Young Knife God

Chapter 121 Western Ozawa

As the three people fell one after another, the face of the lord became more and more difficult to look,

"Xiao Tie, why do you have to kill them? Don't you know that they have always been my confidants?"

The lord's face became extremely gloomy. After all, the person who killed him had nothing on his face, even the faint murderous spirit in the corners of his eyes came out, and he did not hide it at all.

"Lord, I didn't kill them, but they surrounded me like a nightmare. At this time, there is no other choice but to kill them, so I can't remember it."

Xiao Tie suddenly pushed a clean face and didn't take the angry and almost colored face of the city owner seriously.

And in addition to this, a warrior should kill as many enemies as possible, so as to make himself safer,

This principle is easy to understand, but easy for everyone to accept,

"Hmm, do you want to push it clean like this when you kill someone?" The face of the city lord suddenly changed. If his vision could kill people, Xiao Tie must have been killed thousands of times at this moment.

His hands are a little trembling, as if he is still making final calculations for the life and death of this teenager.

Xiao Tie turned around and said with a fearless look, "So what else do you want to do? Is the lord of the city going to keep me for dinner? Anyway, he is hungry. If the lord of the city is willing and doesn't give face, then you should say that I don't understand, hehe,

"Well, since we cooperate, let's forget everything. Now you can leave. My condition is to send me 100 red flame horses and other materials before dark. Otherwise, this gate will be closed forever and everyone will be blocked."

His expression is extremely horrible, and he seems to have secretly made a great determination to fight against millions of mercenaries.

Xiao Tie smiled and answered well. He turned out of the gate, went out of the city, and rushed back like a smoke.

After leaving the city, Xiao Tie really relaxed. After all, it is extremely dangerous to stay in the city for one more minute. After all, after he killed the eight monsters, God knows how many people will come to trouble him later. In this way, even if he can fight, there are many heroes and enemies.

I went out of the city and trotted back to the camp. Everyone looked at Xiao Tie coming back and shouted excitedly.

"The boss is powerful, the boss is powerful." With these shouts, a large group of mercenaries put Xiao Tiezhongxing into the moon-like account.

At this time, Xiao Tie looked a little tired, but he looked colorful.

"Hey, boss, tell me what happened to you. Is it going well along the way?" A mercenary saw the expression on Xiao Tie's face and knew that Xiao Tie must have done a big thing. For a moment, he was anxious, but it also represented the doubts in everyone's hearts.

"Oh, when it's dark, I'm going to prepare a hundred red flame horses and 100 bags of wheat, and give them to the lord of the city, and he will naturally let us go."

"Oh, a hundred divine horses, the price is not low?"

"Oh, as long as we get to the western swamp safely, even if we lose all the red flame horses, it's nothing. After all, how many horses we need can be bought in the future." After Xiao Tie's guidance, the mercenaries nodded one after another, and everyone shouted together. Call the slogan: "H Long live Boss Xiao, Long live Boss Xiao!" The slogans came one after another, and the sound shook everywhere for a moment.

Seeing an army get up again and come to the city again with gifts,

After count the number of gifts, finally at the order of the city owner, the gate opened and a group of people poured in. Just as the West people proudly count the gifts, Xiao Tie adjusted the horse's head, and his hundreds of elite cavalry immediately turned the horse's head and rushed back from the side of the gate.

After brushing, the cold light of the saber shone, the heads of dozens of enemy soldiers fell to the ground.

Francis, the owner of the city, was shocked and said, "Xiao Tie, you are a villain. When I catch you, I must have skinned you with my own hands.

His unprepared men came to fight, but there were no mercenaries' opponents. After a few rounds, not only were his men killed and injured, but also there was a chaos in the city. There was a fire everywhere. In a blink of an eye, Xiao Tie took back what he had lost and robbed some local supplies.

Haha, Xiao Tie and his party rushed through the city gate and went away. This not only passed the valley mouth smoothly, but also got a lot of urgently needed materials, so after several tossing and turns, Xiao Tie actually made a lot of laughter.

Driving, looking at the group of people leaving*, the city lord stamped his feet with hatred and stopped his pursuers,

After passing this barrier, Xiao Tie walked unimpeded all the way to the vicinity of Daze in the west.

I don't know why, the closer it is to Western Daze, the darker the sky in this area becomes.

There is a pungent smell in the air, which makes people feel like vomiting. Looking far away, they see an active volcano erupting dazzling molten slurry, and red light after another stabbing the endless sky like a sword light. The black smoke is like a huge black ring, tightly wrapped in it. The light does not allow the slightest light to leak out, so the beam of light at this moment looks like a pillar of fire, emitting red light through the gap of the black clouds, reflecting the earth.

After a violent eruption, the sky turned black and rolled. Since it was daytime, it was also extremely dark. Everyone had no choice but to fire torches and sprint along the path. Volcanic ash kept falling from the sky. At this moment, this scene is as horrible as purgatory in everyone's eyes.

Xiao Tie sacrificed the protection of light and formed a huge light mask 500 meters long and 100 meters wide on the periphery of everyone's bodies. In this light that keeps emitting blue light, the volcanic ash no longer falls at will, as if it has been sent by a powerful force and floated to other places.

"I rushed over and the volcano erupted. This section happened to be the place where the ash fell. If we walked too slowly, we would be buried in it." Xiao Tie suddenly found that under the golden volcano in the distance, a red stream spewed out of the crater at a very fast speed like a flood, and then followed The hooks on the hillside rushed to this area crazily. It seems that it will not take long to reach themselves. If they don't pass in time, the mercenary regiment will be driven by this melting pulp.

With Xiao Tie's strong urging, the whole team rushed forward like an arrow away from the string.

After the whole team passed, the road behind it has turned into a red ocean,