Young Knife God

Chapter 119 Negotiation

In a distant place, the Great West Kingdom has only existed in some word-of-mouth legends before. Few people have been to the Great West Kingdom and left any meaningful records, but when the flag of the Great West Kingdom was displayed in front of him, Xiao Tie's heart pounded.

Fuck, there is really a Great West in history. It seems that these people belong to the Great West. It seems that the soldiers of the Great West are fully equipped and well trained.

If you meet your mercenaries one-on-one, it's hard to say who the winner is.

After all, these Westerners are proficient in swordsmanship and have very harsh training for fighting, so almost every warrior is trained with the standard of a fighter from birth.

Fearlessness and fanatical worship have made this army important and invincible.

If it hadn't been for the iron-blooded mercenaries under Xiao Tie who had just demonstrated their bravery, perhaps the urban management would not even have the opportunity to let Xiao Tie meet. After all, the Westerners advocate force. In terms of the strength of the Wu Kingdom, the current combat effectiveness of this mercenary can completely fight to the death with the Westerners.

After all, after strict training, the soldiers of these guard mercenaries have outstanding abilities and minored some magic skills, so they often win in battle.

"At the beginning of the attack, you rushed to the old man desperately and killed these damn beasts in the city,

Tu Ba looked at Xiao Tiegu riding into the stone city for fear of any accidents. Although he knew that Xiao Tie had always had many ideas and rarely suffered losses, it was better to be careful to fight against this strong enemy.

"Hey, regiment leader, do you mean to ride a few hundred of us?" A young mercenary came out and seemed to have some objection to Tuba's order. Tuba fixed his eyes and saw a young man in his twenties, with a sunny smile but a slightly sarcastic look.

He nodded and shouted, "Yes, young man, what's the problem?"

"I think if we continue to fight like this, we will only be defeated and will not take advantage of it. You have to look at the previous situation. The enemy can not only defend behind the strong fortress, but also use powerful catapults and crossbows to shoot our brothers, and the enemy's combat skills are not weaker than ours, that is to say, even if We can be lucky enough to attack the city, and there will inevitably be a large number of casualties. Such a result may not be what we can afford. After all, we have to face thousands of enemies, but our number is only a few hundred. If we attack, we will inevitably be defeated. "

Young people are unobstructed,

However, after Xi's words, Tubal's face turned white and red, red and white. In contrast, only those mercenaries cast their approving eyes from time to time, and their voices were endless.

The map set his mind and knew that if the offensive order was not supported by all the mercenaries, it would still be like a nonsense.

Think about it, what the young mercenary said is also reasonable.

I also blame myself for being too reckless. Maybe it's because I'm eager to save people,

Tuba asked in surprise, "Young man, report your name. You are a very thoughtful person. I appreciate you."

The young man coughed shyly and said, "My name is Cizer, and my ancestors have also been active in this area, so I am very familiar with the situation in this area. However, I don't know much. Maybe it will have some benefits for all of us."< /P>

Hearing that the young man in front of him still had such a ability, he almost jumped up excitedly for a moment.

"Oh, young people, you are really good, oh, then let's talk about what you know about them."

Seeing that everything in the city is as calm as before, he did not pay attention to the news of Xiao Tie's entry into the city as before.

"Oh, that's right. The king of the Great West is called Uzer, a descendant of the lion clan known for its fierce means. It is said that she is a metaphysical orc, and her cultivation level is close to the knife god level, but she has never broken through the realm, so if you fight against her, you must be careful, no However, he was angry and could end the other party's life at any time, "

"What is the combat ability of the Westerners? And why are there fortresses of the Great Westerners in this area? Tuba was surprised by the situation of Daxi people in Daze in the West.

If there are Daxi people here, there can only be one situation, that is, Daxi people have taken the lead. If so, then this trip must have been nothing, which is really desperate,

"I don't know about this. After all, there has never been a history of westward expansion in the history of the Great West, so it is impossible to figure out the appearance of soldiers and horses of the Great West here. After all, the straight distance from the Great West is thousands of miles, which is far beyond the strength of the Great West.

There was a burst of distress in Tuba's heart. He didn't expect to meet people from the West in this place.

What should I do?

He has a big head,

At this time, Xiao Tie is facing a life-and-death test in the city.

"Come on, young man, I heard that you are the leader of the mercenaries in the city. Ha, I appreciate your mercenary brigade. This is the first courage I met after escaping from the Great West, which is not inferior to our Great Westerners,"

In the city lord's mansion, under the swords of dozens of coveted Westerners, Xiao Tie looks extremely calm,

At this time, the ultimate talent shown by him can definitely make him survive from death.

When he heard that this group of people actually escaped from the Great West, there was a burst of ecstasy in his heart. In this case, it has nothing to do with the Great West. Presumably, the strength of his subordinates is only a few thousand people. If he uses his troops properly and even has the possibility of winning, a better result is that he can get himself without a bloody blade. What you want.

"Ha, dear lord, I came to the city to see you, just to help you," Xiao Tie's words aroused a burst of surprise.

"What are you talking about? We are from the West. How can we need your help? Besides, what can you do to help us?"

Facing the poor city owner who almost lost his chin, Xiao Tie smiled and said, "Maybe all you need is the supplies in our hands, and the peerless good horse red flame god horse," Xiao Tie said, which made everyone here open his mouth convincingly.

Francis, the lord of the city, laughed wildly and said, "Well, young man, I've convinced you. If you hadn't touched my heart, I might have sent you to the gallows, haha,"

"Then let's talk about your conditions? As long as my people can pass the test smoothly, hundreds of riders will not pose any threat to you. Therefore, in this way, both of us are profitable. Why not be happy to do such a beautiful thing?