Young Knife God

Chapter 229 Voodoo

A strange light flashed in the eyes of the white-shirted young man, and flew down like lightning. In mid-air, the big swords of his hands turned into a ball of sword light, and the continuous light came out from top to bottom. Countless sword lights gathered in one place, forming a three-foot wide, five-foot-long sword light bombarded on the back of the turtle and shot in the back of the turtle. Countless crossbows were crushed in mid-air,

The sword light was so big that it actually blew up several scales on the back of the golden turtle, revealing a row of white skeletons similar to bones below,

A red-haired old man came out of the turtle shell with an angry face and shouted harshly, "Ignorant boy, how dares to destroy your grandfather Tianzhu's treasure. I really don't want to live."

The red hair on his head stood without anger, flying in the air, flying like a flame,

One after another of flames hit the old man again. The white-shirted young man in the sky roared, "Old monster, it must be a goblin. Let you scare me in the lake. Now it will end up with you. If you don't give the treasure to me, I will kill all the people here and ask them to bury you." That arrogant The sound came from the top of the mountain, awe-inspiring, the shocking mountain wind roared, and the water waves were gentle.

The old man in the turtle smiled indifferently,

There are countless rays of light between your hands, flying all over the sky, and the screaming sound is endless, and countless cyan flames burst out like a space waterfall. After spraying a mouthful of blood on it, the whole waterfall became red and sticky in an instant as if it were stained with blood.

A fishy breath surged from the ground, forming a red tornado storm. The face of the drooping white-shirted young man changed slightly and unconsciously sank into the horrible red vortex.

It disappeared in an instant,

Xiao Tie looked at the truth and saw countless fierce blades flying in the red whirlwind. Countless poisons freely devoured the surrounding space, and a black breath spread around, making the whole world dark.

Of course, the white-shirted young man turned into a pool of blood in this terrible storm.

It disappeared in a blink of an eye,

Xiao Tie looked at it and was stunned for a moment. Oh, my God, what magic does this old monster use?

It's so powerful. It seems that this mystery is in this turtle,

Sure enough, in a moment, the red-haired old man put down the back armor on the turtle's back and dived into the water again on the giant turtle.

Then the dragon also sank. Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

Xiao Tie knows that this swollen lake is really a little strange. These guys are not only smart, but also have powerful flying dragons to help. I'm afraid that such a strong strength can't be dealt with by him alone. It seems that it's better for his 500 people to hide aside.

Xiao Tie turned around and said to Tubal, "Mall, you'd better go back and take the surrounding cavalry troops aside to hide. I'm afraid there will be another war here. As long as our people are not injured, it will be fine."

Tu pulled his head and said, "Okay, I'll do it right away, but can you conclude that there will be a deadly war here?" Xiao Tie nodded and affirmed, "Yes, since I can be sure that the baby will land here, I have reason to believe that these 100,000 mercenaries will definitely gather here and fight for life and death. The strength of this old dragon is not weak. Coupled with the strange old man, I'm afraid that this place will turn into a mountain of blood. We just Just sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, instead of rushing into battle.

Tutu left,

Xiao Tie took Joseph and Tosia retreated to a dense forest next to them. It was sparsely populated and easy to hide.

I found a place to hide my body, and several people slowly took a breath,

Damn, there are indeed some treasures in this Western Dazeri. If you want to get it, you have to pay the price of your life.

As soon as several people hid their bodies, they heard a row of black magic eagles suddenly flying in the space above their heads. Each of them was as big as a house. This kind of flying magic eagle, which is extremely rare in the demon world, can be said to have unprecedented combat power and almost met few enemies in the demon world, so even knife god-level masters, It is not necessarily its opponent,

The huge wings passed through the sky, bringing a strong wind, and the trees were swaying. After a violent wind, the ground was full of broken branches and trees, and the sky seemed to be much darker.

Fortunately, these powerful magic eagles did not find the iron below, but lined up for a while, circled around the sky, and then slowly fell to the top of a mountain in the distance.

Xiao Tie was shocked. He thought that this kind of powerful warcraft was almost as powerful as the supreme of human beings. At this moment, he was lying peacefully on the ground and jumped off more than a dozen women in purple shirts from its back.

These women in purple are all beautiful and dignified, handsome and colorful,

Watching these beautiful people like immortals coming down from the back of the eagle one after another, they stunned everyone for a moment.

Xiao Tie muttered to himself, "Oh, my God, what's going on? Are these women immortals?" There was a burst of excitement in his heart. Since the disappearance of the mainland, human beings have not seen the Protoss for 10,000 years, and this time he was really lucky. He could meet so many fairies at once, which was shocking for a moment.

"Alas, boss, we are not a fairy. Each of them has a demonic spirit on their faces. Although they are long and enchanting, they are different from the temperament of fairies. Oh, if I'm not mistaken, they should be some demons."

"Monster, do you mean they are demons? It's really horrible that these people can control so many monsters. Do they have extraordinary magic?

Tocia sighed faintly and said, "These people may be descendants of the voodoo people. It is said that the voodoo people are the most magical race on the demon continent. The voodoo valley where these races are located is full of poison all year round, and they all have a special smell. Some people have been to the voodoo valley, but After returning, no one can live for three days, because they are all poisoned with a strange poison, the rumored seven stars and eight evil poison. The origin of this poison is a dark cave that will never see the sun in the Voodoo Valley, and in this cave there is a huge poison like a mushroom full of black flowers. It is said that the toxicity of this poison is very strong. Even if a person's skin is stained with a grain of pollen, they will die because of it, but somehow, these voodoo people can live safely until now. I think they must have found a way to crack it, right?"

Tosia looked depressed. She thought that she would get the baby smoothly after coming to Daze in the West. Unexpectedly, what she saw in her eyes was such a scene, which was greatly disappointed, but Xiao Tie was so colorful. He looked like a treasure, not only staring at a pair of eyes. Those beauties kept watching, and their men were not idle. They held Tocia's hand in their hands and held them tightly. It was not until Tocia cried out in pain that he realized,