Young Knife God

Chapter 240 Treasure Book

The light on the jade card was shining, and countless skeletons flew down from the jade card. In an instant, they turned into a dark shadow and burst out. The black light man snorted coldly, "Looking for death, these skeletons dare to trouble me and are still a little tender." As he spoke, he waved his hand and released a golden light, sweeping the skeleton in front of him. < /P>

Boom, like a huge thunderstorm, all the skeletons present swept away by this force, instantly turning into pieces of bones and flying around,

Xiao Tie's heart was cold and knew that this black light was good, so he did not dare to approach too much. However, at present, several people came out of the cave. Thinking of it, the cave was also empty, and there was nothing for him to miss, so when he thought of this, he followed the crowd and swam to the other side of the lake shore.

Before landing, I heard the sound of killing in the distance. Almost all of them were fighting with their lives, and the most shocking battlefield was a skeleton battle in the lake.

This jade card is really good. With the words in the mouth of the skeleton Taoist and waved his hand, the jade card under it was instantly enlarged, flew into the air, and then turned into a black whirlwind and rolled down from above.

Boom, a huge air wave rolled in, and countless horrible skeletons were killed from it.

Wow, see this black whirlwind,

Everyone's face has changed,

Huh, a violent storm baptism slowly happened. Hu, the overwhelming skeleton kept falling from the sky, opened its mouth, and fell from the sky. Huhu, the black light man, the purple electric Taoist, together with the flying cloud monk, stood side by side. The black light man with a treacherous smile on his face and opened a huge hand. Pocket, this pocket is called Hunyuan Yiqi Bag, which is also an ancient treasure. He opened his pocket and held it in the palm of his hand. He saw the pocket fly in mid-air and sucked the black storm in the sky into the bag.

The purple Taoist priest held a purple token in his hand, and the token suddenly flew into the air, like a shield in front of him.

The surface of the token is red, emitting a red blood like a flame,

Wow, countless skeletons fell on it and instantly turned into blood. The blood splashed on the surface of the shield and was sucked clean, and the color of the token became more red.

Blood-like color, blood-colored dreams, everything is heartbreaking,

However, after the skeleton continued to break, everyone's eyes turned to the pockets in the hands of the black light. This mixed-yuan air bag did not rise much, but received more than half of the black storm,

Those skeletons fall into it, and there is no residue left,

Wow, there is a continuous Thunderbolt in the sky, like a burst of tension, and the clouds in the sky are dark and gradually merged into one,

The skeleton jade brand has a continuous black wind, and the skeletons are constantly gushing out, which seems to be endless,

But when several people were tired of dealing with it, they saw a man with a bow and an arrow. Looking at the jade card, it was shot with an arrow. With a blast, the jade card was shot to pieces.

For a moment, the flames flew, and the black wind disappeared in an instant. The skeletons shattered and turned into bone slag and flew around. The dark sky gradually had a light to pass through.

This beam of light seems to pass through heavy barriers, which is particularly eye-catching,

Boom, the sound of drums came from all sides,

The returning mercenary brigade poured in crazily from the outside and killed all the poisons that dared to stop them.

At this time, Xiao Tie went down the mountain and was about to leave with his hands, but he suddenly flew over a person from his side, bathed in blood, and plunged on the ground like a meteor. Suddenly, he couldn't wake up.

Xiao Tie walked over curiously and looked carefully. He saw that the person was covered with blood and was very seriously injured. The wound that was about to die did not go down five or six places. What's more, he had just been hit violently, which had already exposed the skull, which was horrible.

Xiao Tie wanted to walk away, but he accidentally found something tightly holding in his hand, which was particularly eye-catching. Looking closely, it was actually a pointed treasure made of white jade. Although it was gray on the treasure, it was still difficult to hide its own brilliance, and the continuous brilliance shot out from its surface. , which made Xiao Tie very happy. After a few steps, he reached out and took this thing in his hand.

I just put it away, but I found that this person's eyes turned slightly and woke up leisurely.

whispered, "Good boy, you dare to rob my baby. If you keep your life in the future, you can't think about Ansheng, hey hey." Unexpectedly, he stood up and walked to Xiao Tie with a bloody face and stretched out his hand to grab it. Xiao Tie fixed his eyes. Then he remembered that this man's face was the same as that of the skeleton Taoist. He thought that this thief would not be eliminated, and there must be chaos in the future. His heart was horizontal and he waved his hand and cut it with a sword. He only heard a chirping. The skeleton Taoist returned to the west, and his body was divided into two. Although the continuous wriggling can no longer be combined into one,

Xiao Tie took action to treat the demon, and then Baojian left quickly with the brigade.

Along the way, although he also encountered the interception of several mercenaries, he was unprepared. Under the fierce impact of Xiao Tie's red flame horse, he suddenly rushed out several gaps, and the people and horses separated away.

For several days in a row, Xiao Tie and everyone were fleeing rapidly. Although several pursuers came from time to time, what made Xiao Tie feel headache was the black eagle swimming in the sky. The black eagle was bigger than imagined.

However, although I met several times on the road, the other party had never doubted Xiao Tie, but just checked a few words and passed.

And Xiao Tie's wandering among many escaped mercenaries is also rare to attract people's attention, but the red flame he rode ran like a flame flying, which often made some passers-by applaud.

When Xiao Tie saw that he was about to walk out of the forest, there was no pressure in his heart for a moment. He simply asked Tuba to take the brigade back first, and he took Tocia to come slowly behind.

After all, it will be safer to walk separately. The whole team often attracts the attention of others. If it attracts people in the devil's way, it will be dangerous.

Fama City, an ancient city located on the edge of Daze in the west, is under the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Parasi,

Although this place is located in the far west, with poor land, drought and little rain, it will flood into disasters when the rainy season comes, leaving countless people homeless. The mudslides caused by heavy rains often destroy their homes, but there is no way out. Smart Falk people actually build cities on the mountains and dig holes of different sizes on the mountains. Living in the cave naturally lacks the impact of natural and man-made disasters. This pattern slowly stabilizes and becomes a scene in the border city. Every year, countless outsiders come to watch it.

The black stone that built this ancient city has also attracted the attention of the outside world, because each of this magical black stone has some special suction, especially for iron, so there is an interesting scene about the processing of this black stone. Some people Two pieces of black stones are used to make a pair of armor, named mother armor, that is, when people wearing these two armors approach, they will naturally be adsorbed together, so there is a legend of mother stone,

Xiao Tie has also heard about this kind of black stone and wants to see the true face.

The two ran around and slowly walked into the city with the flow of people. The sergeants in the city did not strictly check him. They just glanced at them routinely and let them into the city.

After all, in recent years, there have been a lot of people outside, almost as many as the local population.

"Hey, my friend, where are you from and what are you doing here?" As soon as Xiao Tie came to the streets of the city, he met a young sergeant. He waved to Xiao Tie kindly and slowly came over, curiously looking at Xiao Tie and the beautiful girls around him.

Xiao Tie smiled and said, "Hello, my friend, we are here to visit. Oh, we are from the great demon kingdom,"

Magic Country?

The young man was stunned by the name for a long time.

After all, this name was also used by Xiao Tie to deceive people just now.

But what I didn't expect was that I took this young man seriously and thought about it for a long time.

"Oh, it must be far away. To be honest, I have never heard of this country. Oh, this is the land of the great Kingdom of Parasi. The great king Paladin was born in this small city. If you are interested, I can take you to his birthplace to have a look. Of course, the whole process is free."

His friendliness made us both breathe a sigh of relief,

Seeing that the two of us had no objection, the young man introduced himself and said, "My name is Feila. I am the squadron leader of the city guard here. As soon as I entered the city, I saw that the level of you two is not low. Hey, do I still have time to ask you two for advice?"

"Oh, Feila is a nice name. My name is Xiao Tie, and this beautiful lady is, hey, the knife emperor level is not bad. It should be more than enough to deal with ordinary professional hooligans."

As soon as he finished his words, he heard Feila crying and said, "In the past few days, there have been a series of Warcraft injuries in our city. These warcrafts quickly escaped after hurting people. As a result, our people arrived and could not compete with it. This problem has been bothering us for a long time, so I would like to ask for this problem. You two, please do me a favor. If you can catch this warcraft, regardless of life or death, our king will reward you with 30,000 Zixin coins. I hope you don't refuse."

Xiao Tie listened and smiled and said, "What kind of warcraft is this? Even the captain of the company can't do anything about it. Can you ask outsiders to help?"

"Oh, don't mention that this dragon-like, beast-like guy can fly, and often plunder some young women back. In recent years, hundreds of people have disappeared and no one has escaped back. It seems that they have been poisoned. Looking at some poor women, I really don't know what to say. Blame my dereliction of duty, otherwise I wouldn't have asked outsiders to help me."