heart sank, looked at the black swamp in the distance, and muttered, "Even if I was so far away, I had already smelled a strange energy fluctuation. I dare to say that under the black swamp in front of me, there must be a danger that we had never expected. It exists, so if we pass by from above at this moment, we will definitely anger it. In this way, it will bring us a fatal blow."

Xiao Tie's face gradually became solemn, as if he had no doubt about his inference, and he didn't think about it.

Sure enough, in the black swamp in front of him, there was a loud roar of a monster, roar,

A hanging-eyed white tiger roared into the air from the swamp and chased a larger beast behind it.

The bear is far more terrible than the bear, so it shocked everyone present as soon as it appeared.

"Warning!" With a whistle from the captain, dozens of mercenaries in the front row took out the crossbows behind them, bowed on the strings, and swords out of its sheath, as if they were facing a big enemy.

The two beasts only chased for a moment and stopped because they sensed the change in the atmosphere of the scene, and stopped less than 500 meters in front of the brigade.

Like two dumb birds, staring at the crowd on the field,

Without Xiao Tie's order, several panicked mercenaries loosened the string, and the hook sickle on the crossbow flew out of the air and shot at the two beasts in front of them.

Wh, the sound of arrows keeps sounding,

Roar, an arrow hit the devil tiger's buttocks, and the huge body of the painful magic tiger rolled like a roller coaster and fell heavily on the mud land. A blood mist sprayed, and the dust rose.

Wow, a scary fierce light radiated from the eyes of the magic tiger, and his feet dug the ground like a high-powered locomotive, rushed madly to the mercenary brigade.

Its strength and speed have reached a surprising level, so in the running, the edge of its body has broken through to the speed, and its feathers are like arrows, and a red aperture appears.

There seems to be a flame burning above the halo,

Ding while running, he jumped up and broke through the air like a mountain.

"Quickly, shoot the arrow and shoot it to me," Xiao Tie roared,

Originally, he thought that he would not offend me, and I didn't offend him, but who knew that an accidental accident of his subordinates actually angered the warcraft. At present, even if he wanted to stop, there was no chance at all.

With his order, his crossbows shot in rows and shot densely at the first magic tiger. In an instant, the magic tiger was hit by dozens of arrows, but most of them were destroyed by a mysterious force before they arrived.

turned into several brilliant tail flames and drifted to the ground,

The strength of Warcraft Horror has been demonstrated,

In this way, everyone present received death threats,

When Xiao Tie saw that his men could not stop the magic tiger from approaching, he simply waved the huge magic knife in his hand and cut off the head of the magic tiger.

After a loud noise, a brilliant tail flame exploded above the head of the magic tiger,

The invincible magic tiger finally hummed and fell from mid-air. At the top of its head, a knife mark was deep to the bone, which was extremely horrible.

Oh, the magic wolf after landing, regardless of his blood, roared and had to jump on it, but he saw the huge knife light of Xiao Tie's hand rise again and came into his eyes. It was extremely horrible for a moment.

The footwork is messy and retreats one after another,

"Well, be afraid, I'll let you taste the power of the magic knife," Xiao Tie waved his hand, and another magic knife split down from the air and cut the head of the magic tiger.

The magic tiger screamed and fled regardless. It has just been deeply damaged. If it receives another knife, I'm afraid it will ignore its fate.

However, Xiao Tie refused to let it go. He drove the red flame cub under him and chased him out, but he forgot that behind the magic tiger, there was a more afraid warcraft lying in place. He was waiting for the opportunity to see Xiao Tie's sudden pursuit. Suddenly, he was crazy and let go of the magic tiger, and a pair of magic claws went straight to I grabbed it on my face, and my hand was fierce and accurate, and the timing was not bad.

Wow, Xiao Tie, who was in pursuit, suddenly felt a huge force falling from the air. He was supposed to chase the magic tiger, but unexpectedly, a black thing flew out halfway and rushed to him from the side, and a thrilling call came faintly behind him.

I think I must have only wanted to kill the magic tiger, but I forgot the terrible monster behind me.

At present, without thinking, he made a move, and a white blade in his hand flew out of his hand and took straight to the door of the person.

This air blade was originally used by him to kill the magic tiger in the last blow, but somehow, the magic tiger escaped and let the monster taste it in advance,