Young Knife God

Chapter 255 Mountain Bandit

The next morning, the brigade rushed to Heimuya under my leadership, and nearly 1,000 bandits lingered on it. Most of these bandits were rogue children, which were very difficult to deal with. Although there were only 300 warriors around this expedition, it was enough for me. The day before , I have prepared some rockets for them. The attack range of these rockets can reach up and down kilometers, so even if they attack from the foot of the mountain, the power of these rockets is still amazing. Under my teaching, many non-commissioned sergeants have mastered the use of this kind of crossbow, so after understanding all this, these 300 warriors Fast forward to Hesse,

In less than an hour, I pushed into the vicinity of Heimuya. In less than 500 steps forward, it was the first pass of Heimuya. The phoenix fell into the beach. This is a ferry. The people and horses of the brigade had to pass through a stream, but when I reached the opposite side of the river bank, I only heard a gunshot, a river bank Hundreds of mountain bandits have been lined up on the opposite side, and they have formed a neat team. They shouted to this side and shouted, "Useless guy, if you have the ability, come across the river. We will fight you to the death."

"Hahaha, coward, grandpa is not afraid of anything. He is waiting for you here. If you have the ability, come and die. If you don't have the guts, go back and rest early."


"Well, these damn guys are provoking again. When have we been afraid of them? Captain Bai, let the brothers kill them, so that we can have a chance to avenge the villagers," one by one, shouting angrily,

Bai Shuang's eyes swept at me, and I smiled indifferently and said, "Weren't we just equipped with some crossbows? Let's use these crossbows to teach them a lesson."

A smile flashed on Bai Shuang's face and said cheerfully, "Okay, I've been trying to teach these hateful guys a lesson for a long time." With an order, hundreds of crossbows broke out, and the Shanfei team, who were still lazy, suddenly became panicked, and countless crossbows fell from the sky, and in a blink of an eye, they turned the other side of the river beach. At the slaughter site, hundreds of bandits who stood neatly lost most of them face to face.

"Kill," Xiao Tieling flag waved, and the brigade rushed up and rushed across the river in an instant. They fought against the remaining bandits. These 300 people were all elites in the army. They all had unprecedented fighting power and rushed out for a moment, like destruction, which was unstopp>

Those mountain bandits fought several times, but saw that they couldn't take advantage of them. Instead, they put hundreds of lives upside down. Then they shouted to retreat to the mountain. Xiao Tie saw that the situation was favorable and roared and took the lead to go up the mountain. In this way, they suffered those bandits on the mountain. The mountain was already combed for prevention, plus this The impact of the vortex soldiers of the mountain suddenly became chaotic, and Xiao Tie bravely advanced lightly.

Only one impact attacked the mountain. Coincidentally, there were originally about 1,000 bandits on the mountain, but at this moment, there were less than half left. Most of the bandits were taken out of the mountain by Yan Nantian to attack the other bandits all the way, so this made Xiao Tie win.

Just as Xiao Tie attacked up the mountain like a broken bamboo, a big man and a beautiful woman jumped out of the air. Two people blocked Xiao Tie's way. It seemed that Xiao Tie was the leader of this team. One drew a knife, the other danced hammer, and both killed.

Xiao Tie did not talk nonsense. The black light in his hand rose again, and a nearly substantial knife gas was generated from the palm of his hand, hovering and flying away.

When these two people saw this gloomy and horrible knife spirit, they changed their faces one after another. One of the beautiful women frowned and said, "It's actually a magic knife. Who are you? Why do you have such a weapon?"

Her eyes were awe-inspiring and seemed to be very resentful of Xiao Tie. She looked at the magic knife in Xiao Tie's hand without blinking. Between angrily waving, the knife gas came out, cut through the void, and cut down from the sky unstoptably. Her heart was actually a red red flame magic sword, so a sword handed over Out, it actually shattered all the Taoist magic lights on the heavenly magic knife,

The footwork is wrong, and the body jumps up like a cannonball, chirping, a sword like a rainbow, stabbing Xiao Tie's front heart,

Although Xiao Tie has not yet reacted, his opponent's sword is very sharp, and a pale cyan knife breath appeared in the air, roaring,

Xiao Tie snorted in his heart, and the astrolabe on his body was shining brightly, and a sharp knife breath was injected into his magic knife. A black light was cut down.

Fifty steps away, the young man waved a big knife in his hand and resisted the beautiful woman.

Hearing a loud noise, the two of them were shaken back a few steps together. Xiao Tie roared softly and circled up like a giant eagle. The blades in his hand were constantly cut off one after another. The sound of roaring gas continued to burst. The knife light fell to the ground like a meteor, making the earth faintly good, and the bodies of both of them I was shaken by this strong force, bounced up and fell, but I was forced to hold back, otherwise others would have vomited a mess long ago.

Without the entanglement, the two people looked at each other, exchanged glances, and retreated one after another. Xiao Tie saw that the two powerful opponents retreated naturally had another ecstasy. He danced the devil and rushed into the remaining hundreds of mountain bandits with one knife and one life. After a slaughter, the number of enemy soldiers was rapid. The speed was reduced to less than 100 people, and the rest were even more frightened. Before everyone could take action, they raised their hands and surrendered one after another. Oh, Xiao Tie was overjoyed to see that this precious land had returned to him in less than two hours.

When the two Bai Shuang saw the smooth completion of the task, they were also happy and punched Xiao Railway one by one: "Mr. Xiao, you are really smart. We won the first battle. Although we didn't find Yan Nantian, the nest has been destroyed, so that we can go back to our lives." Xiao Tie is also happy to accept it. Although he has also heard that Yan Nantian is the number one master here and has always been invincible. Even if he faces Yan Nantian, he may not have a chance of winning. In this way, it is better to let go. Return by plane,

But it's getting late outside. If you retreat at night, you are afraid of being laughed at. Let's just stay on the mountain for a night. Xiao Tie chose the place where Yan Nantian once lived and stayed down. This room is the most luxuriously decorated room on the mountain. It is full of gold and silver objects, and even a bed is made of pure gold. Damn, what kind of person is this Yan Nantian? He can enjoy such a good thing. He must have snatched it from other places. While thinking about it, he suddenly heard a faint sound of crying in the inner room. He opened the curtain and walked into the room, only to find two handsome women sitting by the bed crying.